Citadel Chapter 4 - Trap Door Spider
Paul Young
AA, BA, MA, JD and Freelance Writer at The Paper Chase LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company
Rock walls passed on all sides. It was apparent that the platform they were on was dropping a considerable distance below the surface.
“I can't make anything out,” said Jessica as she strained hard to recognize something familiar.
“We are being lowered into some kind of underground chamber,” said Dr. Schmidt as he made a characteristically predictable observation of the obvious.
Dr. Holt could only respond with an impatient dull facial expression devoid of interest. It was incredible. This man claimed to be a renowned scientist? She felt like introducing him to her left cross again.
The helicopter continued to drop. For awhile the darkness was complete. The sensation of movement was inescapable, yet without a point of reference it was impossible to tell how far, or how fast.
Suddenly in the darkness a vast chamber opened up,
“I see lights,” said Dr. Schmidt
“They seem to be all around.”
Below them a circle of lights guided the craft to a solid landing. As the platform came to rest there was a sudden cessation of movement. The pressure of deceleration was cushioned by the soft response of shock absorbers.
“It would appear that we have come to rest,” she said.
“Indeed but where?” He said with some concern.
“I would not imagine that it will take long to find out,” she responded.
“I can't see a damn thing!” He was near panic.
“I believe that is the general idea. I don't like this at all,” said Jessica as she continued to observe the area beyond the curtain of light.
The helicopter was bathed in the pale light of artificial day. Beyond the circle of lights there was absolute darkness. At first the only visible details were buried indistinguishably in shadows shrouded by the lights illuminating the craft on the platform.
“I think I see something,” announced Jessica now ready to play along.
“Where?” Dr. Schmidt strained in multiple directions.
“There, just beyond the perimeter.” She pointed in the general direction.
Jessica thought she could see someone, or something, moving around the perimeter of the lights. Without warning a large metallic arm stabbed abruptly through the wall of light just above the helicopter and took hold of a coupler designed for that purpose just below the rotor's shaft. The helicopter, passengers and all, was lifted from the platform and retracted a few feet above the ground into an adjoining massive horizontal tunnel. As the craft was brought clear of the landing bay, the pad began to move upward to reestablish itself in position to receive the next arrival.
“Very impressive.” Jessica was becoming more interested and could not help but be in awed by the sheer size of what she could already see of the operation.
“Sort of like a Trapdoor Spider”, she added aloud.
“An excellent analogy, Dr. Holt,” a voice echoed through the chamber, “You will soon learn how appropriate it is to your situation.”
“I was unaware that we have a ‘situation’” Jessica baited him and he knew it.
“It is with the best of intentions I assure you.” The faceless commentator so acknowledged that he was still paying keen attention to what was being said in the cabin.
“Who are you?” she asked but so politely.
No answer, only instructions. She found the slight English accent somewhat interesting.
“You will shortly be exiting the helicopter. Someone will assist you. Please hold all of your questions until you arrive at the Master Command Center. I will be waiting for you there. My name is Thomas Edison, but most everyone here refers to me simply as Edison.”
“How delightful”, muttered Jessica sarcastically fainting an accent of her own.
Irritatingly impatient, Dr. Schmidt was not satisfied with any further delay. He began again in a way Jessica thought at the very least violated protocol and insisted on answers even though requested to wait. They did ask nicely.
“Mr. Edison, what is the purpose of our presence here? How long will we be in this helicopter? Is all of this going to come to a point?”
There was a pause as if someone were waiting for Dr. Schmidt to finish, or at least take a breath. A message calmly followed.
“All questions will be answered soon.”
“I don't wish to wait. I've had quite enough.”
“Schmidt. Shut up.” Jessica’s words were said in a way that was threatening yet indifferent and therefore dangerous.
There was an attempt to control the growing anxiety. “My dear Dr. Schmidt, as I have explained, you will be briefed in due time and in the proper place. Please permit us our precautions.”
