[CJP Insights] Turning on videos during team calls.
To be or not to be' is a soliloquy of Hamlet's where he contemplates death and suicide - its a major dilemna?
In the post Covid era of WFH, we often face the dilemma of whether we should or should not turn on the video during team calls
Potential roadblocks are
-??????????Am not dressed formally
-??????????Haven’t applied makeup
-??????????Hair is in an awry state – will apply shampoo and conditioner tomorrow
-??????????Internet Bandwidth is poor
-??????????Have taken the kid in my lap
-??????????Am about to doze off to sleep?
-??????????The background wall is not good – there are biscuit packets lined atop the almirah, clothes strewn around…
Practical challenges!!
-??????????Everyone else has turned on the video, including the boss
-??????????It’s a one-to-one with a potential client and the client has turned on the video
In Sep’21, a study conducted by University of Arizona Eller College of Management advocated that turning off the video freed people up to stop concentrating on their own faces, and instead focus more on the content of the meetings. On video calls, people often feel like they’re being “watched,” so they’re hyper-focused on their expressions and how other people might perceive them
However, a Dec’21 study conducted by Zoom and research firm Morning Consult said
-??????????In 84% cases, hiring managers were more positive the candidate who turned on the video during the interview
-??????????75% of professionals report feeling more connected to their tasks at hand and work more broadly when video is on during their meetings with colleagues
-??????????72% of people managers feel that their direct reports are more engaged when they have their videos turned on, improving reportee-manager relations
-??????????79% of professionals feel their colleagues pay attention when they have video turned on.
Now the billion dollar question is , who is right ?
And should ‘video-on’ be mandatory? How can team embrace a “video-on” culture increasing engagement, trust, and productivity.
What is your view?
Will love to hear
Thanks & Regards!!
Sonia Singal : CA Job Portal?