Clarify to Stand Out at Work

Clarify to Stand Out at Work

The Work Positive Blog

Nearly all of the trees on our farm had dropped their leaves one fall except for one maple tree. This one maple tree held on to its leaves like a kid hanging on to his blanket when Mom says it has to be washed.?

?The other trees were gray and looked like sticks. This last maple tree put on a show of color, its green leaves turned yellow, then orange, and red against the mundane backdrop of the woods.

?A botanist would say the maple tree’s combination of rainfall, nutrients and sunlight determined its leaf dropping.

?For me that tree was unique.

?Is your work like this maple tree, uniquely displaying your exceptional qualities in a negative work world?

?Or, do you blindly follow the mundane crowd and join the chorus of negativity?

?Here are three areas of your work in which you can stand out and display your best, maple tree characteristics:


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Vacation reading is like getting a free pass to ride the vacation train, right?

?I mean you get to choose the book.

?What if you could choose the book, for FREE?

?What if it’s filled with engaging stories that keep you turning pages?

?AND what it helps you create a positive work culture?

?Get your FREE copy of Dr. Joey’s best-seller, Work Positive in a Negative World: Team Edition. You pay only the shipping and handling.

?Go right now to and join the Work Positive Culture movement!

?This Week’s Do One Thing (DOT)

?Taken from Dr. Joey's best-seller that’s on Amazon, Small Hinges Swing Big Doors, at

?The DOTs are organized into five groups of small hinges.

?Think of them as groups of habits or core practices. You do them once. And then again.

?Lather. Rinse. Repeat. (That’s funnier when I say it in person. I’m bald.)

?Pretty soon they are as much a part of your work as your eye color and dominant hand.

?Here they are:

?The first is PERCEIVE. This group of small hinges swings the big mental door at work.

How do employees think about their work? What perspective do they bring to challenges and problems? Where is their focus?

?The second is CONCEIVE. This group of small hinges swings the big social or relational door at work.

?How do team members relate with one another and customers? How do they deal with negative people without becoming one themselves? What key characteristics do the dream teams exhibit?

?The third is BELIEVE. This group of small hinges swings the big emotional door at work.

How engaged emotionally are team members with their work? What role does imagination and innovation play in work? How much of a competitive advantage is creativity?

?The fourth is ACHIEVE. This group of small hinges swings the big physical door at work.

When is productivity at its highest? Led by whom? And how?

?The fifth is RECEIVE. This group of small hinges swings the big ethical door at work.

How do leaders serve teams? How do teams serve customers? And who says “Thank you” to everyone who touches the business and keeps the lights on?

?Get your copy of Dr. Joey's best-seller, Small Hinges Swing Big Doors, on Amazon for only $0.99 at

?The Work Positive Podcast

Where we work has changed for so many of us. Companies have persons distributed globally now.

?There are so many advantages to this redefinition of work because everyone wants to #lovewhereyouwork and #lovewhereyoulive, right?

?One of the challenges is building a positive work culture with teams distributed globally.

?Dr. Joey’s guest on this episode of the Work Positive Podcast helps you meet this challenge head on and conquer it, using technology to your best advantage. And she’s living this #bestworklife right now.

?Holly Grogan is the Chief People Officer at a Dallas-based company, AppSpace and she lives in Tampa. Listen as she shares with Dr. Joey about how to create a positive work culture even with distributed teams, and:

???emphasize a clear, mission-driven culture.

???enhance global collaboration and maintain a unified culture across multiple locations.

???promote flexibility with career development opportunities to reduce team turnover.

?Listen here:

?#positiveworkculture #culturecounts #workpositive #humanresources #culturetransformation #shrm #engagement #bestplacestowork #remotework



