Citi: Ten Things You Need to Know About Ratings in APAC before November Starts / 花旗:亚太区评级十大新鲜事·2021年11月刊

Citi: Ten Things You Need to Know About Ratings in APAC before November Starts / 花旗:亚太区评级十大新鲜事·2021年11月刊

Country / Territory Theme



1. Moody’s believes that 'Common prosperity' agenda proposed by Chinese government will create transition risks, with longer-term benefits if well implemented.?China's authorities have reemphasized the need for the country to build “common prosperity,” with the goal of lowering income inequality and improving the social safety net to achieve long-term economic sustainability. Moody’s expect increased credit risks resulting from a period of regulatory uncertainty in the short time, and prolonged uncertainty could produce more negative effects on private investment, productivity, capital efficiency and growth. In the medium to long term, effective implementation would be positive for sovereign credit quality, including higher consumption, lower excess savings and more sustainable growth. Moody’s expect different risks and opportunities from the policies, depending on the sector and individual company.



2. On 15 October, the People's Bank of China and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission designated 19 commercial banks as domestic systemically important banks (D-SIBs).?The regulators classified the banks into four groups that are subject to varying Core Tier-1 capital surcharges and minimum requirements for leverage ratios. Moody’s views the D-SIB designation as credit positive because it will subject the selected banks to tightened supervision, helping to reduce systemic risk and maintain financial system stability. Both S&P and Fitch notes that D-SIB designations will be one of several factors that influence its view of a bank's systemic importance and likelihood of receiving sovereign support, while S&P highlights that such designation is not a necessary condition to position sovereign support. For example, China Bohai Bank and China Zheshang Bank, both of which are not D-SIBs list, enjoy similar support assessment as other national joint-stock commercial banks in China.

2. 10月15日,中国人民银行及中国银行保险监督管理委员会将19家商业银行认定为国内系统重要性银行。监管机构将这些银行分为四组,分别适用不同的核心一级附加资本和最低杠杆率要求。穆迪鉴于这些银行将受到更严格的监管,有助于降低系统性风险和维持金融体系稳定,认为该系统重要性银行认定为信用利好。标普和惠誉均指出,系统重要性银行认定将是影响其对某一银行的系统重要性及获得主权支持的可能性的看法的考量之一,但标普强调,系统重要性银行身份并不是获得主权支持评级提升的必要条件。例如,渤海银行和浙商银行均不在名单上,但标普仍然认为政府对这两家银行的支持程度与其他股份制银行相仿。


3. Moody’s?changed?the outlook for India’s sovereign rating from negative to stable and affirmed the Baa3 rating. As a result, most Indian corporates and FIs’ negative outlook changed to stable in tandem.?Moody’s positive move is based on improvement in the solvency of the financial sector, with higher capital cushions, expectations for a strong recovery in economy growth and a gradual reduction of fiscal deficits. Asset quality deterioration has been moderate and?access to capital markets has steadily improved for public-sector banks. In the?corporate sector, revenue and earnings are expected to return to pre pandemic levels in the current fiscal year thereby?stabilizing the leverage and interest coverage ratios. Improving credit trends across industries?further support the?stable outlook.



Industry Theme



4. While all three rating agencies have observed that Central Bank Digital Currencies (‘CBDC’) are evolving swiftly?with potential far-reaching implications to the future of banking, in Asia-Pacific the implication could vary depending on the region. S&P notes that China is leading from the front, when it began pilot trials for its retail CBDC in 2020, and is better-progressed compared with other jurisdictions in Asia-Pacific. Singapore monetary authority recently concluded its five-year digital currency project.?Collaborations abound elsewhere including in separate multi-country projects in Japan and Hong Kong, and in Australia, where the central bank is partnering with banks and the U.S. developer of the Ethereum blockchain.?However, in APAC EM banking sectors, cash in circulation continues to be high despite the rise in digital payments. Future of banking remains uncertain given the risk of banks being disintermediated, though that is not likely to happen in the near term. For instance, in China the CBDC pilot projects’ impact on payment service providers is limited at present, but wider adoption of the CBDC could lead to changes in data sharing and competition, as observed by Fitch. In the longer term, this could lead to changes to the revenue structure of Alipay and Wechat Pay, which dominate non-bank mobile-based payments.



