Civil Rights to Human rights

Office of the Dean-American Institute of Human Rights

We have decided to Confederate with Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz and the Black Lawyers for Justice in the development of a democratic insular Confederate nation. I have sent Attorney Shabazz two documents. One is entitled “Declaration of Self-Determination” that was penned by Attorney Musa Dan-Fodio and the other one is the “Articles of Confederation”. These two starting documents are an outgrowth of our Conference in Jackson, Mississippi where we formed a nation with the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, Five Bands of the Black Freedmen Indians of Oklahoma, several Moorish temples, A Minister of the AME church who is also one of our Human Rights Defenders, and several other Ministers. A nice but inconspicuous start.

We decided to Confederate with brother Malik and what he was doing because it would be the perfect time to change rhetoric of unity and nationhood into a functioning nation. Let me share this with you. I stopped going to ‘ranting sessions’ misnamed “Civil Rights Conventions”, “Civil Rights Conferences and the like because they did not result in power. In fact, they only succeeded in a few scraps for the organizers who were working for either the Democratic or Republican Party. I had a long talk with Brother Attorney Malik and explained to him what I will now explain to you. In order to become a nation it takes “Consent” and it takes a huge amount of intelligence because anyone can have these documents but prosecuting a 1.3 Trillion dollars 45 Million strong nation takes economists, international lawyers, Bankers, Criminal Justice Experts, Educators, Urban Planners and a learned electorate.

In 2018 we are going to not only educate these experts on the international law of Self-Determination but we are going to turn them into leaders, diplomats, and legislatures with INTERNATIONAL AUTHORITY so that we can save ourselves. We are confederating with the Black Lawyers for Justice because they are the most capable people to understand International Law. American Lawyers are generally clueless on how to create collective change because they have been following the dictates of Civil Rights law which only regards us as a ‘simple minority’ INDIVIDUALS. This will change because we are going to educate them and invite every Black Lawyer and professional in the United States to learn the COLLECTIVE RIGHTS of PEOPLES under International Human Rights law because international law has the ability to collectively restore, repair and free us from the White Nationalist who control Congress.

We sincerely encourage everyone who is sincere about self-determination and indigenous rights who call themselves Civil Rights proponents to attend the classes, and intently absorb our international human rights seminars, Conventions, Conferences, and Webinars. This year we are not going to give the sincere a chance not to bicker or ego trip because this year is a LEARNING and BUILDING A CONFEDERATE NATION.

This year we will teach you the UNITY of NATIONHOOD by informing you how to successfully build a nation with the support of the United Nations, and a cohesive well-informed electorate. We are also going to teach you how to police the police and how to monitor their Human Rights Conduct

Classes for UN Human Rights Defenders will start March 19, 2018

Classes for UN Human Rights Monitor-National Sovereignty, Indigenous Rights, and Diplomacy

Classes for UN Human Rights Monitor-Police Compliance Officer and the International Standards of Policing in a Democratic State.

We have three websites for this and we need you to if you have a college education or a high-level activist who can write and analyze to apply for the classes, webinars, and the seminars so that you can be effective., and


