Citadel Chapter 6 The First Test

Citadel Chapter 6 The First Test


“As I said, you will be briefed, after which you will be conducted on a tour of the complex.  Please follow me.”

Before another objection could be pursued Edison turned away from them and began a brisk walk deeper into the complex down a narrow hall away from the Spider chamber.  His guests had no choice but to pursue.  They proceeded up a few stairways to what appeared to be the doors to an elevator.  Edison removed something from his pocket about the size of a quarter and slipped it into a wrist band designed to hold the devise. He activated what appeared now to be a communication device.

“We call this a Comlink.  Your cell phones are completely useless here.  At the appropriate time you will be issued a similar Comlink.  Yours will be restricted and contain only a limited memory capacity. It will allow you to be in communication with the Command Center at all times.  It also acts as a key to most of the security doors in Citadel.”

“I don’t suppose it also lets you know where we are?” asked Jessica flatly.

“In its limited capacity it does help us to keep you safe.”

Keep you safe answered my question. Why do you keep saying limited capacity?”  Jessica was willing to play along.

Edison turned to Jessica and said to her face: “Our technology is the most secret part of our environment, here.  We rely on it to keep all of us safe.  There is a great deal for you to learn and your Comlink will become your source of information and even your teacher.” He tapped his devise to which a screen on the wall came to life. “I cannot issue you a Master Link until you are ready for it.  Our experience is this level of limited capacity is all that you need for now and besides you wouldn’t know what to do with a Master.” 

A tone sounded and a computer generated voice of astounding quality made a security check.

This is main portal sub-Delta please state your name and remain still for visual confirmation.

“This is Edison.” He stood still as a beam of blue light passed over him and those who stood with him.  There was no sensation.

Good evening Edison, Alpha wave confirmation. Clearance is affirmative.

The doors opened immediately.  Edison passed through first and politely invited the others to join him.  Jessica had exercised great discretion up to this point.  She considered her restraint more than monumental.  She hesitated.

“Three hundred Terra bites” Edison sought her attention.

“What?” Then it hit her. “You have 300 Terra Bits on the limited edition?”

Edison smiled as she stepped forward into the elevator.  Isaac and Dr. Schmidt were close behind.

“I must warn you to move to the side of the elevator and hold on to the rail.  This machine not only goes up and down, but for our purposes also travels horizontally.” He paused, then smiled again. “…and occasionally even diagonally when the situation requires.”

The “elevator” traveled first up at a frightening speed, then abruptly to the right, then up again and then it seemed to accelerate to the left.  Suddenly it slowed quickly decelerating to a stop.  The computer asked again for proper identification.

Level 6, Command Center, please confirm your name.

Not quite as friendly as the first time,” thought Jessica.

“This is Edison.  Our guests have arrived.”

Confirmed.  Please do come in Edison.

The doors opened into a hallway immediately to one side of the Command Center.  Jessica could see a great deal of activity down the long hall.  There were a few large view screens the size of a movie theater partially visible.  Her curiosity nearly got the best of her as she instinctively moved quickly for the center's main operations room.

Edison stopped her.  “You are not quite ready to go in there.  Please follow me into the conference room.”

Jessica was a little hesitant.  Something about the tone in which the command had been delivered triggered her natural resistance.  Yet he was also not disrespectful but definitely in command.  In a strange way, only not so strange to Jessica, she found comfort in the forcefully controlled voice because it did give her hope her questions would be answered.  There was also of course no other choice but to comply.

The group entered a rather mundane room sparsely decorated containing a rather large, dark, oval table with a reflective black surface.  There were precisely enough chairs to accommodate those present.  Nothing about the decorum seemed threatening.

            “Please be seated.  Let me begin by expressing my sincere apology for the way in which you were brought here, but in a short while you will quickly see why it was necessary.”

Jessica took a seat and immediately began to move uncomfortably.  Something was not right about the seat.  It was actually too comfortable.  Could it be intended to create a situation where she would be more likely to drop her guard?  She had an overwhelming foreboding that she was not going to like what she was about to hear.

Dr. Schmidt took a seat next to Jessica. He did not seem to be affected one way or another.  In fact he sat up forward and was about to place his hands on the surface of the table in front of him.  

“I would certainly hope that an explanation as to why we have been brought here is in order,” retorted Dr. Schmidt.

“Please do not have contact with the table in front of you just yet.  There is a momentary lapse as your physical makeup is being analyzed.  It’s what must happen before we can calibrate your personal Comlink.”

Jessica looked instinctively at the table the surface of which revealed nothing but a mirror image of those at the table. She could feel slight vibration through the seat which her first reaction was made with black leather and very plush.

“As promised you will learn all that is necessary for you to understand the purpose in your being here.” The words seemed almost scripted.

“All that is necessary ?” asked Jessica.

“To be sure,” promised Edison as if it was the end of the conversation, but he did not yet know Jessica in spite of what his documentation told him.

