Civil unrest, warnings and other supernatural signs and wonders
Dr. Michael Thomas Jr., MDiv., ThM
Founder to NMFC | CEO 126 Genesis Media | Radio Host
I greet you in Christ Jesus and the Kingdom of heaven. I hope you are well in Christ and secured in Holy Spirit during these times in this new day? This important letter is for the body in Christ. To those of you who are not a partner to this work but connected by fellowship know I will talk across ideologies, political party lines and religious denominations. I bless Jesus for this time, give honor to Abba Father for this authority to impart wisdom and give thanks to Holy Spirit for keeping me. "Lead them." He said. I am writing out of my apostolic gift and outpost here on the wall removed from the assignment while Heavenly Father is rearranging my purpose and destiny. I am honored and privileged to be able to experience an abundance in this journey that has led me into these writings. Over the past 18 months Holy Spirit has been preparing me through His teachings and now I am released to write to you.
This is one of the toughest writings and teachings I have undertaken in my position as one of His apostolic servant leaders, especially in this new kingdom day of civil unrest and Father’s signs and wonders. The preparation I have been in has come with many good and bad times but through it all It has produced a stronger faith in me and the courage to do His will in spite of what it looks like to me. We have entered His new age increased work in His Kingdom Reformation. We must learn the importance to cooperating with Holy Spirit for everything you did in the previous day will not work affectively in this new day for no one has ever been here before so how will what you did last year accelerate you into this new work? He is preparing to pour out new wine and the old wine skin each of you have been holding will not carry the magnitude of this new wine. We all are heading into a mystery and it will be the submission and surrender that allows us to walk and grow into grace needed in this age. You are in the Age that will reveal and usher in the return of Christ. I write in parts to digest as you go and who shall follow along in the parts you shall be blessed in your maturation, trust and preparation. All definitions are written from <
I was in the middle of my work this afternoon and then caught another news outlet talking about what happened to I had to retype ‘I am the least racist person of anyone in the world” What in the world are you hearing when you have people in good conscious speaking their truth and you receive their truth then twist their truth because you believe you know such person. So, I will re-type and bring definitions into a portion of this statement that in my lifetime I have heard other’s step into this minefield. I am the LEAST RACIST (NOT THE GREATEST BUT STILL IN THE REALM OF PROBABILITIES) person globally. Now those individuals who speak this truth hold onto a segment of world racial views wrapped into their belief systems, behaviors and patterns. Least as defined – lowest in importance or position ; smallest in size or degree ; being a member of a kind distinguished by diminutive size so If I gave you a picture of what this looks like will their viewpoint become any clearer to see how ridiculous this sounds when others say what they say and then people go around justifying their positions as just. Let me consider a racist diagram below.
:ER +_____________AR +___________________ BR +__________LR+_________NR:__
Diagram A
(ER = Extreme Racist, AR = Average Racist, BR = Benign Racist, LR = Least Racist, NR = Non-Racist)
Honest question - where would you place yourself in this world of civil unrest and racial injustices because it is not activating in America? Do you have the knowledge to why this is happening in this moment in this age? Have you taken a stand for or against whatever the matters are in your country? Have you closed your door or implemented sub cultures way of thinking that contrives their own theories as to the reasons for these outbreaks? What is Father saying and doing that one must be in line with? What did Jesus do in His age when it came to injustices and abuses? Did he draw a line never to cross into or did He go and deliver the afflicted?
Who side did He take when He ministered, preached, taught and demonstrated the kingdom. Did He side with the political giant of His age? Did he stand with the law and the scribes? on the racist foundation if everyone has a moral foundation, they build their ideology on? How did He handle the issues of His age? Nothing new under Heaven. So, He would have known how to handle these matter’s each us find ourselves in. This is not just an American problem we are dealing with. If you had the gift of knowledge you would understand we are dealing with a world problem of its own sin nature. We are at the same time dealing with the problem of the body in Christ that has either sided with the world, removed itself out of the kingdom equation or disregarded any signs or wonders from heaven blindly or willingly as they chose to listen to the forces of the enemy. I had to seriously ask myself what type of paradigm are people choosing to live in when we take information at face value and give it less value than its original value or place a different angle on a matter that is truth perceived.? When I consider from the platform I am witnessing, all that the matter’s distressing the world, it is increasingly becoming the option to speak on what I am witnessing. A spirit of confusion has infiltrated the body representing Christ and to the depth of those who have gathered within their religious Christianity and tribes. A spirit of confusion that has become a familiar spirit that many are not using discernment because of their in ability to understand they have the right to judge matters and things righteously. But you do this judging yourself righteously before you discern or judge others.
You will even hear many say we are not supposed to judge but what is discernment? Do you understand this spiritual activity given to each of us so that you are not caught up unaware? But many of you are in fact, unaware to the realms of the spirits and where we are in the pathway of a Christ who is returning. Is He returning to a bride who will be adorned spotless and without a blemish or will he have a bride wearing exactly what the bride desires to where because they get to decide their destiny or their best life as a born-again sinner? When does the supposed to be spotless and without a blemish if it is waiting until it goes to heaven in order to be spotless and without a blemish? In America the land of the spoiled, confused and divided, in this over exposed space of civil unrest whether it be right or wrong in many who are branding themselves as either American Christian or white evangelical or protestant (or whatever brand they want to raise the banner of); they have taken the deed upon themselves to take upon themselves the government and its policies filled to the brim. I must ask this truth. What government was upon the shoulders of our Messiah? What government did Jesus submit to? What government did Jesus walk in and represent? Even Jesus had to be taught as a young boy about the kingdom but He too was baptized into the very Kingdom He brought to earth and was commissioned before the ages of time to die for so that you and I have the freedom to cultivate and live to the fullest until the time your body comes to its natural death and He recalls your Spirit into your heavenly home. See in these times of His new day Heavenly Father has turned all the Lights of Creation on to expose everything and in this type of Exposure everything in creation is not only being exposed but entering reformation. Science, Philosophy or any form there under will not be able to alter or dictate going forward outside of this spiritual reformation. Hear this Heavenly Father is reforming everything and to make His point has stopped the way of life on a living planet. The planet has not been stopped but the highest form – mankind has been hit the hardest and placed into a semi holding pattern during this sign and wonder not seen in this generation since 1918-1919 during the last global plague and soon after that plague was a world depression. Pay attention to this cycle.
