The Civil War for FREEDOM Day 2
In this video Allen Hughes presents what actually is occurring and why we are truly in a civil war. Consider that:
1. Equally divided as to political ideologies.
2. Those two ideologies are quite different.
3. Supposedly we have hundreds of thousands dead and no politician could have prevented that. Pointing fingers has never saved a life.
4. Foreign entities are taking sides.
5. Large companies are supporting political agendas.
6. Media is polarized and has not only swayed the outcome has done so with special considerations and will drive future outcomes.
7. Family is against family and friend against friend in furious debate and fear of reprisal.
8. The overthrow of the Constitution is being supported from the inside of the government.
9. Citizens freedoms have been taken away.
10. Deployment has been initiated against citizens, while standing down at times, nothing has been done in regards to rioting, burning and killing in the streets.
11. Legal recourse is politically driven.
12. Local government is not protecting local citizens and has not listened to church leaders, conservative organizations and businesses.
13. State governments have not accepted assistance from the Federal Government at the cost of life, property in intimidation.
14. Local Government has circumvented the Constitution.
15. Being born American has become a crime.
Allen Hughes Life Defense Evangelist