“No.  I think you misunderstood me.” Jessica wasn’t ready to move on. “I was questioning your curious use of the phrase ‘all that is necessary’.”

“How do you mean?” 

She was not sure if he really didn’t understand or that he was stalling, but for what reason?

“Quite simply it implies that there are some things that you intend to hide from us.”

“Well spoken. How very perceptive you are, Dr. Holt.  You are of course correct.”

“I'm correct?” She was amazed at his open candor.

“Yes.  There are some things you will not be told.  Perhaps in time you will have proper clearance and ...”

“That's it!  I shall take my leave of you.” Jessica suddenly had fire in her eyes.  She was not there to play a game of hide the ball.  It was all out on the table or not at all.

“But Dr. Holt.” In a strange way she noticed the complete lack of sincerity in his protest.  She stood up. She thought she could hear and alarm go off as if in a distant room.

“For once I have to agree with Dr. Holt.  Please remove us from this place immediately,” said Schmidt who began to get up from his chair.

“I see. Well if I can’t change your mind. So be it,” said Edison as he spoke into his Comlink and began giving orders that made no sense to either Jessica or Schmidt.

“Omega nine one and nine two, receivers unresponsive, boost accelerate, terminate phase two.” Edison’s voice was monotone, without emotion, even clinical.

            Somewhat unconsciously, at least in part, Jessica had prepared herself to resist the proposed message even before it could be given.  It was anticipated. She had been seduced by curiosity and was beginning to suppress even her strongest defenses, it made her all the more determined to resist.  What fascinated her was that somehow she sensed that none of her resistance seemed to matter.  It was as if they had expected it.

“I will return you to the surface momentarily.”

“Just like that!” she protested.

“We will not compel you to be here Dr. Holt.  If you do not want to remain, we will accommodate you now before you learn any more of our secrets.”

Now he wasn't playing fair.

“Wait just a minute!” He had just placed before Jessica something they knew she could not resist. 

“Change your mind?” asked Edison who seemed also hopeful.

“You gave in far too easy.  That tells me that either you are testing me or you really don't need us.  If you really don't need us then why risk the security of such an expensive complex by bringing us here?”

“You’re doing fine so far.”

“So this is a test.”

“Would someone please tell me what's going on?” pleaded Dr. Schmidt.

“Commitment must be very important here,” observed Jessica.

“It is probably the most important thing of all.” There was a certain undeniable devotion in his voice. 

“Are we leaving or not?” demanded Schmidt.

“We are not for the moment,” indicated Jessica who looked with great suspicion at Edison.  “That is if our decision can be reversed?”

“Now you're testing us.” Edison responded in kind smiling broader than ever.

He then opened a door which leads down a corridor.

“If you feel like leaving,” said Edison as he pointed down the corridor, “this door leads back to the Spider bay.  There is a standing order to escort you to the surface

 where there is a transport waiting to take you back to your home.” He hesitated.  “Just to show no hard feelings we’ll even throw in lunch.”

No one got up from their seats.  Jessica exchanged a fixed stare with Edison.  No matter what else happened, she could not leave now.  Call it a challenge, the irresistible drive to somehow, some way, show this arrogant male that she would not be accused of cutting and running.  Besides, her curiosity alone was enough to justify taking the whole ride.  So much could be conveyed in a simple glance.

“Very well.  Please get comfortable in your seats and I will explain.” Edison touched his Comlink and whispered a command. “Standard Comlink issue for Dr. Holt and for Dr. Schmidt in conference room. Send to detect table positions. Security clearance extended, authorization Edison.”

They both sat back.  As they did an area in front of them was activated. 

Edison warned them. “Please do not interfere with the delivery matrix in front of you.  I will instruct you when it is safe.  No need having an accident on your first day.”

Jessica thought it looked like a lighted area on the table in front of her was beginning to take form. 

“It is important you let the matrix complete its delivery.  In other words don’t stick your hand into it too soon or we will have to send you to medical to remove the particles from your hand.  I mean you wouldn’t stick your hand in a microwave while it was still going would you?”

Jessica seemed to be remembering something.  “It was an honest experiment.”

The comment caused Edison to pause and the data collectors in the adjacent room to let off an unheard collective laugh. 

Within seconds the bright area in front of Jessica and Dr. Schmidt took the shape of a personalized Comlink complete with their names inscribed within the device itself seeming to float within the interior. They put them on and as they did there was no buckle or visible connection to hold them on.  To Jessica’s amazement the band closed perfectly around her wrist and fused together seamlessly. 

“These devices did not exist before they were created for you.  They are personalized to your DNA and will not operate for anyone else but you.  Here is your memory chip.”  He handed them the familiar disc. “Turn your wrist palm face down and hold the disc over the band.”

As they did the disc seemed to move magnetically out of their hands and onto the band where it became a part of the band. 

“You will note that they are light weight, completely water proof at any depth, virtually indestructible, and because they are sequenced to you they are actually charged by you.  Batteries are not necessary because you are the battery.”