There it was, the action word, “precautions”.
“Why do you need precautions! Is there danger here! I am only an anthropologist!” Dr. Schmidt was now elevating his voice. It was noted and stored.
A long moment of silence passed. Jessica was by this time thoroughly annoyed by the likes of Dr. Schmidt who she finally proceeded to chasten. “Come on Schmidt, use your head! Have you seen nothing? Show a least a little backbone.”
Jessica was not one to let such behavior go unpunished. Then the thought occurred to her that this was a perfect opportunity to playfully inflict a little harmless grief. It would cause more discomfort than striking him and a great deal more satisfaction as well. She took to her role playing with a far too polished perfection.
“You realize of course why we are here?” Jessica announced. Schmidt's eyes were riveted on her eyes. She could see that he had the look of a desperate man, someone on the edge, ready to do something unpredictable.
“They know all about you.”
“What are you trying to say? This is a joke, right?” Schmidt’s eyes widened. He was trying not to believe the warning, but he was far too deep down the rabbit hole now.
“I'm afraid not.”
From an unseen room a multitude of technicians were taking note. One with multiple screens with Jessica in focus asked his apparent supervisor, “What is she doing?”
“Just listen and observe. Keep all biotech in place and fully refreshed.” Jessica continued, “They have been following you for years. Collecting evidence of your abuse, all those trips, your little indiscretions. You’re in a lot of trouble.” Jessica could hardly contain herself as a wild sense of satisfaction fueled her desire to go on.
The Command Room: “She’s just guessing, right?”
“What if she is right? Engage backup confirmation search on Schmidt. If he is going to be a problem we need to know why that was not picked up in his initial profile.”
Jessica sensed fear. “By our records we should have put you away years ago.”
Dr. Schmidt grew paler by the second. He began to show physical signs of great stress and discomfort.
The Command Room: “That’s enough. I’m calling it.”
The interior speaker came on, “Very funny Dr. Holt,” the faceless calm voice returned.
Dr. Schmidt, face laden with perspiration, took a deep breath. Thankful for what he thought was a reprieve.
“Don't worry Dr. Schmidt, we'll have you out of there in a few moments. By the way, welcome to Citadel.”
The helicopter was brought forward to a waiting area where the tunnel widened out. The room was well lite and bore little resemblance to the “cave-like” features of the passageway through which they had been brought. The floor and walls were metallic and very clean. The ceiling appeared carefully cut and smoothed from solid rock. To one side of the room there was a huge tunnel which opened high above the floor of the vast chamber. It was circular in shape, about thirty feet in diameter, and seemed to be lined with metal very much like a giant storm drain.
Several individuals dressed in light blue uniforms approached the helicopter. Jessica, sensed an uneasiness which she did not like.
“Now who might they be? Perhaps our welcoming committee at last?” she said as she eyed them with great caution inspecting their every move, checking for weapons, and whether or not they were free to do what they wanted. Tommy’s warning filled the back of her mind. She involuntarily assumed a defensive position. Somewhere buried in her experiences, and from her self-defense classes, she felt the need to protect even though there was really nothing up to this point to suggest the need. They had no obvious weapons. They seemed more helpful than threatening, but still, for what had to be purely illogical, she felt her fist tighten if only slightly. Even that reaction was recorded and would be added to her profile.
The positioning was not unnoticed by Dr. Schmidt, who was decidedly non-confrontational, and was not sure he wanted Jessica’s “protection”. He cautioned her to dignify herself and to quit embarrassing him.
“Please, Dr. Holt, surely we can trust these people. They have entrusted us with the secret of their identity, I am sure given the technology at their disposal they could have long since brought us to harm if that was their intent.”
“Perhaps.” He actually had a point.
“You don't seem so sure. Of course it appears to me that...”
“Save the analysis Doctor, your off the clock,” she had to stop him.
The Command Room: “Holt is exhibiting dominance and an inclination towards aggressive response. Time to open it up.”