5. Fitch has finalized its update on Chinese Property Developers’ rating navigator. As a result of the update,?29 Chinese property developers’ rating are placed Under Criteria Observation (UCO).?Such review scope is much larger than originally expected, mainly due to the recent liquidity crunch in the sector. Fitch expects most negative rating actions are likely to be limited to one-notch downgrades or revisions to rating Outlooks, however, we note that multiple two notch downgrades cases so far, such as Guangzhou R&F, Kaisa, Risesun, Yango, as a result of the review. In this navigator update, Fitch tends to recognize less JV business contribution than before. It also excludes funds in regulated presale-proceeds accounts?from readily available cash?calculations in leverage calculations. We expect Fitch to resolve the review for those names under review for liquidity concerns as a priority.



Key Rating Actions



6. S&P upgraded ratings of Tata Group companies based on revised group assessment. Tata Steel and Tata Motors received two notch uplifts to BBB-/Stable and BB-/Stable, while JLR received a one notch uplift to B+/Stable.?Reevaluation of Tata Sons as a parent company from an investment holding company warranted the rerating of the group companies. This was based on the increasing ownership of Tata Sons in the group companies, higher influence over financial policy and consistent evidence of extraordinary support to group companies. Tata Steel and Tata Motors were assessed as strategically important companies to the group helping them get a two notch uplift while JLR being a step down subsidiary of Tata Motors only got a one notch uplift.?On the other hand, from Moody’s and Fitch both Tata Steel (Ba1/BB) and Tata Motors (B1/--) receive +1 notch uplift due to the expectation of timely, ongoing and?extraordinary support?from Tata Sons. JLR (B1) has not received ratings uplift from Moody’s.”

6.?标普根据修订后的集团评估方法论上调了塔塔集团(Tata Group)成员公司的评级。塔塔钢铁(Tata Steel)?和塔塔汽车(Tata Motors)分别调升两个子级至BBB-/稳定和?BB-/稳定,而捷豹路虎(JLR)调升一个子级至B+/稳定。标普将Tata Sons的定位由原来的投资控股公司改为母公司,从而引发对集团成员公司的重新评级。此次调整主原因是Tata Sons在集团成员公司中的所有权不断增加、对成员公司财务政策的影响力提高,以及一贯为集团成员公司提供特别支持。塔塔钢铁和塔塔汽车被评估为对集团具有战略重要性的公司,因而获得两个子级的调升,而捷豹路虎作为塔塔汽车的下级子公司仅获得了一个子级的调升。另一方面,由于预期能得到Tata Sons的及时、持续、特别的支持,穆迪和惠誉将塔塔钢铁(Ba1/BB)和塔塔汽车(B1/--)的评级调升一个子级。捷豹路虎(B1)尚未获得穆迪的评级调升。


7. Moody’s assigned a B1 to Cinda AMC(A3)’s proposed AT1 rating, 2 notches below Cinda AMC’s standalone of ba2, which marks a revolutionary deviation from the 3 notches standard notching.??Such 2-notch adjustment reflects (1) Moody's standard notching guidance for?preference securities?with loss triggered at the?point of non-viability (PONV)?on a contractual basis and with a non-cumulative dividend deferral option; and (2) the assumption that Chinese authorities or government are likely to exhaust other remedies before declaring Cinda AMC to be non-viable. Moody’s is comfortable with the tightened notching as they believe that government has more room to maneuver given the flexibilities of AMC regulatory framework compared to banks and government would exhaust all remedies available before declaring PONV. Cinda’s proposed AT1 instrument is neither rated by S&P nor Fitch.