In 2020 what is being formed in the dark is now seen in the light due to technology and ignorance more importantly of those who do these deeds not considering all equipment in place that records their desired destruction of others.
I began to ask God where is this coming from and before I completed my task I immediately heard the Holy Spirit say, “this is ‘that’ spirit out of ‘that’ caldron that was hiding and working in secret in past times is now acting out through as many hosts it can find to possess in plain sight”. As I speak on this more later, I am reminded to The spirit of stupor God gave them and Paul wrote about in Romans 11:7: He gave them the spirit not the enemy they would not see and would not hear the Children of Israel a spirit of stupor why because they were bling thought they had eyes and ear (Isaiah 43:8) this because of their unbelief, to this generation there are even others till living in unbelief to the ways of the kingdom of Heaven. The ways!
Now this defiled enemy’s work is being exposed and seers and people of God who He has graced have been allowed to see matters in the realm of the spirit and bring forth into the natural. Many are talking merely about surface issues and there are few in the remnant who have been given the grace and eagle eyes to see into these matters. Will you begin to hear from them going forward into this new day? The spiritual caldron has been taken off. Not only unsealed for them to come and go but open for them to come into the natural realm to spiritually re-inflict and infiltrate many in this generation who have held onto the possessions of generations before.
These spirits of hate, bigotry, murder, anger, murder and fear are striving to enter into willing hosts to activate in their spiritual instructions from the enemy. The natural result is what we are seeing thanks to technology. Something the generations of old never had the benefit to live with as they lived under oppression resulting in millions of lives either being killed or on the end of injustices of their times. What is being lived out in recent weeks are many who are taking their place founded upon fear, ignorance and old values that are widening the living gap between nations and neighbor’s. Each of us lives and sees life through our own prescribed vantage based on our training by parents, institutions of higher learning and groups we adhere to that meet with our own paradigm. How will it come into one accord when the discord sown is burnt off if not frayed? How will we come into one accord if what makes us different outweigh the bridge of the blood shed for us all to cross over into His kingdom of Light that sheds His Life and Life upon us but is the nature of what was supposed to die in you more real than the reality of death you were to go through because He paid the price of your life. So America is hearing from the younger nation who I heaven bent to get justice, these strong ones are removing history {iconography and statutes} that reveal a past that dealt death, slavery and injustice to groups of people it never wanted to be a part of its new world design but if they could only use them to help define it would it have been good but those who helped in the design wanted to be a part of the future so their lives were made hard. It was not just them it happened to American Indians as well. Where is the justice that was supposed to be birthed from the inequalities and injustices to people at the hands of men and their families who became willing vessels of hate, ignorance, fear, and I will add pure defiled evil and malice? Who in this generation will turn the transition of marches into new realities?
Many of you will look past truth and create an alternate reality of truth for many reasons and one of them being do we really want to deal with the truth and its unholy results. See when society encounters any level of injustice the injustice known becomes a determining factor to act out of a protesting position to bring about justice. In the kingdom we are taught we are to be in the world but not of the world but this does not give permission to turn our backs, shut our eye and ear gates to the troubles before us. The body in Christ is not that far removed from these injustices itself. We know this to be true here in America because your history tells you those foundation fathers protested the King and protested the king's rule and religious authority and power of the churches and crossed the Atlantic to find undiscovered land that appeared unknown and unowned.
As we enter into this new day, again this is the age that will usher in our Lord and Savior whether it be this generation or the next who may know but know the signs. In many nations that wishes it could not see color why the fear of people of color? When will you display the fruit of Holy Spirit? In other countries this is true as well why the fear of a darker color of nations. He made the different colors but loves all His creation. He even sees us in all our flavors of color but yet we hear this conversation which makes ZERO sense to me, “I don’t see color” what? That makes zero sense to me when He sees us as He made us in the shade of His glory! Grab that and let t take root. He continues to ordain natural births that represent all His colors but we are one in Christ because of His shed blood He draws us in as one and we are grafted into the vine this branch that He will use to return His chosen people our brothers and sisters in Israel but we are one in the same even our brethren from the tribe of Ishmael that most in the vine want to hate and discard because they choose not to fellowship with the brethren. So, why the fear in the body of Christ in these times of unrest? We need to ask this having knowledge of His courtroom before God where the enemy must present himself in all kingdom matters. It is here we ought to ask God the Father to rule against our adversary justly. Why because of many testimonies recorded in scripture that gives us Kingdom reason, example and instruction to do so from the Old Covenant into the New Covenant.