Jessica attempted to shake her Comlink.  There was no sensation that it was even on.

“You can ask it whatever you like.” Edison sensed a need to demonstrate. “Go ahead, ask away.”

Jessica immediately took the challenge.  “Who is Edison and what is he up to?”

A female voice responded: Edison is the chief operating officer of Citadel.  There is insufficient specificity to determine what he is up to. Ask him.

Edison took the cue.

“Fine, I will explain.  Citadel is like no other complex in the world.  It's function is protected by the highest security of any organization East or West.  We have agents in every major hot spot in over one hundred and thirty countries.  The mission of Citadel is to facilitate conflict resolutions, to put out the fires of misery and injustice.  To stop the deterioration of the planet before it is too late.”

Jessica actually began to snicker.

“Now what?” Edison couldn’t believe her.

“You can't be serious,” said Jessica through near laughter while staring at her wrist. “Although I do have to say I am impressed with your toy.”

“How does that involve us?” Dr. Schmidt said trying to get-to the point.  His patience had expired.  Secretly, since they had been exposed to this technology, he just wanted to get out in one piece, but maybe there was a chance for profit here.

“We are quite serious,” said Edison now seeming somewhat frustrated.

“But it all sounds rather impossible,” responded Jessica.

Edison arose from his chair, and with a new seriousness in his voice which caused Jessica to lose the rather annoying smile which had broadened across her face, he continued.  “We may have need of your talents.  Within this facility there is a great storage of knowledge and information.  Originally it was designed to be a repository of all of the literature and combined knowledge of mankind.  It was begun in the fifties when the fear of nuclear war spread across the country.  Congress allocated billions for its construction without any care as to the full depth of development which occurred.  For two decades the best the world had to offer was fed into the libraries of what later became known as Citadel.”

“That appears to be very interesting,” interrupted an indignant Dr. Schmidt, “but I have forsaken certain obligations in coming here and I don't relish the thought of becoming a glorified librarian.”

“And you would like to be compensated for your sacrifices?”  Edison could sense the importance of the economic side of Dr. Schmidt.

“Precisely,” said Schmidt with a finality in his voice.

“May I continue.” Requested Edison.

“If you must.” Schmidt shined on with arrogance.

Edison tried to restrain a growing dislike for Schmidt.

“At first we had millions of volumes which took up hundreds of thousands of square feet of cavern space.  Eventually we simply ran out of room.  Painstakingly additional areas were cleared out.  In the early days lives were lost as jack hammers and chisels, through great agony and sweat, inched their way through solid granite.  New technologies had to be developed to assist in the expanding ‘city’ under the mountain.  We developed laser drills which melted away in minutes what horrifying toil had taken months to do.”

Edison, as he spoke, sought the attention of Dr. Schmidt who seemed to be more bored than engaged in the presentation.  He continued, but this time favoring Jessica who continued thankfully to show more promise.

“As the age of the computers came upon us our ability to store information increased exponentially.  Our consolidation of space freed up larger sections of the caverns.  We began using the newly reclaimed areas for alternate productive use.”

“What do you mean by 'alternate productive use'?” asked Jessica who had always had a general dislike and distrust of bureaucracies.

“The basis of this project was a vague mention in the Congressional enactment which gave it birth, which liberally interpreted conveyed to us the authority to expand our capabilities to find ever more efficient uses for the information we had amassed and continued to collect.”

“So you freelanced?” Jessica cut to the chase.

“Somewhat.  The computer was helpful in deciding what projects to take on first, but increasingly we found that the human factor played the most important of roles.  The computer was capable of endless randomness but one element missing from the computer was ‘imagination’.”

Edison seemed to hesitate for a moment on the word as though to offer it

uncommon reverence and then continued.

“A most important revelation came when we made the change from being purely a receptacle of information, to a genuine mechanism for finding practical solutions for resolving problems.  We experienced a number of fantastic breakthroughs which were discretely infiltrated into the society on the surface.  Soon the space program, medicine, agriculture, manufacturing and even law making began to be affected by what was going on here.  We became a valuable resource for the White House and even the Security Council of the United Nations.”

“A source of information or control?” observed Jessica more accusing than asking.

Edison rose from his chair and walked to the corner of the room.  For a few moments he said nothing.  He turned away from the group which watched him intently.  Jessica noticed that even Isaac, who was obviously familiar with all of this, still seemed to watch and listen with great care.

“Very interesting”, she whispered as she made a few notes of her own.

Edison was uncertain about Dr. Schmidt and could not envision his part in Citadel.  He was too base, too interested in himself. Jessica on the other hand was suitably irritating.  Had she been any less he would have probably been disappointed.  She also represented a great deal of work, and he feared, many sleepless nights, but still there was something about her.

“Control?” he whispered in almost a laugh.  Somehow he knew that there was no doubt as to whether Jessica was ready to go to the next level.


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