The CLA IP Section - Month 1
Month 1 as IP Section chair has been a whirlwind. It's hard to believe that less than a month ago I was in San Diego, for the CLA Annual Meeting. Since then, the IP Section has hosted a number of fabulous webinars and Interest Group (IG) meetings. On October 6, 2023, we conducted our first virtual office hours with the chair. Inevitable Disclosures, our biweekly e-newsletter, now includes a letter from the chair. I have been meeting with leaders of other CLA Sections, to identify opportunities for collaboration. Likewise, I am reaching out to local bar associations, to identify similar opportunities. Together, we are stronger. This is not a zero sum game.
Our IP Section Mix and Mingle Event, at four sites (SF, San Mateo, LA, SD) throughout the Golden State, will be this Thursday, October 19, 2023. Here are more details:
Our 47th Annual IP Institute is quickly approaching, from November 2-4, 2023, in San Diego. Below are details:
These are excellent in-person events, perfect antidotes to the isolation caused by the pandemic, opportunities to talk shop (or not), and, if so inclined, to learn about my latest hike.
See you soon!