Citizens who must fight for our rights
60% of United States (US) white citizens were middle class by 1960. Conversely, half of all US black families lived in poverty in 1950. Why?
The US government (USG) denied US black citizens their lawful civil rights. Click on the following link for more:
Has there been any progress during the past 70 years in providing liberty and justice for all US citizens? “Black Lives Matters”, “Makes America Great Again”, the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection, and the US getting closer to a second civil war indicate that not much has changed in racial inequality.
Moreover, Puerto Rico is still a US colony since 1898. The USG has never complied with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism, because it is a crime against humanity. Furthermore, the USG has ignored 40 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.
US lawlessness will not stop, until the people make our government respect the rule of law. Democracy is impossible in a lawless state! Therefore, we must fight for our rights.
Fight for your rights.
Inspirational Speaker Mentor de tesis , ,asesor educativo, escritor, pastor
3 年By Dr. Luis G. Collazo, pastor and president of PR Baptist Churches Minister Council Today we remember the black prophet Martin Luther King. After more than 50 years of being assassinated, the nation to which he preached justice and the affirmation of human dignity, continues to prey on and distort the gospel essence of his liberating proposal. Unfortunately, this social disgrace is carried out with the participation of broad sectors of a Catholic and Reformed Christianity, which succumbed to an imperialist ethos, to a project dominated by predatory profit, to a religiosity subordinated to absurd dogmatic systems and oppressive orthodox discourses. Today we find ourselves in a culture that claims for itself the absolute custody of the Christian faith and in turn justifies and supports racist, exclusionary, classist and genocidal acts, allied to a project that seeks to perpetuate racial and cultural supremacy in alliance with religious sectors. that operate as profit corporations under the protection of a superficial and absurd democracy.
Inspirational Speaker Mentor de tesis , ,asesor educativo, escritor, pastor
3 年Hoy recordamos a el profeta negro Martín Luther King. Luego de más de 50 a?os de ser asesinado , la nación a la que predicó la justicia y la afirmación de la dignidad humana, continua depredando y desvirtuando la esencia evangélica de su propuesta liberadora. Lamentablemente esta desgracia social se ejecuta con la participación de amplios sectores de una cristiandad, católica y reformada, que sucumbió a un ethos imperialista, a un proyecto dominado por el lucro depredador, a una religiosidad subordinada a sistemas dogmáticos absurdos y discursos ortodoxos opresivos. Hoy nos encontramos en una cultura que reclama para sí la custodia absoluta de la fe cristiana y a su vez justifica y apoya gestas racistas, excluyente, clasistas y genocidas , aliadas a un proyecto que pretende perpetuar la supremacía de racial y cultural en alianza con sectores religiosos que operan como corporaciones de lucro bajo el amparo de una democracia superficial y absurda.