The Circle WILL be Unbroken

The Circle WILL be Unbroken

Last Night at the Ohio State Fair I saw first hand the Grand Ole Opry Motto, & Religious Hymn 'May the Circle Be Unbroken' come to life as Alabama brought their classic hits to Crowd. With crowds singing along to Classic Country Hits that I was introduced to by my Grandmother, Found by Friends, and then Discovered on own reminded how many generations country music has in Its' "circle."

Audience participation song 'Will the Circle Be Unbroken' was heard in Ohio Expo Center-Celeste Building, & seen visually on stage as well. Randy Owen worked the stage from left to right with his place held by his mic stand center stage. Teddy Gentry held down the funk and deep base stage left (along with some fun banter). Missing was original member Jeff Cook. Jeff has been battling health issues, but was still apart of the Ohio Expo Center & State Fair show. During the entire set, fully produced and set up stage right was Jeff's Mic. No one used during the show, but this subtle tribute and sign of respect did not go unnoticed.

Country Music reaches out to a heart string, and an audience that is many times dismissed, as well as the importance of family & memories. The amazing folks at iHeartRadio & St. Jude Children's Research Hospital were acknowledged for their commitment to helping kids during 'Angels Among Us,' & the power of family (and how country reaches many generations) were seen as Randy brought his granddaughter on stage. Randy also shared a story about a Couple Who met at their 1984 Fair Concert, and then brought the couple up to the stage to share a special dance as a reminder of their special first night (side note-it took a few minutes for the happy couple to make it to the stage. IF you can get on stage for a dance, spend a few more dollars and get seats that are not in the nosebleeds???) State Fair Demographic was also acknowledge with a ROARING Tribute to Veterans and Active Military Personnel (sad I missed friend and one of my hero's, Lima Company Bad Ass-and Cool Dude, Jason Ding). Alabama also hit a very hard working market share almost always taken for granted by thanking "All the Hard Working Farmers" and Future Farmers of America. Not to leave out another group of Blue Color Heart of America base; the Auto Industry was acknowledged by crowd engagement with mentioning of Dodge, Ford Trucks, GMC, & Chevy Trucks (I was a lil disappointed I could not participate with no mention of Jeep).

I am honored to play a VERY small role in Country Music, and reminded after last night..."The Circle WILL be Unbroken."

Full Concert Recap from The Columbus Dispatch.


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