- Citrus: Citrus sp. L.
- Chromosome No. 2n = 18
- Family: Rutaceae
- Crop is native to South East Asia and Indo China
- Citrus are branched evergreen trees
- Leaves are leathery in texture
- Spines arises from the axis of the leaves
- Fruits are hesperidium with five locules
- Inflorescence: Cymose type
- Staminate and hermaphrodite flowers
- Flowers are white in colour
- Lemon and Citron are purplish on outside
- Five sepals, five petals, numerous stamens
- Pollen viability 45 – 80 % depends upon season
- Long juvenile period
- Full bloom in spring
- Three flowering seasons in citrus:
2. Cultivated species of Citrus:
- Citrus sinensis: Orange
- Citrus reticulate: Mandarin
- Citrus paradise: Grape fruit
- Citrus limon burm: Lemon
- Citrus aurantifolia: Lime
- Citrus maxima: Pummelo
- Citrus medica: Citron
3. Objectives of Scion Improvement:
- Seedlessness
- High productivity
- Sensory fruit quality (Loose peel, Pigments)
- Fruit quality (TSS/acid ratio, Juice content, flavor and colour)
- Season of ripening
- Resistance to adverse climatic and soil conditions
4. Objectives of Rootstock Improvement:
- Compatibility with important scion cultivars with wider adaptability
- Higher number of seeds per fruit and polyembryony
- Tolerant to salinity, drought, cold and water lodging
- Reduction of tree size in scion cultivars
- Quality contribution to scion
- Resistance to biotic factors
5. Genus: Citrus (WT Swingle, 1948)
- Citrus medica: Citron
- Citrus limon: Lemon
- Citrus aurentifolia: Acid / Sour lime
- Citrus auratinum: Sour / Bitter Orange
- Citrus sinensis: Sweet Orange
- Citrus reticulate: Mandarin
- Citrus grandis: Pummelo
- Citrus paradise: Grape Fruit
- Citrus indica: Indian wild orange
- Citrus tachibana: Tachibana Orange
- Citrus ichangensis
- Citrus latipes
- Citrus micrantha
- Citrus celebica
- Citrus microptera
- Citrus hystrix
Most citrus species are diploid.
One natural triploid is Tahiti lime (Citrus latifolia)
6. Inheritance of Characters:
- Leaf characters: Two major genes
- Anthocyanin pigment in leaf: Dominant gene controlling reddish colour
- Anthocyanin pigment in fruit: More than one recessive gene
- Tristeza virus: Single allele
- Fruit texture: Polygenic control
- Polyembryony: More than one single gene
- Nucellar embryony: One or two dominant gene
- Male or female sterility
- Self / Cross compatibility
- Long juvenile period
- Nucellar embryony
- Breeding Outline:
- Breeding Methods:
- Introduction
- Selection
- Hybridization
- Mutation Breeding
- Polyploidy Breeding
- In-vitro Plant Regeneration
- Somaclonal Variations
- Micro Grafting
- Shoot Tip Culture
- Somatic Hybridization
- Anther Culture
- Embryo Rescue
- Mapping and Marker Assisted Selection
- Gene Transformation
- Gene Editing
- Genome Sequencing
- Resistance to biotic and abiotic stress