CIRCLETTER ? #12: Time to re-think, re-feel and re-design!
Iberdrola / Circular Design Guide

CIRCLETTER ? #12: Time to re-think, re-feel and re-design!

1) Introduction

I thought about this a lot recently. We are often stuck in our ways. And - the world needs us to re-think, re-feel and re-design.

What we need is leaders who aren't afraid to go against the grain!

We have to get used to applying new wasy of thinking from the very beginning. Circular design is providing a powerful toolbox.

Circular design advocates rethinking the process of creating a product from the beginning and, to do so, designers must adopt sustainability and respect for the environment as a starting point. The ultimate aim of circular design is to protect the environment.

Several guides are out there. I am still trying to get a complete overview.

Check out this new design guide by Architects Climate Action Network which gives a comprehensive overview of how circular economy principles can be applied within the construction industry.

And here is a very simple online tool for assessing the circularity of your product design: (I love simplicity!) Done by designaustria and the Institute for Design Research Vienna.

I want to collect a comprehensive overview of the various circular design guides that exist. Please share those you know!

2) Curated reads:

  1. Ownership to user-ship: a research report

Regenerate the Economic Machine is an explorative what-if analysis, containing five parts and 30 episodes, discussing how moving from depletive to regenerative inputs into our global economy could transform the current norms in manufacturing, economics, business, finance, and consumption. The usership business model could potentially become the spark for this.

2. Recycling increases toxicity of plastic

Plastics contain more than 13,000 chemicals and 3,200 of them known to be hazardous to human health.

3. 5 ways to boost e-waste recycling

E-waste, or waste electrical and electronic equipment, is the fastest-growing waste stream globally, with an estimated 50 million tonnes produced every year.

4. End-of-life vehicles Regulation

New rules for the design and end-of-life management of vehicles aim to protect the environment, decarbonise production and reduce raw material dependencies, benefiting EU industries

5. The Myth of ocean waste and plastics

And - why a circular economy helps to eliminate ocean waste sustainably.

6. Opinion piece from India: Want not - is the only way to waste not

"A circular economy will never be a closed loop, but the challenge is to minimise what pours out of it. And the only answer this book has is this: buy as little as possible, and mend what you have."

7. How digitisation helps create circular supply chains

Only 53% of consumer product companies have significant or complete visibility into their own process and only about 21% have visibility into their supplier processes.? A blockchain platform or centralised data management system helps shine a light on these blind spots. T

8. Circularity in Furniture Manufacturing Makes Inroads in Commercial Interiors

9. What Does BMW’s Automotive Circular Economy Look Like?

BMW's strategy for a circular economy focuses on minimising resource consumption and maximising the reuse and recycling of materials throughout the vehicle lifecycle. This includes designing vehicles for recyclability, using renewable and recycled materials, increasing the use of secondary materials, optimising production processes for efficiency, extending vehicle lifespans, and enhancing recycling practices for end-of-life vehicles.?

10. EU announces a European eco-label

3) Circular Calendar 2024

4) Infographic of the week - "Global E-waste pyramid"

Global e-waste is predicted to reach 74.7 million tonnes by 2030. Image: UNU, ITU and ISWA

5) Feedback & circular actions

Feel free to share - and happy to hear your feedback ??

Want to take concrete circular actions?

Juney de Souza

Engenheiro Ambiental |Sustentabilidade| ESG | Constru??es Sustentáveis | Perito Ambiental | Auditor Interno e Externo | Sistema de Gest?o Ambiental| Licenciamento Ambiental | Consultor Ambiental e ESG , NR's, ISO 14001

3 个月

Harald, que reflex?o inspiradora! Seu apelo para re-pensar, re-sentir e re-desenhar é exatamente o que precisamos. A abordagem do design circular como ferramenta para proteger o meio ambiente é crucial. Líderes que desafiam o status quo s?o fundamentais. Os recursos mencionados, como o guia do Architects Climate Action Network e a ferramenta online de circularidade, s?o valiosos. A curadoria de leituras é excelente, abordando temas críticos como a toxicidade dos plásticos reciclados e a digitaliza??o das cadeias de suprimento circulares. Parabéns pela clareza e profundidade das suas observa??es. Seu compromisso com a sustentabilidade é inspirador e essencial para promover mudan?as significativas. Agrade?o por liderar este movimento e por nos lembrar que a mudan?a come?a com cada um de nós.

Markus Ficzko

COO & Co-Founder of SIA | Sharing is living | Making consumer goods rental accessible for everyone

8 个月

Harald Friedl The "exploratory research report on the shift from ownership to usership" or "regenerate the economic machine" in your circletter shows exactly that we are on the right track with our idea for a comprehensive ecosystem for the sharing economy. Thank you very much for that. I believe this will also make it easier for us to convince donors that sustainability and profitability can and should go hand in hand. ??

Donal Daly

Founder @ Future Planet | Sustainability Speaker and Writer. Publishes DalyPlanet weekly update.

8 个月

Great edition Harald Friedl I love the ownership -> usership move

Liz Stark talking about circular economy yesterday ...


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