Citrix ShareFile Question of the Week #21
Question: In the ShareFile web application, what do the icons to the right of my file names mean?
Answer: Glad you asked! The ShareFile Web App utilizes various status icons to convey, if applicable, the current state of your file. The status icons below will show up in the Status column to the right of your file names. Depending on the file, up to 4 status icons will be displayed. Now, here is what each of them mean:
“File has a virus” – A virus was detected on this file during one of our routine virus scans.
“File expires soon” – The file is set for deletion soon – this often is due to the retention settings on the folder holding the file.
“Checked Out” – The file is checked out for editing (prevents multiple disparate versions).
“Out for signature” – The file has been sent for signature via RightSignature.
“DLP – Blocked” – First off, DLP stands for data loss prevention. It is only available for Enterprise. A pretty good overview about the topic can be found here: Wikipedia on Data Loss Prevention Software. This flag indicates that the user is blocked from sending this file due to the DLP rules.
“DLP – Flagged” – Similarly, this file has been flagged by the DLP rules as potential sensitive.
“Multiple versions” – Indicates that multiple versions of this file exist in ShareFile. Clicking on this icon will open up a window displaying the versions, indicating which version is the current one. Any version can be downloaded and set as the current version by uploading it.
“Note” – Means that a note has been added to the file. Notes are created by right-clicking on the file name and selecting “Note.”
That's all there is to it! about some security humor?
Questions? Email me at: [email protected]