Claim your FREE e-learning course
Learning is one of the most empowering things anyone can do for themselves and self-harming is an escalating phenomenon that we all need to be consciously aware of.
The Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (WHO/HBSC) report (due 2015) is expected to confirm that there has been a threefold increase in the number of teenagers who self-harm in England over the last decade. Up to one in five 15-year-olds surveyed said they self-harm and 43% said they self-harmed at least once a month!
So, I am pleased to invite you to take our 'Self-Harm Awareness' e-learning course FREE of charge (usually £9.99 plus VAT).
The course was designed for healthcare security officers, but is relevant to professionals working in any sector. The training informs about the nature and worrying extent of self-harming in the UK, identifies vulnerable groups; develops understanding of why people may self-harm and common methods used. It also introduces the concept of a ‘harm minimisation’ approach and provides guidance on how best to support patients who have self-harmed or are considered ‘at risk’ of doing so.
It should only take you 90 minutes or so to complete.
As soon as you qualify, you can download a personalised certificate, endorsed by the National Association for Healthcare Security (NAHS) that reflects your achievement. And, if you are a member of the Security Institute's CPD scheme, you will have earned yourself 2 valuable 'structured' CPD Points.
Claim your Free training course
1) Simply visit:
2) Scroll down the page and select 'Course 1. Self Harm Awareness'
3) Follow the 'logging in' instructions.
4) In the form field titled 'Gift, Coupon, or Redemption Code?' enter 'linkedin1' and click Apply. You will be notified that a discount of 100% has been applied.
5) Continue to complete the order process as normal.
NOTE: You WILL NOT be asked to enter any payment details at any stage.
6) You will then be able to access the learning.
Best wishes,
Jim O'Dwyer
AEGIS Protective Services
T: 01202 773736