But who will make the appointment before our Heavenly Father who also is seated upon His throne as Judge over all creation? Creation that includes the realm of the spirits and then exposed, was placed as a symbol in the dark and was meant to be found in the light. It is not about who did it because justice will come to them naturally but it is importantly what is being done in the kingdom of heaven that is ruled on before the throne of grace which is being illegally hijacked by the adversary who is still loose in this realm looking for who he can enter to kill steal and destroy. So, this is one of those key spiritual matters that needs to be handled before the throne of grace for us to receive justice. Is this written about in Revelations <the apocalypse>? Is this level of persecution to remain until the end times when we whoever is here will see the day of the Lord? Understand this, if many of you connect and agree with as many who believe the way you do then you substantiate only what you desire to listen to and live in. Color unrest, injustice, prejudice and racism issues are to be addressed by every color including the bride of Christ if given the authority to address injustices – Micah 6:8 why because we are supposed to live in Harmony through love in all 8 facets {The 8 Ancient Greek Words for Love}
Eros (romantic, passionate love)
Philia (affectionate love)
Agape (selfless, universal love)
Storge (familiar love)
Mania (obsessive love)
Ludus (playful love)
Pragma (enduring love)
Philautia (self-love)
in one accord with our heavenly Father and His kingdom. I do not know for certain about your country but America and many in the body of Christ have continued to perpetuate America’s greatest Sin and segregation upon other colors in as much as the world and its individual governments has wrought injustices upon its own people in our modern day. How, by the lack of acknowledgment of others truth as a receiver of injustice. By not listening and having empathy. Even Jesus taught how the father will answer swiftly those who are on the receiving hand of injustice study Luke 18:2-8. Was she wrong for asking the court for remedy from her adversary? The body we have worked to fulfill and enter into if this Light is supposed to shine on top of the hill where they shall come running up to get delivered from the hell beneath them
The demonic spirits are over playing their motives outwardly
Earlier this year I began a couple of studies of two books - one finishing this book called God’s Generals and the other called The Four Awakenings and I cannot remove the body representing Christ in their role and responsibilities in unrest as well. Because even its leadership dates back to 1730’s in Europe and in America in the early 1800’s. Around 1792, Lutherans, Quakers and non-protestants were those denominations that stayed with the traditional course of not integrating but Evangelical preachers sought to include every person in conversion, regardless of gender, race and status. Throughout the colonies, especially in the south, the revival movement increased the number of African slaves and free blacks who were exposed to and subsequently converted to Christianity (excerpt from First Great Awakening). Through its leadership the church kept color separate from worshiping, praising and hearing the teachings of God together. I will not speak regarding who they honored with the gifts of ministry. It saddens me that even the church is dragging its spiritual and natural feet to recognize its need to repent to each other for those who carried their burdens into this generation to be finally released. So, there is enough blame to go around and this begins within the body of Christ. There are too many religious Christians that believe the bible does not abolish slavery but if the works of Jesus are tried, true and complete the old covenant then at the moment of His ascension and leaving to our advantage Holy Spirit is the moment the church should have recognized that slavery in all ethnicities was complete through Jesus! Slavery did start with color people but the poor, Indians, Irish, Turks and the Hebrews along so many other ethnic groups of people of generations past who died under their oppressors. In India the lowest caste system is a slave to the richest caste system. So out of the abundance of the hierarchy system created by man slavery was initiated in the beginning and Heavenly Father sanctioned it under His authority because under His authority landlords were not to rule over their slaves but treat as many who were with favor. It appears we have great work to do that will be one of the pathways to live harmoniously and in unity. Why are there still camps or tribes in the body still focused on separation amongst its believers?
Kingdom Reformation. God is reforming, restructuring, reordering, reformatting and removing from His foundation everything not tied to Him by the Holy Spirit/ This reformation is affecting all creation in His kingdom. He is bringing everything that has breath into and under Kingdom authority and order. While He is doing this supernatural work, the enemy is fighting against His order (working to possess as many who are available and willing), because He knows His appointment with Him is not yet. Notice how many are defiant in this Reformation? Notice who is unnerved by signs and wonders? Notice what is happening to the world simultaneously: unrest and increased help crisis not witnessed since 1918 –1920. The <new age> lynching’s, increase in unjust murders at the discretion of some officers dating back decades and noose calls have created civil unrest. Not just in America but globally and nations are tired of their loved ones being tortured, killed at the hands of government military state and local police forces. Why is this so important now than it has been in previous generations? In the fall of 2019, we began transition into a new spiritual day (another awakening) that I believe will be the last day that ushers in Messiah. The transition of old patterns, ways and behaviors that are working against His transition into a new thing for this new age. Why is the Kingdom so important and why does He reform His earthly kingdom? Whenever Heavenly Father sees His children leaving out of His way returning to their former ways, He creates an opportunity for His children to be redirected using His power, word and servants and this dates back to Adam (Genesis 1:26), Noah (Gen. 6:1-8), Moses (Ex. 6), Samuel (1 Sam 3:10-15), Isaiah (42:6-9), Abraham (Gen. 12:1-4), Isaac (Gen. 26:1-5 - notice He also gives insight to Isaac here He gave Abraham the earliest form of His Kingdom government), Israel (Gen. 35:9-14), and a host of others. In our generation Jesus represents the previous day and, in this day, history records many moments of His reformations.
Fact, Father will not allow His creation to live sustainably out of order, He wields order through Supernatural signs and wonders along with His servants as His ambassadors or emissaries to bring forth the declaration of reformation through altering change to the earth kingdom by His power under His authority.
This is why the world is standing up against those in power because unrest is calling out and looking to once again to a free nation of people under a free government for the people by the people to see how the nation will respond when a nation is tired of injustices to lead other nations through this mission field filled with deadly explosives representing poverty, sex trading, oppression, suppression and organized racial discrimination. The coffee conversations are being extinguished and emerging is movements by a segment of citizens who want certain matters to change but who is willing to lead the change in your country? In America the last individual was a man used by God to bring change forth and it took thousands to millions to stand and walk and work with him to prove out the vision he heard. In South Africa it took a man after God to bring forth change out of apartheid. God used a little woman to bring forth change in a nation living in southeast Asia. In Europe God used another woman to bring forth change in the kingdom He used generals to bring forth change Many followed their vision, leadership and change was implemented. These are few of the notables who have ushered change for many.
This is not me teaching only from my knowledge in as much as it is Holy Spirit opening up greater knowledge in enlightenment and saying to release this and that for their level of understanding. Holy Spirit continues to deposit as I write and this emboldens me to speak all the more for your benefit and glory to God almighty. I write because He trust me with His word. In this current disposition of this generation it still amazes me the striving they posses to enter into His rest. Grace alone, He allows me to witness the affects and results of nations within countries reacting strangely and some obstinate in this Kingdom Reformation and more importantly to these frequent global plagues (locust's in the middle countries in Africa and India, supernatural dust storms traveling across the Atlantic to this global Health Plague - SARS-CoV-2 <severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus > commonly Covid-2019). This health plague, I will discuss in further parts at liberty. May you who have ears to hear, hear what the Spirit is saying to you. Part 1 of many of many important downloads in this kingdom reformation.
The spirit of fear is not victorious but has been empowered by Satan to move in and out of nations in their atmosphere, environment and territories working to possess anyone who is not grounded in truth of Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven. Currently, these fallen spirits are at best diminutive in their nature, power and are functioning in plain sight (a higher station) before and sometimes using so many believers (surprisingly) - through their own declaration and or actions (living beneath kingdom privileges surrounding this global plague. He said, “Go deeper! Fear - as defined: a : an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger / b(1) : an instance of this emotion / (2) : a state marked by this emotion
To get from under this inferior form of government spiritual fear you must know liberty is present and Holy Spirit is a powerful guide and you have the ability be free and live in the kingdom of Light even before you discern rightly its spiritual origin (Satan). Why, because this spiritual fear you have allowed to penetrate your mind and blind your ear and eye gates you can be delivered from because Jesus has redeemed you into peace and liberty and Jesus is Peace. Repent and know the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Satan is the counterfeit form of power and authority and you can rebuke anything anti Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven. Whether you believe or not in entities, ghosts, spirits, demons and angels, understand their have their principles, rulers and authorities to form the schemes of Satan. But to us who He redeemed we have victory!
