CK Celebrate 25 Years
CK celebrate 25 years
We are delighted to announce that the CK Group celebrated its 25th anniversary at the beginning of September. Liam O’Connell and Ashley Kirk founded the organisation in order to provide specialist recruitment solely to the scientific industries where they noticed that there was a significant service gap. They also wanted to deliver a service that would set them apart from the crowd by working with transparency and integrity. CK quickly became a leading staffing organisation that now provides a full spectrum of recruitment services for the scientific, clinical, technical, IT and engineering industries
A lot has happened in the past 25 years…. back in 1991, whilst waiting for the business phone line to be installed, Ashley and Liam would run across the road to make calls from the local red telephone box. Little did they know over in CERN in Geneva, Tim Berners-Lee was creating the first web browser and introducing the Worldwide Web. When they did finally get a computer it promptly burst in to flames….. ..
Even though IT was sparse, they must have had access to a clockwork radio (invented this year), which would most likely have been playing the Bryan Adams’ single ‘(Everything I Do) I Do It for You’, since this spent 16 consecutive weeks at number 1, or one of them may also have bought Nirvana’s ‘Nevermind’ which was also released this year, on tape no doubt.
Back then, CK only had offices in Sheffield. At the time Ashley and Liam opened CK, coincidentally the M40 was also opening its final phase of motorway through Oxfordshire (we now have an office in Stevenage). Little did they know then how much time they would be spending heading up and down the country!
CK has survived the trials and tribulations of the last 25 years, in fact the year CK started out the UK was already in recession. Actually it was the very same year the Maastricht treaty was drafted which led to the creation of the single European currency, the euro. There has been so much change for the past 25 years, in the UK and Europe, and we are of course expecting more, but CK has always come through it and will continue to do so.
Liam said about the past 25 years “It’s been exciting, stressful and incredibly rewarding. We have seen huge changes in the industry over the last 25 years and are looking forward to seeing the developments in the next 25 years”.