The forward hatch of the helicopter opened.
“Dr. Schmidt and Dr. Holt, would you be so kind as to follow me,” said a young man as he leaned inside.
Jessica was quick to take note of his appearance. His jet black hair was neatly cut. His eyes were blue, an uncommonly deep blue. There was something else. Something about him that made her feel strangely very uncomfortable. She couldn't quite decide what it was. It certainly wasn't his looks, he appeared, well, just about physically perfect. There was a feeling, a presence that defied expression.
“Maybe just a little too perfect,” she thought suspiciously.
She took another hard look.
“No”, she said softly, “that could never happen.”
“I'm sorry, what could never happen?” asked the young man.
“You have pretty good hearing.”
“Thank you. Please follow me now.”
Maybe it was the way he seemed every bit a gentleman. His manners were a welcome surprise. He helped her to the floor without making her feel uncomfortable about accepting his help. That was a trick in itself, and yet he accomplished it with ease, a gentleman.
“Interesting”, she thought.
Pleasant, polite, and inexplicably somehow she felt as though she could trust him. For her the thought of such unsolicited trust was incredibly unnatural and threw her completely off balance. Dr. Jessica Holt was not one to trust anyone quickly, and yet, perhaps his innocence, certainly his smile and compelling character, left her near defenseless. Later she would compel answers, but for now she would like to first know who this man was.
“Good evening. My name is Isaac. I am to escort you to the main Command Center where you will meet our chief officer who is himself in conference. As you have been told our chief officer is known here simply as Edison and has asked me to convey his welcome.”
“Why didn’t he come in person?” questioned Jessica, whose demanding tone punctuated each syllable erasing any doubt as to her present state of mind. With unmistakable indignation her eyes burned deep into Isaac’s smiling face.
Seemingly unaffected, Isaac continued, “Edison is a very busy man. The work which he does often saves lives. There is at this moment several serious conflicts going on throughout the world.” He then strategically, even a bit defensively, changed to a slightly sarcastic approach, “And despite the obvious importance you have placed on your visit I assure you your time will be well spent.”
“I need a cigarette.” Jessica said of her annoying habit.
“I am sorry Dr. Holt, may I call you Jessica?”
“You are welcome to try.”
“Right. Due to the sensitive equipment and valuable contents of this complex I am afraid your smoking will have to wait.”
“You don't mean to tell me that I can't even smoke. What in hell kind of place is this? Is this some kind of secret government experiment?”
“Everything will be explained to you soon at your briefing.”
“You have a rather strange accent. Are you a foreigner by birth?”
“You could say that.”
Isaac paused a moment to allow Dr. Schmidt to catch up. His hesitation gave him a chance to get a better look at Jessica.
“This one indeed seems to have potential”, he thought carefully, “well at least she has fire for the deed. Good. She will need it.”
Isaac could not help but think it such a waste to see a beautiful woman intentionally destroying her beauty on the likes of such a terrible addiction.
The group moved out across the chamber's main floor and headed up a few stairs towards the opening. More than once Isaac looked back to Jessica. His expression was unmistakably conveying a desire to say something more to her, but he never seemed to quite reach the point of saying what was on his mind. The practice annoyed her.
“Alright, enough! Out with it! What's the problem?” She finished her inquiry with her hands defiantly on her hips.
“It occurred to me that someone as beautiful as yourself should do everything in her power to preserve that beauty so that others might enjoy it. Smoking seems such a contradiction to your outward appearance. We have a program...”
“Stop! I'll think it over.” Her voice responded well to-Isaac's observations. Beauty? This man was definitely a gentleman.
“To think I had to go underground to find one at last”, she whispered imperceptibly as they proceeded into the opening.
“Find one what?” Isaac asked openly.
“Oh he's good,” she thought carefully fearful that even her thoughts might be overheard.
“It's alright Dr. Holt. Living underground sometimes greatly improves our ability to hear.”
“I'm sure it does,” she said without conviction.