Realize everything under heaven is under the authority of the government of heaven. Hear the testimonies from the beginning through the scriptures to why everything is under the government of the kingdom and this spirit of fear can be rebuked, placed under authority and or be delivered from: A] When I am presented with the spirit of fear due to situation or a circumstance; (because I believe I live in two realms at the same time which gives me immediate access to our heavenly Father), so immediately in my natural I can enter the realms of the spirit and legally inquire my Heavenly Father to deliver me from the persuasion of the spirit of fear and most of the time he delivers the fear and the others I give the spirit a direction to go and just as Nehemiah did the same when he was sad in the presence of King Artaxerxes [(2:2-5 -notice Nehemiah's testimony he is not only before the king; 1) his countenance 2) the fear for he is afraid) but he is present in two realities a natural and Spiritual at same time - immediately by his faith (enters before the Throne of Grace praying to Father) in between a conversation with the king and the spirit of fear is released and delivered from him. Not a believer then study Psalms 34:4 for it's in the testimony of David too. B] Jesus when presented before Satan as recorded in the testimonies - notice truth - there is no fear associated to Him but He knew His station, position and most importantly the word that He became. He knew the word. How did Jesus respond to THEE spirit of fear? In confidence, strength and assurance with what He knows of the scripture. Do you know the word spoken into your life now that you are reborn? Do you possess a covenant from Abba father? Why does fear begin to possess you if you know the Truth and Truth is a person? Why and how does the spirit of fear possess you when you are filled, possessed by Holy Spirit? What spiritual doorway have you left unauthorized for the rulers, or principalities or authorities to have an entry point? Don't you know Holy Spirit's role, purpose and function for your life? It is time you bring forth your answers not for anyone else but for yourself so you can be free of this oppression.
These inferior demonic spirits come into natural atmospheres, environments and territories to conform and weakened the mind of each of you who have traded their birth rite for the desires of Satan and they do it illegally most of the times. Once you trade your birth rite (john 3:3-5) the transition of his counterfeit power begins and comes to possess what you relinquished. It is not just the spirit of fear but any other inferior demonic spirit that has illegally (without Heavenly Father ruling to allow a season of testing by the enemy - look at Job 1 and 2 to understand how the courtroom of Heavenly Father operates) cross into your realm that is working against your present future (promise). Okay, let me go deeper here because this will mess some of you up in your theology. The kingdom of heaven is a legal, lawful, living and active government where Heavenly Father presides on His throne, reigns over the just and the unjust, and governs with all His hosts over all His creation including our natural realm (Psalm 82:1-3). When you receive your born-again experience as some of you already understand you can see the kingdom of heaven (the realms of the spirit <light and dark> as well as enter whether by faith or He raptures you into the spirit into where He lives (for those born of water and spirit) we can enter. It is in His courtroom where He handles every legal matter in the all Kingdoms. It is here we privileged to witness Him presiding over every matter happening on earth and in the heavens with Jesus at His right side of glory.
It is here in this station we see the myriad of Hosts, Seraphim, hear the Cherubim, See the table before His throne, station of the see of glass he peers through into all heavens and our creation, see the 24 spirits of elders clothes as it is written upon their thrones for the 12 Spiritual elder's (the tribes of Israel) and 12 spirits of the first apostle's, along with the cloud of witnesses that station themselves over the crystal floor (see through the realms of the spirits into this natural realm we live in). It is as it is written. Before His throne appear massive spirits whose names are given: Spirit of Jesus, Spirit of Wisdom, Spirit of Understanding, Spirit of Counsel, Spirit of Strength, Spirit of Knowledge & The Spirit of fear (As best as we know this to be that which brings reverence to Abba Father our Creator) - Isaiah 11:2. These 7 Spirits heavenly station having form are involved more than we know in our affairs in this natural realm and some of you do not even know or understand their function or join in agreement with their sent purpose as one of the leading Spirits of Father involved in in the governance of the kingdom of heaven serving His heirs of salvation – you and me. Little did you know, you have the right to inquire of them for they serve you as it is written Hebrews 1:17. Do you know you become an heir at your born-again experience? Do you still have the spirit of fear tormenting you now? Be honest.
John reveals them to us in Revelations 1:4; 4:5 and not last nor least the vastness of heaven adorned with its true colors. It is hear we can see the brilliance of His glory and when He speaks all heaven waits in silence for each word to form and manifest in power. Do you know this is why you are light in heaven because you are an image of His glory so angels see you as lighted one’s? It is here, Satan still to this present moment makes himself present before the throne of grace along with the other Hosts of heaven who descend here and ascend there (in and out of the assigned service of the heirs of salvation. To our present day there have been others like myself who have been graced to come to His courtroom to bring forth our matters or see the mysteries of heaven and bring to back to earth what is given to us to declare, experience or demonstrate. I could share my many testimonies to this truth but you will need to know this testimony in first position for you to believe; is first testified to in Psalms 82:1-4 how He presides over the kingdom legal matters and where they are held in heaven in His presence. Job 1 brings the testimony to reality. This how the courtroom functions day in and day out this is where the enemy accuses the brethren as it is testified to It is also recorded in Job 1:6-12 and what does God render on behalf of Job who at that moment was not raptured up to the courtroom of heaven? What may have happened if Job was present with the sons of God as well as His accuser? Look into Job 2:1-7 – this is another day of a courtroom proceeding and Job again is not present and Father makes a ruling and Satan leaves out of the presence of God and we learn the rest of this testimony. Are gaining a clearer picture of His courtroom. Jesus teaches on this in Luke 18:2-8 for the very first time as a spiritual example with a natural order.
