City of Konstanz. FIWARE4Cities book ed. 6

City of Konstanz. FIWARE4Cities book ed. 6

In this weekly series, we present to you each time one innovative city on its digital journey and on its way to become smart(er). This time, we have the City of Konstanz for you.

Konstanz is located in Southern Germany on the shores of Lake Constance, right at the border with Switzerland. It is of significant cultural and historical importance. With approximately 85,000 inhabitants, it is the biggest city in the administrative district and region of Lake Constance.

It consists of two universities, the University of Konstanz and the University of Applied Sciences (HTWG), as well as many companies in different sectors.

In its Smart Green City program, Konstanz collaborates with partners to develop and improve pilot projects, challenging the following questions: How can we maintain and improve urban living? How can we save energy and use it wisely and efficiently? How can we ensure inclusive participation from all parts of society?

Smart Green City is funded by the Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building. The program aims to demonstrate that German cities are becoming role models for sustainable and connected urban environments.


The Klimadatenplattform is an innovative project at the heart of the Smart Green City Konstanz initiative. Designed to build a comprehensive urban data platform focused on climate and environmental data, this project is poised to become the foundational infrastructure for future smart city implementations in Konstanz.

The Klimadatenplattform aims to collect, structure, aggregate, and provide actionable climate and environmental data throughout the city. This robust platform will serve as the central repository for all relevant data, ensuring it is ready and available for analysis and application development. By doing so, it will empower city administrators and citizens alike with valuable insights and tools to foster a more sustainable and informed community.

In partnership with Hypertegrity AG, a distinguished FIWARE Member, the Klimadatenplattform leverages state-of-the- art FIWARE Smart Data models.