8. S&P upgraded?Manappuram Finance?to 'BB-' with a Stable outlook, as the gold-based lending business proved to be an effective counterbalance to the weakness in India's microfinance segment. The company is expected to outperform its non-gold NBFI peers over the next 12 months driven by its lower credit costs, above-average profitability, and strong capitalization. But the non-gold loan portfolio (~30% of total loan book) will continue to be under stress, though billing and?collection efficiency?are increasing back to close to pre-COVID-19 levels, hinting at improving asset quality trends. Company’s credit profile would see further improvement if access to longer-term funding increases reducing?the rollover risk associated with short-term wholesale funding. The Company continues to be rated at BB-/Stable by Fitch.

8.?标普将Manappuram Finance评级调升至“BB-”,展望稳定,因为事实证明,基于黄金的贷款业务并不会受到印度疲弱的小额信贷行业的影响。由于信贷成本较低、盈利能力高于平均水平和充足的资本金,公司今后12?个月的表现有望优于非黄金类非银行金融机构(NBFI)同行。?但是,非黄金贷款组合(占贷款总额的30%左右)将继续承受压力,不过计费和催收效率正在回升至接近疫情前的水平,意味着资产质量正趋于改善。如果获得较长期融资的机会增加,以至于短期批发融资相关的展期风险降低,则公司的信用状况将进一步改善。惠誉目前对该公司仍然维持BB-/稳定评级。?


9. Herd behavior occurs as agencies take massive negative actions on Chinese properties.?Apart from Fitch taking massive reviews as mentioned earlier in the bulletin, the Chinese property analysts are busy reviewing their portfolio as well as a result of internal pushes from global seniors and external pushes from investors. In the past month, Moody’s has taken 10+ downgrade actions on Chinese property names, including Kaisa, Central China, Yuzhou, Guangzhou R&F etc. The agency has also put multiple names under watch for downgrade and changed outlooks of a handful of names. S&P actions during the past months on the sector have been more selective than Moody’s, while it highlights the rating pressures faced by single-B rated developers in its industry research. In addition to bank and bond investors’ skittish view on the sector, developers’ weakened cash generation amid tough market conditions and industry down cycle further pressures their liquidity. In light of the recent defaults of Sinic and Fantasia, agencies became more conservative on their unrestricted cash assumptions in leverage calculations.


ESG Theme



10. S&P has unveiled its holistic roadmap on ESG, consisting of not only credit materiality, but also stakeholder materiality, i.e. ESG outside of credit ratings. S&P is advancing its transparency efforts on ESG and plans to roll out issuer level ESG credit indicators for rated corporates, infrastructure, banks and insurer by end of the year. S&P also reiterates that its long-term credit rating do not have a pre-determined time horizon, which means long-term ESG risks could be factored in as long as it is certain and material enough from S&P’s perspective. In our view, S&P’s ESG in Credit methodology and scoring system highlights the ESG-specific considerations and how these are factored into the existing credit rating methodology, while Moody’s ESG methodology and scoring covers a broader range of factors that could in some cases be a mix of ESG-specific and traditional credit factors. While the latter’s scope seems more comprehensive, its scores could in some cases be overridden and distorted by some non-core ESG risks. Back in September, Sustainable Fitch has rolled out its comprehensive?ESG offerings?to supplement the ESG Relevance Scores, which was rolled out in 2019 as the first ESG in Credit scoring from the top three credit rating agencies.





11.?S&P believes China’s auto recovery is hitting a speed bump, with a lower growth than expected due to auto-chip shortage continuing- China's light vehicle sales will likely grow by 1%-3% in 2021.?This contrasts with S&P’s prior assumption of 5%-9% growth, and is down from the 9.0% growth seen in the first 9 months of 2021. However, S&P believes there would be a gradual easing of chip shortages next year, and demand remains healthy, as shown by a sales-to-production ratio of over 100%, declining dealer inventories, narrowing discounts, and surging used car sales. Other than that, S&P also observed that China's new EV sales climbed 185% in the first 9 months of 2021, due to a low base, improving product offerings, and increasing consumer acceptance. The rating outlooks on rated carmakers and suppliers have been stabilizing through the year, on improved demand. S&P believes the impact from power shortages will be limited.




Source: Moody’s, S&P and Fitch

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