See the presence of a spiritual kingdom is physically at hand and many do not know how to enter into His kingdom because of misguiding doctrines miss applying a the testimonies and records of the kingdom given by the scriptures so many do not understand the realms of the spirit outside of the concepts of how they were taught by men and women who never entered the kingdom themselves and now have kept many like you out of the kingdom. Does this ring true to the words of Jesus in Luke 18? So if you do not collect yourselves and by faith as it is written by Holy Spirit in Hebrews 4:16 go in boldness or confidence before His throne to bring your matters then your prayers could run its course and all you need to do is live out what Jesus died for see and enter the kingdom of heaven. People have over the years argued this point because they failed to understand spiritual things as apostle Paul wrote to stiff necked Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 2:6-16. Grace allowed him to teach in detail what Jesus declared and yet in this generation many still do not believe part of their born –again birth right is to see and enter the kingdom. Heaven is not for the day after you die. It is here already. John the baptizer first declared in Matthew 3:2 and Jesus declared in Matthew 4:17; 9:35. What are you waiting for another confirmation to be a partaker of His divine nature and participate in the supernatural matters of the kingdom of heaven?
Now let me go back to where I was before I gave you my small testimony because you do not realize the power of your words and thoughts that have traded into powerful realms of the spirit which leave you a recipient for invasion of your mind and this spirit of fear however large or little will not relent until it has completed their spiritual task of possession. Out of the Spirit of God formed the natural so having this understanding the one who rebelled against Abba Father gained authority over those fallen ones who followed him into his illegal rule in this natural realm we call earth. This one is known as Satan -the adversary, who Jesus taught in an example comes to steal, kill and destroy those who hear the voice of the followers of Jesus. Why do these inferior spirits have a powerful, debilitating like, desperation hold on who it preys upon? Possibly because many of you have formed a false foundation that truth cannot land on. Yes, the spiritual fight is real in the realms of the spirit and if you not equipped day in and night in your mind/soul will succumb to this foolish spirit who inflicts its spiritual tentacles into the mind to bring your mind into subjection to its false rule and power.
Once the spirit of fear has its way through persuasion, completes its job it loses grip on who it needed to possess because the pain has been inflicted that stain of bondage, torment and guilt remains because an illegal spiritual seed has been affectively planted. Key phrase <these fallen workers of our adversary come also to kill, steal and destroy> so the inferior spirit(s) will not let up until it completes their purpose before you and through some who are open to their playground or if it gets a swift rebuke from the children of Light. But many of you either have never known or forgotten your kingdom position relative to an inferior kingdom of Satan (because Satan and his defiled spirit followers have initiated themselves in God's natural kingdom posing as spirits having rulership in a realm of the spirit.
Satan continues to order ongoing attacks against and inflict the creation of Heavenly Father in a 24/7 OPERATION COUNTER ATTACK. The longer some of you choose to give the enemy space in your mind (your atmosphere, environment and territory) and trade your soul, you equip, empower and give spiritual fuel to an inferior spiritual principality, authority or power. But what if there is no open gate or position in your mind that has allowed Satan and his fallen spirits to form an attack against you? Meaning if you close that gate (your spiritual eye and ear gates) or way for entry allowing this battling spirit of fear because you are no longer open for business because when the enemy of the Kingdom of God comes seeking (like the snake or serpent he truly is) someone who he can devour. So why be available to his seeking? Hide in Heavenly Father (Isaiah 30:15) and learn to cooperate your life solely with Holy Spirit?
During this forced health vacation better known a plague rest in Heavenly Father by faith through Holy Spirit (I have learned in a greater capacity to find my rest in Father because as it is written He strengthens me according to His pattern). I am kept by Holy Spirit and you can be too.
Why the kingdom of heaven is preached, taught and demonstrated
The kingdom of Heaven functions through His governing just as the same as the testimony in the scriptures. I am testifying to my kingdom reality to who I have seen and encountered by grace and mercy alone and for His purpose alone reveal to you the mysteries of Father that I am stewarding. I am blessed to be a part of the Kingdom remnant of believers who encounter and live out the realities the kingdom of heaven on a daily basis. My family lives accustom to this supernormal life –glory to God! This kingdom has always been with Heavenly Father and never has not been without the Father. The natural is the visible realm of the unseen realm. The spiritual kingdom has been defined and witnessed by the natural kingdom for the natural kingdom resides under its function, order, protocols and statutes. Moses was given this understanding and knowledge.
Many born again believers (generally speaking) are not served in how to cultivate the ways and culture of the kingdom by true servants of God (who become like a midwife and mid husband - who serve a mother in birthing process) because it is written that Jesus says Holy Spirit teaches and His commissioned disciples serve to equip and encourage, so we who are elect serve you to know Holy Spirit in how we feed you (in the beginning it is milk but as you grow in maturity we deliver spiritual food to you so you can readily receive Holy Spirit).
How can I do justice in such a small space of time that will not only keep you captivated by the presence of the Holy Spirit but the power of the scriptures. Well, let me first unstrap any time constraints to go on a deep dive for this matter will not be received by those of you who have not been conditioned by Holy Spirit just as Paul wrote in His letter to an obstinate body in Christ so it has been found among some of you; the natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. Paul further goes on to write to them; The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one.
We understand this because Jesus Himself told them (John 7:24), "Do not by appearances (what and how you see with your eye gates) but judge them with right judgement" Stop the mis-information that the righteous are not to judge. To know how to live in the government of his Kingdom of Heaven is a portion of your inheritance in the Holy Spirit. Now the [GOVERNMENT] of the kingdom of heaven that was originally upon His shoulders has been delivered to this world and sealed by the Holy Spirit. As I said in the previous paragraph Father released the foundation and structure to Moses. And placed the government upon His shoulders for us to carry with us as we go. Two shoulders carrying and balancing God’s government which enables us to walk circumspect. This kingdom to which I have seen as my blessed birth rite (John 3:3-5) was first revealed to Moses who could not carry it out because He was not of the blood and lineage of Heavenly Father and because of his spiritual disobedience. What is this Kingdom government and what is the make up because of His supernatural disposition?
