claiming your power back
Cristian Garcia
Financial Advisor | Wealth Strategies | Trust Coach & Thought Partner
Have you ever had a gut feeling calling you to act upon something yet you ignored it because you felt insecure or not capable enough? You see we all have different passions and curiosities something that makes us spark. In my case since i was a young boy i always loved talking to older people and just learning about what works for them. Other people liked to play soccer, learn music, dancing, acting or they expressed themselves in various ways. Not to say i did not enjoy playing sports and being a normal kid getting lost in play but what truly sparked me was learning about others.
Somewhere along the line i started to grow and i adopted what was in my environment toxicity, scarescity, fear something always seem to miss like if we had to go out and find it for ourselves. What society was teaching me was that i was not enough that if i wanted to feel happy i have to go find external sources to fulfill my soul. The great American dream was implanted to me i had the right to pursuit happiness it is my right to find it. At a young age i learned that i myself was not enough to be happy because society said i had to have the new car, toy, clothes, i basically had to continuously be a consumer of the great beast called capitalism if i hoped to be enough. its like i had no say the more i got exposed to the world outside of home the more i got bombarded with ads selling me something to feel avoid.
The truth is that i was betraying myself at my core i have always known i am enough to succeed and to feel happy. my emotions are mine to feel and i have the power to create them. You see they say happiness is the ultimate goal but in my eyes they are wrong, happiness is the start of your true power. When we are happy we tend to create with intention because our energy is there one hundred percent present. That is what makes us glow because when you do things that feel good, you line up with the vibration of abundance because you surrender to your true power of self love and acceptance. Truth is you are enough and when you have a gut feeling go and chase it, it's your calling to fulfill the universe is always in expansion and its trying to grow through you. You are vessel and you carry a unique message that no one else can share like you can. We are enough claim your power back and start from a point of love and service.
You don't need to fall victim of consumerism or comparison we are all in our own journey and attached to the same creator we are all one. For every action theres a reaction by stepping up to your true power you are helping the universe expand and with that you will be able to receive more than we ever imagine but it all starts from a point of service what can you do today to help society move forward? when we dedicate our time to help others expand we are going with the natural flow of the earth, that inevitably will lead us to better grounds. I dare you to be yourself what part of your lense can you clear today?