CIPR election: Building stakeholder relationships a critical objective for the CIPR
Sarah Waddington CBE CDir ChartPR
Interim CEO at PRCA, Non-Executive Director for Creative Agencies, Executive Coach & Social Mobility Activist. Want to expand your business and grow professionally? I’m here to help.
A back to basics approach is key to the CIPR winning more friends and influencing members and stakeholders.
Before I decided to run as CIPR President-Elect I spent several months talking to members and non-members of the Institute.
It crystallised one thing: that the CIPR must spend time strengthening relationships with its audiences and third parties.
There are several areas I believe require particular attention. These will be a priority for me if I’m elected.
At BledCom in July I met with academics and practitioners. We need to tweak how the CIPR engages with educational establishments. The shift in value exchange has created tensions that can and must be addressed.
I've pledged to work with the CIPR team to align the member journey with the Global Alliance competency framework and engaging with third party training and teaching organisations would be critical as part of this activity.
We also need to implement the recommendations from Stephen Waddington’s report that explored the opportunity for a stronger community of theory and practice.
Blurring lines between disciplines means that public relations practitioners now have a wide skillset yet the CIPR still only caters to a narrow subset of professionals.
Widening the offer to include more sophisticated digital techniques, planning and creative, would be a priority for me as our industry continues to grow and diversify.
Professional bodies
Together we are stronger. The CIPR has a small team working hard but it should leverage other networks to promote PR, be a thought leader and enhance the industry's reputation.
For me, that means working with the PRCA and other trade bodies on the big issues that require a united voice.
It means empowering CIPR Council members to build relationships with professional bodies across different industries to promote public relations and the value it can bring as a management discipline.
It also means working with the Human Resources and Recruitment sectors and organisations such as the Taylor Bennett Foundation to improve access to the industry to ensure diversity and close the gender pay gap.
CIPR volunteers
Last and most critical, there are the CIPR's amazing volunteers who are the lifeblood of the organisation and often the only contact some members have with the Institute.
The CIPR has worked hard to listen to its working groups and committees and has made big strides in providing relevant support in line with its three year plan. I'd continue this and would ensure our volunteers are celebrated and thanked for their contribution. They'd be the centre focus of the CIPR's 70th anniversary year.
From 17 years of volunteering with the CIPR both from a regional group perspective and at a Board and Council level, I understand how the organisation works and the challenges and opportunities faced. I have corporate memory and a view to the horizon thanks to my #FuturePRoof work.
I believe I can take the CIPR forward and would appreciate your support in doing this. As a starting point please vote for me as President-Elect when voting opens on 12 September.
Thank you.