Heavenly Father release the knowledge and wisdom of His heavenly government to Moses who was to administrate and legislate Abba Father’s Heavenly affairs into the earth realm. He gave the covenant that is a portion of every covenant to Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Noah and Moses. Let me break this down. To better understand the ways of God’s kingdom government you need to know terms. Government I define it:
1: the body of persons that constitutes the governing authority of a political unit or organization: such as a: the officials comprising the governing body of a political unit and constituting the organization as an active agency : the act or process of governing : specifically: authoritative direction or control 4: the continuous exercise of authority over and the performance of functions for a political unit : RULE 6a: the office, authority, or function of governing Administer 1: to manage or supervise the execution, use, or conduct of
I can use His name in definition interchanging it between the definitions so it reads this way the body (glory of Abba Father and the 7 spirits, angels and the 24 Spiritual elders – 12 making of the tribes of Abram / 12 making up the Disciples of Jesus) that constitutes the governing authority of an earthly organization called His bride.
In this realm, God placed His government upon the shoulder of Jesus. The government of heaven is administered into earth before all creation through Jesus Christ and by his servants and the body. He left Holy Spirit to govern those affairs through His manifestation in us and before us. The government of the Kingdom is established first by a covenant from the Creator to His chosen who enter into agreement with His rule. This will be a challenge to those who do not understand how Heavenly Father functions as a Father, Judge, King, and in rulership; ruling over and having government in his governing He judges out of. His servants, those elected by the commissioned of Jesus and affirmed of others by the commission ministry gifts assist to serve and administrate through their offices to those in power under Kingdom authority. Father released the covenant to whom He wills, some of you also have a covenant released to you. A covenant is not a prophesy. A covenant is the word of God given as an instruction tied to a promise. Recall those in the Old Covenant who received a governmental covenant from Abba Father.
See, when He gives a covenant His authority and His (Dunamis) power descends from His kingdom like precision and hits its mark and into the covenant carrier. It’s a set up! As I said before, Adam was given a covenant (Genesis). Noah was given a covenant (Genesis). Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were given a covenant. Moses being the next in order was elected to receive more than a covenant, but Heavenly Father gave to him selections of His kingdom governance so the people would know He was selected to free them from the Egyptian Pharoah and lead them into the covenant land. What did Heavenly Father give Moses?
Take a look with me inn Deuteronomy 4:1,4,7,14; 7:14;11:1;12:1; Moses received statutes and rules. What is a statute: 1: a law enacted by the legislative branch of a government: What is the definition of a rule? 1a: a prescribed guide for conduct or action; These rules and statutes did not disappear when Jesus ascended because of the word abiding is a present word when you break down John 15. In His love is the government of the kingdom of Abba Father. Abiding in His word is the government of the kingdom of Abba Father. Abiding in HIM is the government of the kingdom of Abba. Because the laws Heavenly Father gave to Moses we know Jesus fulfilled and in Him still is the government of the Kingdom of Heaven (up there in its physical place) and Holy Spirit is the 100% essence of Abba Father – His Holy Spirit that is remanded here on earth that enables us to live out His kingdom in His culture, in His government in the Spirit of Knowledge and Wisdom!
The government was placed upon His shoulders and Jesus spoke to all His followers releasing the government that was upon His shoulders not only to His followers but into the kingdom for all creation to know the government has been released. The kingdom consists of His atmosphere, His environment and His Territories that we are the true beneficiaries to. So unknowingly to some who encountered born again and for many of you taught a wrong religious doctrine that left out how to cultivate your life in the kingdom executing His government has engaged you to this moment right now. You are at this cross roads – do you continue in the religious path forward or do you change your pathway and step into the kingdom of God living under His government learning how to cooperate with Holy Spirit? As complex as it may sound it is simple in the reality of activation by faith. I know Jesus did fulfill the law that He gave to Moses but in HIM is the government. Again, define the terms for your understanding. Abide is defined: to stay in a given place, state, relation or expectancy; to continue to, dwell, endure, last, live, permanent, remain, stay and wait (Greek definitions). 1a: to bear patiently : b: to endure without yielding : WITHSTAND 2: to wait for : AWAIT 3: to accept without objection {intransitive verb} 1: to remain stable or fixed in a state2: to continue in a place : SOJOURN abide by 1: to conform to
Just as Jesus taught, preached and demonstrated the government of the Kingdom of heaven it is our portion and rite to produce the same results as He did. The power is the representation of God’s heavenly Government that draws the world back to Him Your understanding to what exactly Jesus brought to earth that gives you the privilege and rites to live in God’s order in His mercy and a recipient of His love will depend on what faith is founded upon. What Heavenly Father placed upon the shoulders of Jesus was released to you and me for us to live in and under in this world. This is why you are to be in the world but not of the world because you live and are reborn under a kingdom government that is officially administrated by the power and authority of God’s heavenly Kingdom. Jesus brought us more than a blessed salvation - He brought to us the government of His kingdom.
It is up to you to expand His government through your proclamation of ‘Repent, the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Teaching on the Kingdom of heaven and demonstrating the power of the kingdom of heaven under His authority. What is the Kingdom of heaven? It is more than the place and position of His throne, the myriads of angels, the cloud of witness but it is also understanding how He governs all of creation. Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. I declare Jesus told me to proclaim the gospel of His kingdom, Heavenly Father instructed me to teach about the kingdom government that was upon is shoulders. Whether I write as representing Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ or use the words of the lessor authors of the bibles, it is my hope it bears witness to you soul, spirit and bring to memory to your mind. Paul wrote to 2 Timothy 1:7 (... for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control). Now consider the power in the Spirit of Power that He supplies to serve you! Pause a minute and I will add this key word to your knowledge. Why because I believe it is important to understanding and you can do a study on this later for yourself. This spirit of power is His Dunamis power which truly enables us to plow through a tough matter His power. Acts3:12 and Ephesians 6:10 give us His knowledge to this extraordinary spirit not many have caught this in Ephesians but if you make it personal Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His power – boom there it is!
You my friend, are given power to speak to fear if fear gets past our spiritual boundary separating us from temptation (apply your understanding to Matthew 6:9-15). You my friend have been given His Love to quell fear when fear begins to approach you is upon your porch. Now we know and believe He doesn't release to His own this spirit of fear but why are so many of you in the kingdom of heaven living in the world ONLY filled by Holy Spirit surrounded by this 'spirit of fear'? Is this because you are living beneath your kingdom privilege? Is it not written that God did not give us fear? It comes to those who are double minded and weak in the mind by the realm of the spirit associated with Satan; by a spirit. Stop for a bit and consider this.
