Circular Tourism As A Key Factor
In 2015, all the member states of the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, known as (SDGs), which consist of seventeen goals in all economic, environmental, and social fields, because when one area is concerned, it will affect the others and will never see improvement. This fact made it necessary to balance all areas to reach growth.
The goals of sustainable development aim to protect humanity and work to end pollution and poverty and protect the entire planet by 2030. These goals are also known as global goals. Among the agreed goals comes the twelfth goal: Sustainable Production and Consumption.
This goal depends, to a large extent, on how to manage the common natural resources, and methods of disposal of toxic waste and environmental pollutants. At the same time, it encourages industries that depend on recycling, as well as the use of more sustainable economic and environmental patterns.
This objective also works to encourage the public and private sectors to advocate sustainable public procurement practices, especially in the food system and the tourism sector.
Sustainable tourism development (latest tourism concepts):
Tourism development is one of the most important needs of the tourism movement, which constitutes an effective and successful economic base.
Tourism development represents the process of optimal use of natural, social, and economic resources upon which any geographical area of a tourist character is based, whether for domestic or international tourism.
Tourism and the environment are two sides of the same coin. But the negative impact of tourism on the environment is much greater in terms of depleting natural resources because the environment is a very important attraction in the field of tourism. And because the linear economy leads in turn to the intensive exploitation of resources without considering the consequences, and it only achieves instant benefit without looking into the future, it was necessary to use the mechanisms of the circular economy and apply it to the tourism field under the name (circular tourism) to reduce the reckless and ill-considered consumption of natural resources and the depletion of their wealth.
The most important models of the impact of tourism on natural resources and the environment:
Marine litter and tourism waste
Marine litter, specifically plastic, is the biggest threat to the seas and oceans of the world, which causes a lot of damage to the environment and thus harm to humans. Accordingly, it has become among the biggest global challenges facing humanity.
For example, marine waste found in the Caribbean from the same region and from the waters coming from the northern region alike, which are brought by the prevailing currents in the region.
According to the latest reports, relevant studies measure the concentration of plastics in the Caribbean Sea and found that there are about 200,000 pieces of plastic per square kilometer in the Northeast Caribbean.
Based on voluntary beach clean-ups coordinated by Ocean Conservation, the results indicated that litter on the shores of the Caribbean could be more than three times the global average of 573.
Data from the beach and coastal clean-ups in 2017 indicated that plastic drinking bottles alone accounted for 21% of the items registered. Single-use plastics account for 35% of all plastics collected. Here are some statistics that explain the seriousness of the matter.
There are other models that illustrate the impact of tourism on natural resources and the environment, and each model depends on the geographical and economic nature of the region. This is why this matter was made into one of the main axis, "Circular Tourism As A Key Factor". It is one of the main topics of the first international conference "Circular Economy for Sustainable Development (CESD)", which will be held on 07-09 September 2021 at the University of Salento, Lecce, Italy.
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