Civil War 2.0? Not So Fast
The great hot air machine has been in over-drive telling us how divided we are. While I think there may a scattering of nut job sponsored acts of political violence ahead, the idea of full-blown civil war is very remote in my opinion. Here's a?good article?to help explain why. Allow me to add a few of my own reasons. People are too busy just trying to stay afloat in this strange economy of socialism for the rich and casino capitalism for the rest of us.We are too old and out of shape for the rigors of war. It is one thing to go play dress up make believe in front of a Starbucks as?this veteran?tells us while real war is something very different. The Republican base is?aging out?ie dying. Yeah, that old dude was a badass in the Vietnam war fifty or so years ago. How long can he last being hunted not by Charlie but Apache Gunships with night vision? He knows the answer, not long. On the left is the mythical boogie-man, Antifa.?Keep reading...