To the Thessalonians church (2:11) Paul wrote concerning the coming of the man of lawlessness I want you to see in the total context of the testimonies that Father God who is still upon His throne, going to send them a strong delusion ( spirit of confusion), so that they believe what is false. Who is sending to whom? Did you receive that knowledge about Him? Yet, many times so many discern incorrectly matters which they could be spiritually out of line with and look to blame the Adversary and he is having nothing to do with their situation but not that you blamed him rest assured in this fact, he will entertain you at your gate since you called him out.
Now many of you seem to presume upon our Heavenly Father strongly that He is merely on His throne in the ruling capacity of love alone. In fact, he shown me how He rules and seeing this in His glory that source of Light manifesting rule from His last known position of active rest. He loves us all through mercy and grace. But out of mercy and grace he shall chastise, judge and rule over all creation. But when you receive this through the work of Jesus Christ then you see your Heavenly Father is in fact capable of doing what he desires to do in order to influence us into His finished results from the beginning. Jesus testified to this reality. I will remind you to a portion of the Roman letter that Paul told them, "Father God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that would not see and ears that would not here down to this very day". Who are you who would presume upon what and how He uses any of His methods in caring of those He loves and desiring to persuade the lost in His world to return to Himself? Stop from speaking such foolishness - Father would not do anything outside of himself upon His people. Am I speaking nonsense?
Then test all things prove all things Hold fast to what is good! Do not misuse your born-again status and kingdom citizenship to live in a world system entitled believing because you entered the doorway - Jesus - and have this theology that Father will only deal with you out of love only - fantasy. He loves you unconditionally through mercy and grace (as I was told by the angel of the Lord) and He will from time to time test you to know the see in real time the strength-determination of your faith, trust and belief through Jesus.
I recently had this conversation for the umpteenth time with a friend and in this conversation I still see the tug and pull of so many still immersed in religious doctrine and making the transition into the Kingdom and the doctrine of Jesus Christ (His gospels) is a huge re-entry that is burning off the mindset and the former foundation that has become a strong hold for some. When you taste the kingdom of heaven (this is a true statement) - it ruins you for anything lessor. I am finding and learning many folks are struggling with their Kingdom identity in the kingdom and do not know their birth rites that were given at the moment they became born-again. Look into and study John 3: 3-5. If you do not understand your birth rights and the privileges that come with the born again experience it is time right now – you can have and keep this experience as you learn about them. As you learn about them add to your foundation of Holy Spirit and why Holy Spirit is remanded to earth for your benefit and it the kingdom arm that brings and deposits into you what comes with your born-again experience. This experience is not a one-time deal this experience is what helps create your reality learning through Holy Spirit how to cultivate your new life in His Kingdom now that You are possess with Holy Spirit. Be grateful of this possession and abide with who is inside of you amplifying Heaven to your advantage.
Most of you have grown up in a form of religious Christianity and find the challenge to fully entering into the kingdom of heaven because you do not want to let go of your religious (man’s interpretation of the kingdom - better known as concepts) stronghold framed up in their doctrines. Choose a religion and learn a doctrine that is different and less than the kingdom. Why is this so important. This stronghold takes root and a seed that produce a proper/healthy tree cannot grow in dead roots. There needs to be loose soil in a person for the seed of the kingdom to take root. The push and pull will happen when one encounters another who was born –again and didn’t come through religious dogma so you have this process one will go through of release. How do we know this to be true? Study, Nicodemus, Gamaliel and Paul. Look to what happened to Paul when He was whisked away to the Nabatean Desert to undergo kingdom impartation. It was not until he was completed with His training that He left the desert can began doing what Jesus did - preached, taught and demonstrated the kingdom of heaven. One will ask, “Michael, what is up with your focus on the kingdom of heaven so much? The kingdom is brought to us in Genesis through Revelation. It happens to be the only subject matter Jesus taught. So why not do, speak and live the way Jesus lived, preached, taught and demonstrated? Did he not teach about the kingdom and the ways (government) and demonstrated the power the kingdom? So, you would have many to believe that your religion or its denomination is the religion of God our Father but this is the farthest from the truth. Sadducees, Pharisees and scribes were the reflection and representatives of top religion’s in the age of Jesus and yet He did not come to expand their models, methods and theology. Why, because they didn’t know He was supposed to be their method and theology. So, your denomination will keep you from entering and abiding in His kingdom. Don’t hear this from me hear this from Jesus yourselves in Matthew 23 (read this for yourself) and focus in on 1 – 13. What should you ground your faith, trust and belief in the Jesus and Kingdom of heaven or the religion your parents raised you up under for they were kept out of the kingdom and handed what they knew down to you keeping you out of the kingdom so in truth you received a generational doctrine of error. All this to say when you become born again you trade what is dead for what is living – let this sink in. Yes, for those of you who walk around with this mindset _’ “Do I through the milk out with the baby?” or It all can't be bad”. Well, let me put what you carry this way A little leaven leavens the whole lump!
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. God brought to earth His kingdom and Set up His kingdom above every other kingdom including one's religion and the doctrines, structures, methods and formulas therein.
Living in the last days of Judgement
Jesus said see that no one leads you astray. For many will come in His name, saying he/she is the Christ and these persons will lead so many astray. You will hear of wars, do not be alarmed for these must be fulfilled but the end of the days has not come upon you yet. Nations will rise against nation (nation - national ethnics groups, heathens spoken of all who are not Israelites and I will add born-again) and kingdoms against kingdoms and He said there will be famines (but many are wanting to put an end to what must be fulfilled) and earthquakes in many places. Civil unrest rings true to this teaching? These all are the beginning of the birth pains. These are the beginning of the birth pains. Women will know this better than us men right here for this is a truthful statement. Birth pains that will make the ways straight for His return These birth pains are the reforming of creation to make ready for their King’s return. To set the foundation in order and make clear and ripping of weeds and dead mindsets that keep the one from being founded upon One Kingdom that He is coming back to what is already like Himself in image and form and being. Oh yes, then we have this wording known to us out of this pandemic many are calling a plague. When you discern the times in the realms of the spirit Your position graces you before our Heavenly Father and/or to see and hear (in a dream or open vision) what He is saying to all creation in times and ages.
