Circuit Breaker Mode…Are You Affected?
Hock Beng ????
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Circuit Breaker Mode…Are You Affected?
Financial Consultants are self-employed. We need to meet clients and prospects to make a living.
Now that we’ve entered into an uncharted circuit breaker situation, there’s no doubt that our regular way of conducting business will be affected.
The last 2 days, I’ve been in “fire-fighting” mode.
Many of the meetings I’ve scheduled for next week have to be either pushed forward, postponed or converted into Zoom/phone calls.
It’s not easy of course. But am I panicking and feeling sorry for myself? Of course not!
I actually applaud the government for taking such a bold step. Better the short-term pain than long-term problems.
This is the chance to eradicate COVID-19 once and for all. So let’s all do our part and hope things can get back to normal ASAP.
Plus, I get to spend more time with my family. That’s always a good thing!
My point is that you can look at the situation either from a glass half-empty or half-full perspective.
Based on what I see on social media, many are choosing to react in a half-empty manner.
But why? Why be angry or frustrated over something we can’t control?
Instead, we should focus on what we CAN do. Which is to stay positive, and make the best of the situation.
For me, I’ll be conducting plenty of Zoom calls and training sessions with clients, prospects and team members.
Luckily I’ve already been using Zoom quite frequently, so I’ll have no problems adjusting.
I’ll also be taking the chance to read up more on sales, growth strategies and management.
So that when we resume our regular lifestyle, I’ll be in a better position to add even more value to my clients and team members.
How about you? How will you be spending the coming month? Comment below and let me know!