Cities and Economic Growth After the Pandemic?
Innovation, Gentrification, Diversity and Economic Growth
People across the country have been moving out of big cities en masse during the pandemic.
The exodus began before Covid-19 but has sped up since. Many people were leaving expensive urban metropolis areas like San Francisco or New York for affordable destinations, whether that meant the suburbs or a smaller city or town.
There’s always been some level of turnover in big cities as new college grads arrive to pursue their careers and others leave to start families in the suburbs or move closer to family.
There’s been some speculation that cities will be left empty following Covid-19. And others say the changes will be temporary, as they were after previous shocks (e.g. 9/11, 2008 Financial Crisis).
The Cost Benefit of Leaving Cities
As people leave cities like San Francisco for destinations like Reno or Boise, they are likely seeking quality-of-life changes.
They may not earn as much in Reno, but they can buy a bigger house and live economically better than they were able to in San Francisco. And as cities have shut down, the amenities of city life are no longer compelling. But that’s likely temporary.
Many technology and knowledge workers can do the core of their jobs from anywhere, so it makes relocating easier and financially attractive if they can keep a big city paycheck. But they may have fewer options if they decide to change jobs in the future.
Certainly, innovation and economic growth can happen anywhere. I think many smaller communities are starting to understand this and really tap into their own identity and strengths to drive innovation. And we’re finding that hot spots are pulling people from the big cities, as they should. If regional economies can start to build their own economic ecosystems and pull talent from the big cities, it democratizes our economy.
We should welcome this development, but we should also recognize that the big creative cities aren’t going to retract or lose their long-term appeal. Big cities largely drive economic growth.
They’ll always be vital for innovation-driven economic growth. Cities are where people come together, where ideas are exchanged, where innovation happens. It’s where energy is converted to creation. And big cities convert energy to creation more efficiently and with greater returns than smaller cities and communities.
Cities are Complex Adaptive Systems
Why are cities important to innovation and growth?
First, cities are metabolically more efficient the larger they are, meaning they consume less resources per capita to sustain themselves as their populations grow in comparative scale. Second, socioeconomic activity, such as innovation or wealth creation, increases exponentially as population size increases.
Geoffrey West, a complexity scientist at the Santa Fe Institute, is an expert on cities. His book, Scale: The Universal Laws of Life, Growth, and Death in Organisms, Cities, and Companies, explores how cities are essentially complex adaptive systems, not unlike living creatures. In it, he says that when comparing cities by population size, as the population increases, it follows two logarithmic scaling laws, one that provides economies of scale (efficiencies) in infrastructure and the other providing exponential socioeconomic growth.
West says that as cities get larger, they scale sublinearly with infrastructure, which means they use less resources per capita, the larger they are. They realize economies of scale as they grow. Specifically, this follows a logarithmic power law with an exponent of about 0.85. Essentially, as the population doubles, it uses 15% less energy than a linear relationship would show.
At the same time, socioeconomic metrics (innovation, economic growth, wealth, crime, disease) scale superlinearly, following a logarithmic power law with an exponent of about 1.15. Essentially, as the population increases, innovation and wages and wealth increase exponentially. Unfortunately, so does crime and increased transmission of diseases, as we’ve witnessed with Covid-19.
West pointed out that the 15% energy savings we see with every doubling of size of the city is complementary and approximately equal to the 15% gains in socioeconomic activity.
With this in mind, the cost benefit analysis of people migrating out of cities is counter to economic growth.
Creativity and Cities
We’ve long recognized the importance of creativity and innovation in cities as a driver for economic growth. Countless studies and books have been written about Silicon Valley magic.
Cities are often ranked by their potential or desirability, partly based on innovation or creativity metrics. Some of the indicators of various rankings include: number of patents filed; number of cafés; number of startups; proportionate amount of office space used by startups; number of museums or art galleries or film festivals; air quality; food diversity; job diversity; number of and distance to nearby research universities, and so on.
In fact, city builders around the world try to emulate aspects of creative cities like San Francisco and San Jose.
But it’s not that easy. The energy that creates that environment cannot necessarily be manufactured by design. It’s organic. It’s driven by the reactivity of people coming together, engaging one another. In a longer version of this article here, I explain why the attempts to build new economic cities always fail.
The late urban activist Jane Jacobs who led the effort to save Greenwich Village’s Washington Square Park from being torn down to build an expressway in the 1960s, once said, “[Cities] differ from towns and suburbs in basic ways, and one of these is that cities are, by definition, full of strangers.”
The bringing together of strangers, of diverse people from diverse places, is what provides cities with the spark of life, with energy to create.
Innovation Comes from the Free Exchange of Ideas
Creativity and innovation (the foundations of economic growth) involve the free exchange of ideas more than anything else.
Innovation comes from the people who make the city, who engage in it daily; it comes from freedom of expression; it comes from art, philosophy and the expressions of Uneconomic Man; it comes from a passion to realize our own potential as well as humanity’s potential.
It comes from trust and from feeling safe enough to share ideas and collaborate.
It comes from diversity and the movement of people and ideas and inspiration in an open adaptive system, not a closed, controlled system.
Cities are the people and the vast web of their connecting interests. The interactivity among these connecting interests leads to creation and expansion.
Economic growth is maximized when it’s not exclusive; when it invites engagement and diversity, when more people participate, when there’s more connective activity.
Passion, Serendipity, Innovation and Growth in Cities
John Hagel at Deloitte writes and talks frequently about the importance of passion and a learning disposition, as a driver for both individual and organizational growth. He uses the term “passion of the explorer” to describe an archetype and outlines a basic taxonomy to describe passion.
