CKLA Ancillary Materials for Preschool - Second Grade
The Core Knowledge Sequence provides free digital downloads of our CKLA Ancillary Materials for teachers in preschool through second grade.
For CKLA ancillary materials for grades preschool - second grade, please visit this link.
These materials contain the following:
The general overview of Core Knowledge Language Arts Preschool (CKLA Preschool) describes the design of the program and its various components. In addition, the resource offers suggestions around facilitating language as well as supporting the needs of diverse learners during CKLA instruction.
Nursery Rhymes and Song Posters display text and images from traditional rhymes and songs. These posters are used during circle time and small group activities as a means of familiarizing students with the structure and sounds of oral language.
Kindergarten Skills
Teacher Components
Large Card Sets (Units 3–10): Large Cards are used in chaining exercises to help students practice phonemic spelling while also offering them an opportunity for movement.
Sound Poster Sets (Units 3–5, 7–8, 10): The Sounds Posters provide a visual reminder of the code knowledge students have been taught, and are a useful reference for spelling and writing.
Student Components
Student Chaining Folders (Units 5–7): Student Chaining Folders provide spelling practice.? Students arrange Small Letter Cards on these folders in order to spell words comprised of sound spellings that have been taught.
Small Letter Card Sets (Units 5–7): Small Letter Cards provide spelling practice. Students arrange the card on their Chaining Folders in order to spell words with the sound spellings that have been taught.
Blending Picture Cards (Unit 2): The Blending Picture Cards are used as part of early blending practice. They are designed to provide a visual cue, which supports students with blending the names of various objects.
First Grade
Teacher Components
Consonant Code Flip Book: The Consonant Code Flip Book is used to introduce or review consonant sound-spelling correspondences. It can also be utilized at any time to support individuals or groups in need of targeted remediation and practice.
Vowel Code Flip Book: The Vowel Code Flip Book is used to introduce or review vowel sound-spelling correspondences.
Spelling Cards: Spelling Cards are used in conjunction with the Consonant and Vowel Flip Books to record student progress. Teachers affix the spelling to the corresponding chart when a new sound-spelling is introduced.?
Student Components
Large Card Sets: Large Cards are used in chaining exercises to help students practice phonemic spelling while also offering them an opportunity for movement.
Individual Code Charts: Students use the Individual Code Chart to record the sound-spelling correspondences they have learned. They are encouraged to refer to the Individual Code Chart when reading and writing independently.
Second Grade
Teacher Components
Consonant Code Flip Book: The Consonant Code Flip Book is used to introduce or review consonant sound-spelling correspondences. It can also be utilized at any time to support individuals or groups needing targeted remediation and practice.
Vowel Code Flip Book: The Vowel Code Flip Book is used to introduce or review vowel sound-spelling correspondences.
Spelling Cards: Spelling Cards are used in conjunction with the Consonant and Vowel Flip Books to record student progress. Teachers affix the spelling to the corresponding chart when a new sound-spelling is introduced.?
Student Components
Individual Code Charts: Students use the Individual Code Chart to record the sound-spelling correspondences they have learned. They are encouraged to refer to the Individual Code Chart when reading and writing independently.
Additional Components
Fluency Packet: The Fluency Packet provides opportunities for students to practice reading with fluency and expression. This online-only resource contains poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, as well as Reader’s Theater selections.
Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide: Designed primarily to provide instructional scaffolding resources for reading specialists, special education teachers, and ESL teachers, the online-only Supplemental Guide offers activities that the general classroom teacher may use as needed. Resources include adapted read-alouds, engagement supports, Vocabulary Charts, Multiple Meaning Word Activities, Syntactic Awareness Activities, and Vocabulary Instructional Activities.
For additional resources, available for either free digital download or purchase, visit our online curriculum or our online bookstore.
What is the Core Knowledge Sequence?
The Core Knowledge Sequence, the blueprint for knowledge-based schooling, represents our best effort to identify and describe the specific core of shared knowledge that all children should learn in U.S. schools. The Sequence is intended to help children establish strong foundations of knowledge grade by grade from preschool through grade eight.