35 Stats About Product Innovation All CEOs Must Know
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Everyone seems to be talking about AI integration into business solutions, product innovation strategies, and a few other key buzzwords.
Reality, however, seems to be much more diluted, at least for businesses.
To help give you a more realistic view of product innovation and service development we've compiled key findings from several global surveys from research giants like:
35 Product-Innovation Statistics You Need to Know About
- 80% of senior executives rank innovation as a top-three priority for their companies,
- With 66% of executives plan to increase their innovation spending, 42% of which expect to boost investments by more than 10%
- However, 70% of companies working on product innovation prefer “incremental innovations”, as in minor and progressive improvements to existing products
- Only 9% of companies pursue disruptive innovations
- 36% of companies surveyed report working on entirely new products, with the majority heavily focusing on AI and Internet of Things (IoT)
- 19% of companies reported investments in augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR) in the last 2 years for their product and service development
- Last year the three most innovative companies were: Apple, Tesla, and Amazon.
- However, Samsung broke a couple of significant ceilings the previous year. The company invested over $17 billion—9% of annual sales—on R&D, making it one of the world’s largest spenders on innovation. Samsung was granted 6,300 U.S. patents in 2022 alone.
- 55% believe the governments should encourage R&D by incentives; while 71% say educational upgrade is a key tool governments can help equip the private sector
- 33% of companies plan to invest in AI over the coming 2 years, while 30% plan to invest in big-data analytics; the remainder are divided among cloud computing, digital networks, automation, 3D printers, IoT, and others
Obstacles to Product Innovation
11. 38% said lack of funding and resources is their primary challenge
12. 25% of report Uncertain demand for new goods or services as an obstacle to innovation
12. 35% stated cultural resistance to new technology as a main concern
CEOs mentioned a list of other challenges also impacting their innovation potential:
13. 69% Organizational and operational limitations
14. 13% said legal hurdles and rigid regulations are key obstacles
15. 38% noted lack of time to develop and test new products
16. 33% attributed their lack of technical skills and know-how as an innovation inhibitor
Competitive Advantage
17. 49% of senior executives say sustainability is a key component in their innovation plans, and view it as a very progressive and necessary concept for the development of a robust competitive advantage
18. In general, 96% of surveyees agree about the impact of sustainability on competitive advantage; however, not all are actively pursuing it as a goal or an ingredient
Actions Taken by Companies to Enhance Innovation
19. 60% believe it's the role of senior management to encourage and enable innovation across the enterprise.
Key examples include encouraging experimentation; holding brainstorming sessions across juniors; and providing incentives for employees to take risks and innovate
20. 47% say the shortest route is to hire talent with the needed technological skills
21. 47% believe hiring consultants is a huge plus
22. However, only 45% believe upskilling existing staff will help in matters of product innovation
Companies Use M&A to Access Innovative Technologies and Expert Talent
When it comes to companies that are actively pursuing product and service innovation:
23. 36% say they actively consider acquiring companies with innovative technology or processes
24. 32% say that innovation experts are a core part of their M&A consideration
The Difference Between Companies that are Ready for Innovation and Businesses that Aren't
25. 72% of innovation-ready companies are committed to full data transparency, while only 35% of the remainder of companies are
26. 58% of innovative companies have clear portfolio targets, versus an average of 38% for the total
AI’s Impact on Business Innovation Varies Significantly by Industry
The following is an aggregate impact of AI on:
- Portfolio prioritization decisions
- Discovering market trends
- Identifying players with external innovation potential
- Identifying new innovation themes and directions
- Idea-creation process
- Informed innovation investment decisions
27. MedTech ranks the highest with a 51% average impact of AI adoption on its innovation and operation
28. Pharma comes in at 39%
29. Transportation, Finance, and Telecom each have an average AI impact of 34% on product innovation and overall operations
30. Automotive and Tech hardware each have an average of 33%
31. Tech, Energy, and Manufacturing follow closely with 31%
32. Retail comes in last with an average impact of 17%, the majority of which is related to discovering market trends
Some Other Interesting Stats
33. 54% of successful companies consider the ability to kill a project a core strength
34. Maintaining innovation-capable talent is a key concern for 38% of businesses
35. 50% of middle managers surveyed do not believe their leaders fully display the vision and passion needed to make innovation happen
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