Clarity Breeds Success: Setting Clear Team Expectations
Every ???????????????? ???? ????????????, but one thing that remains constant for success is great performance. To perform well, people need to know what is expected of them and convey any issues they might have fulfilling those expectations, which needs clarity in communication from both ends. We at Able Ventures help you ?????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????. Want to know how?
Let us share a relatable situation with you all. At the outset of your professional journey, seeking clarity about what your manager expected from you was paramount. This helped you plan your day and decide what to do. Your managers also encouraged this practice for optimal performance and time management.
As time passed and you climbed up the ladder and became a manager, you felt something was missing from your team’s performance. Even after being appreciated as a high-performance team that delivers on timelines and achieves business goals, something felt amiss. Working late, multiple revisions, or sometimes having differences of opinion detrimental to team bonding were common areas of concern. Sounds familiar so far?
If you reflect closely, you will be surprised to know that the missing piece (and hence, the solution) is nothing but ?????????????? ?????? ?????????? ???????????????????????? which is one of our foundation stones as a working professional. Due to the daily routine and work pressure, you no longer connect as a team as much as you did in the past.
???????? ?? ???????????? ?????????? ???? ?????????????? and business goals, we sometimes miss the larger picture and do what is the need of the hour without realising how it impacts the next-in-line team member.
The fact that you are still reading makes us believe that you too want to lay a ?????????? ???????????????????? ?????? ???????? ???????????????? ?????? ???????????? ??????????????. Want to know what we should do next??
Call for a team meeting the next morning. Believe us - this will be the most productive meeting that you ever had.?
Here is a quick snapshot of the pointers that you can share with them to make sure everyone knows what's expected of them. These would not only ???????? ???? ???????????????? ???????? ???? ????????????????, ??????????????, ?????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? but also ???????? ?? ?????????????????????? ????????.
So, let's crack the code!?
When the team members agree and commit to fulfilling the expectations, the team energy level receives a boost. These pointers are super important for keeping things on track, getting work done, and making sure we all succeed together.
The plain fact is that all of us know what is the right thing to do. It’s simply a matter of someone reminding us of these simple but powerful habits to be followed with discipline. We at Able Ventures incorporate these habits in all our ???????????????? ?????????????????? to provide ?????????????????????????? ?????? ???????????????? work experience and ?????????????? ?????? ???????????????? ??????????????????????, ????????????????????????, ?????? ???????????????????? of your company.