The Citrus Guy in the news
The Moultrie News in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina picked up the story about my new book, "A Beginner's Guide to Lowcountry Gardening & Landscaping". I was excited when they contacted me! Apparently, there is a lot buzz about it, and the need for a book like this was high, so they wanted to find out more.
Like I explain in the book, there are folks that come by Terra Bella Garden Center, where I am the manager, looking for some guidance to plant a few things in their yard. They end up not recognizing a single plant because they are not from this part of the world.
Often, they are looking for things like English Lavender, or Peonies. When they ask for those I can usually guess that they are from a cooler region of the country because those things do not like our heat and humidity. Then they see the palms and citrus trees and it is on from there.
I appreciate the article in the Moultrie News, Thank You!