Civic Engagement and Voting: Your Vote is Your Voice and You Should Use It!

Civic Engagement and Voting: Your Vote is Your Voice and You Should Use It!

by Jimmy Williams, Former U.S. Senate Staffer and Voter

At Wholespire, we’re in the business of inspiring you and your neighbors to engage with each other to make South Carolina a healthier place to live. And whether we’re discussing how to do that with our family, friends, or even strangers in the grocery line, the most important time and place to make that a reality is when you vote. There are so many different ways to be engaged with your community and in the end the surest way to affect change is to show up on election day and tell ‘em what you think. Using your vote as your voice is your most important way to engage in this weird but cool thing called Democracy.?

But before you show up at the voting booth, there’s a whole lot of hard work that goes on before you get there. We must have the tools to get educated on the issues, educate others if they’re willing to listen, and then make our voices heard. And that’s where Wholespire comes in!?

Engagement…and Not the Wedding Kind!

There are so many ways to get involved these days but two of the most effective tools in your healthcare toolbox are civic and community engagement. Let’s talk about what those are and why you should be doing both.?

Being “engaged” is a choice. It’s an active choice actually and it’s how folks from all different walks of life who care about access to healthy choices and outcomes here in South Carolina come together to make change. Civic engagement is a singular and personal approach to influencing how your local and state governments affect that change. Speaking at or attending a city council or school board meeting, advocating for issues you care about by serving on the school board or the PTA: these are ways we traditionally think about civic engagement. Then there’s that “group stuff” or community engagement where you collaborate with other community members and then collectively, you act on and propose what you want to see in your community. Common examples of this kind of engagement can include taking part in community or public meetings, focus groups, community assessments, even online surveys.?

Both civic and community engagement are equally important to creating thriving, healthy communities here in South Carolina. When you exercise your right to vote and get involved with community health coalitions and other organizations like Wholespire, you are a vital, even essential, player when it comes to influencing government decisions.?

Why Engagement and Voting Depend on Each Other

Being actively involved in your community by voting is often seen as your civic duty. Sadly voting is a fundamental right way too many South Carolinians take for granted. But there are actual health benefits to exercising your right to vote. Studies continue to show us individuals who vote and actively participate in community engagement tend to report better health outcomes than those who do not vote or engage with their neighbors. So how and why do voting and engagement depend on each other?

If you’re engaging with your neighbors or community leaders, you’re more apt to learn about existing community resources that can lead to opportunities for physical activity and access to nutritious food. So many folks here in South Carolina have resources nearby they don’t even know about. Older folks and/or folks with disabilities may not know there is public transportation to get them to that farmers market. How do you find out? It’s easy! Just pick up the phone and call your local elected officials (you know, the ones you voted for or against) and ask them! You’d be surprised at the resources out there. All you have to do is ask.

Or you can just hop on the web and do a search: “where can i buy fresh fruits and vegetables in my neighborhood?” And boom, you’ll have the resources. If you live in a food or medical desert and don’t have access to these resources, that’s when your engagement kicks in. Reach out to your local leaders and ask them why you don’t have the resources you need to live a healthier and more active life. You can even contact us here at Wholespire! We have huge resources to guide you into a healthier lifestyle.

So while the relationship between voting and engagement can lead to endless personal and community benefits, the key here is your level of involvement.?

Your Health and Well Being are Already Being Debated…You Just Don’t Know it

Often there are healthy initiatives already on the ballot and/or being debated by elected officials at the local, county or state level. Healthier outcome proposals like multimodal transportation that provides everyone access to pedestrian walkways and bikeways or new parks or other recreation spaces like greenways and trails: these are debated everyday by city and county councils. You already have access to local officials, which means you have opportunities to develop relationships and influence local policies and development projects. You can attend council or board meetings to voice your concerns about issues that affect you?and your community. The question is: are you doing that?

Civic and community engagement are based on the belief that everyone has a stake in the health of their community and that active participation can bring about significant change. Voting alone won’t do it and just being engaged but skipping election day won’t give you the quality of life you deserve. So the ball is in your court. Engage, educate, get educated, be fearless and relentless, and go vote for a healthier South Carolina!