Hagel says passion of the explorer starts with a “commitment to personal improvement,” supported by a two key dispositions: 1) A questing disposition to push oneself and try to attain higher levels of performance and realize potential; and 2) A disposition to connect with others who share the same or similar passion.
He juxtaposes the passion of the explorer with the passion of the true believer. The true believer has a clear destination and firm commitment to reaching it, but they can be closed to possibilities or information that’s counter to their goals. Entrepreneurs are often true believers.
Passionate explorers, on the other hand, commit to a domain but often have no idea where the path will take them. They’re constantly seeking new challenges and take in the world with an open mind, always trying to improve themselves and provide greater impact on the world around them. They have a learning mindset and openness that enables them and their organizations to adapt to change more easily and overcome obstacles.
At the city level, we can find this archetype among the many people who come to cities to be part of a domain or movement, who want to meet and engage others who have similar passions, who want to participate in the Zeitgeist, even if they don’t know where it might lead them.
Many of us are able to embrace this openness and learning mindset when we seek out new experiences, whether that’s moving to a big city after college or seeking out new challenges in any aspect of our lives.
When we go to a new city, we often meet many more people in that first year or two than we do after we settle into our careers, pastimes, and relationships there. We open ourselves to the unknown and unexpected, to the happenchance of synchronicity.
This openness prepares us for possibility. And it’s a key underlying factor to learning and innovation. In a previous whitepaper, The Metrics of Innovation, I explored the importance of networks to innovation in and around organizations. The same applies to innovation and economic growth in cities.
It’s also why we go to business conferences or cultural events or seek out other endeavors where we’ll participate in similar environments for a few days. We don’t go for the content (those long slide presentations!). We go for the serendipitous encounters we’ll have in the bar or at dinner or randomly in the hallway.
We go to connect with people who have a passion for the same domain. We go to discover, to gain new insights, which can help us on our journeys and inspire us in new ways.
Economic Growth Cannot Afford to Leave Minorities Behind
We know that diversity of ideas and people drives innovation and exponential economic growth, yet even in our most innovative cities, we often fail to engage existing racially diverse communities to fuel growth.
Is it because it’s the outsiders and newcomers who are meeting new people and engaging in new ideas at scale, while those who are already part of the landscape may continue to go about their lives as they’ve always done, which reinforces a status quo?
That might be part of it, but certainly not the whole of it. Systemic racism plays a role and is often perpetuated through economic cycles.
These are just a few facts of systemic racism: For every $100 a white person earns, a black person earns $57.30. Blacks make up 18% of preschoolers, but account for 50% of suspensions. Blacks account for 13% of the population, but represent 40% of the prison population, and their sentences are 20% longer than whites for the same crimes. Honestly, we could fill thousands of pages with similar statistics. At every turn, starting when they are toddlers (actually, it starts before they are even born), blacks and minorities face structural racism that ultimately suppresses them economically.
It also suppresses the potential of the entire economy and economic growth.
Structural Racism Diminishes Economic Growth Potential
How can we ensure that the next growth cycle is more inclusive and raises more people and more minorities into the middle class and helps the economy expand at its greatest potential?
One of the biggest challenges that thriving cities have is that socioeconomic growth tends to lead to gentrification in previously diverse neighborhoods.
Even though gentrification is often a result of economic growth in a city, it creates an environment that is characterized by a sense of uniformity and homogeneity. It diminishes the feel and dynamic culture of a thriving city as neighborhoods start to emulate the suburbs. At the same time, it disenfranchises minorities and the poor.
Diversity Should Drive the Next Wave of Growth
The consequences of gentrification are that the activity of innovation and the exchange of ideas becomes increasingly one dimensional with a greater number of people who have similar backgrounds and ideologies.
It’s the same homogeneity we sometimes see in C-suites and Boardrooms of large Fortune 500 companies. Many of those companies, though certainly not all, are led by people who largely grew up in similar communities, went to similar schools, got similar educations, hold similar business philosophies and share many of the same biases.
There’s not much diversity, not only racial, ethnic and gender diversity, but diversity of thought driven by outside thinkers who challenge prevailing mindsets. This leads to groupthink, status quo bias, risk aversion, and other biases. It also makes those companies less able to innovate and adapt. They mostly operate to sustain the status quo and their efforts at innovation are largely focused on safe efficiency gains.
Gentrification does the same thing to innovation and creativity. It creates closed systems, which diminish the exchange of ideas and activity needed for innovation and growth.
The irony of a downturn and the exodus of people from a city is that many of those leaving are the gentrified. This perhaps creates an opportunity for change. The country will be faced with a reckoning on equality and economic opportunity as the economy rebuilds after pandemic.
As people return to the big cities over the next couple years, let’s recognize that economic growth will go further with greater diversity of ideas and people. Let’s also remember that cities are the people. It’s their ideas and passion and vision that create.
I don’t know if it can be said any better than what urbanist Lewis Mumford said (and Geoffrey West echoed): “The chief function of the city is to convert power into form, energy into culture, dead matter into the living symbols of art, biological reproduction into social creativity.”
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Tags: #Innovation #UrbanPlanning #Humanity #Passion #EconomicGrowth #Diversity #Serendipity #StatusQuo #BehavioralEconomics #WealthDisparity #Bias #Gentrification #BlackLivesMatter #RoadAhead
Brand Strategy Consultant | B2B Marketing Expert | AI Leader | Clients: SAP, Samsung Ads, Wipro
4 年"[Gentrification] diminishes the feel and dynamic culture of a thriving city as neighborhoods start to emulate the suburbs." Exactly – when neighborhoods insulate themselves from people, ideas, cuisine, art, and culture that are different they become fundamentally less stimulating. Innovation *requires* difference, requires challenges to the status quo, and requires the energy of people with everything to gain and little to lose.