Do not be alarmed! For the birth pains must take place and you must get into the realities of the birth pains and not separate only keeping them as a story in a book filled with imagery, similes and metaphors. This is a living kingdom. Everyone has access to heavenly Father but does everyone want that type of access? Your answer should be yes. But He does certain things in His kingdom through His ambassadors and representatives to persuade others into His way and life by warning, tearing down and building up. These are those famed, and much sought after commissioned gifts of Jesus used to serve His agenda into the earth realm (representing the Apostolic, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher and Pastor along with the rest of the kingdom helping gifts). Jesus death was to give us again this access they had with the early generals of the Old Covenant. Why close the gate here? What doctrine do you adhere to? If it is not the doctrine of Jesus Christ and the gospels of the kingdom you my friend are being ill equipped for a losing battle that you already have the victory in.
Did the coronavirus sneak past Heavenly Father surprising His Glory and the kingdom of Heaven?
I began to study other health plagues in the past generation especially those selected ministers who were commissioned to fulfill His work and some in the body who lived through the global plagues who became extraordinary for just believing nothing else outside of Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven in the book called God’s Generals. I began to learn more about their methods and mindsets in their generation. A world that they fervently chose to separate from yet work in it to fulfill His assignments by the anointing of Holy Spirit. The truth is they learned to cooperate with Holy Spirit - that is it they cooperated with Holy Spirit and taught how to do this to those who desired more of God.
This truth became their success in many cases and the spirit of might (Dunamis) that would also serve them because they knew how to continually ask Father not to lead them into temptation and also to deliver them from evil. It is His kingdom you are living in and in it as long as you live in spiritual obedience and righteousness you are his and you surrender daily in this world you belong to Him. Your soul and mind belong to Him and if I belong to Him, I am His and His to care over and protect. Do you understand this truth regarding your dilemma with the spirit of fear in His kingdom?
For as many generals through the 19th and 20th century, their relationship entered a foundation and level of trust that nothing could remove them off of God's foundation. This is a global plague and not to be included with the end time plagues at the rapture of the church given to us in Revelations because those seven plagues have cataclysmic consequences to mankind. because what Spirits of Heaven have in their hands who shall release at the said time but this is one that comes from the judgement seat. Many of you have been establishing yourselves in unbelief and have even built a new (ulterior) foundation to how you will stand on and perceive this judgement from Father to all creation. To understand the reason for this plague to understand the position of nations in all the world that has not kept The Kingdom of Heaven in first position and its righteousness. See, Holy Spirit is vital to how we cultivate life in God’s Kingdom. Through our Spiritual obedience and righteousness, we remain in alignment to Holy Spirit This is how we know we are in cooperation to His will, purpose and intentions. Regarding this plague, until now many have been regarding what they are encountering which beforehand you have never encountered in your life time up to this far. The purpose and understanding of this first plague to a generation who only knows about plagues from the history it reads about is getting a real taste to what He means and is saying to all creation and more importantly to the body who is meandering in their own ways further and further into their camps striving to remain together in one accord striving against each other because of their designated belief’s, teachings in their man-made doctrines. Our elder generation has seen the share of global destruction and dismantling of societies from the effects of the supernatural signs and wonders. You have to understand how He governs over His affairs.
This is a message of dire importance from our Heavenly Father to all His creation, even those who do not know Him and finally those who choose to separate their mind and soul from His nature. To know this, you have to realign with the Spirit of Wisdom, not the earthly wisdom you learned through the training of either academia, or from your personal thoughts built upon your personal foundation in dealing with this present-day world crisis. Plague is defined an epidemic disease causing a high rate of mortality; a virulent contagious febrile disease that is caused by a bacterium and that occurs in bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic forms. Go deeper to know and understand what/why God has to do with issuing plagues if the nations are out of order and left or want no part of His government? We know plagues originate back into the beginning of the creation of man out of their defiled behavior He issued these to return them back to him and in those plagues, thousands upon died as well. Why would He do a thing as evil as this or a better question what will a Father do or allow to see the return of His chosen? Is the sent plague used as discipline? I believe so by the leading of Holy Spirit. Why would he give to nation a spirit of stupor, blindness, confusion? Isn’t that evil that he would send an evil spirit to those He loves? Many will disagree with this and that is okay. It's not only my truth. I will share a revelation below He gave me a week after my emergency surgery (March 12th) in the middle of me writing a letter to my global leadership regarding this global plague, on my hospital bed when the Spirit of God began to speak to me that had me to begin typing as fast as He was talking here is a portion of that letter before He began to speak:
… A global pandemic is upon us and is there anyone deeply concerned to what signs are manifesting from heaven before the church (you). There are many religious Christians still playing in its own backyard (atmosphere, environment and territories). Is the church hearing what the Holy Spirit is saying or seeing wonders out of heaven into all creation?
A wave of repentance needs to be the first priority of the body in Christ. A WAVE! Likened to the assembly in pure in heart in worship and spirit and in truth. As I continued to write I heard this by Holy Spirit and I knew it was for me and the body especially.
The Lord just said to me, “Do not fear”. Says the Lord. “Watch my hand. Watch what I do. Watch what I say. I will have everyone’s attention to recognize my glory, my rule, my kingdom and my Son. Repentance is sure to come. Who will listen to me? Who will be shook? Who will not be shook? I have said before, I am separating the wheat from the tares through my judgment. I have begun to lead and my judgment is being made known. My servants shall speak in my name. Take heed that you listen to them for they are sent in my name and will bring my authority and power by my Spirit. Listen to my Spirit. Do as they say. Repentance is mine. My name is great because I have left the Light of world in them but they must rise to be made known my glory. I will have my way with all creation. They hear and listen to my Spirit. I will save who I love and cut off who has not loved me. My judgement has commenced so that all creation acknowledges the Light I sent. I am He is who is all powerful. My Son shall reign as it is written. Correction must come. I take no desire in the unclean. My children shall see my power in glory. What has been sent is what has been told! I will not be removed and the stain of sin will be erased. Do not have fear. My judgement, it shall change the nature of those who hate my Son. My Judgement will reset order in my body. Take my actions seriously. I will not let up until I have my way with you – who I love says the Lord your God – I AM”
He who has an ear hear what the Spirit of the Lord is revealing. May this bless you in your hearing and propel you into your being and doing through all things in Christ who is your strength.
Apostle Michael E. Thomas Jr.