CIP9 - Resumes 3.0
Thu Dang ????
Global Tech Recruiter / TA | Tech | AI | web3 | Crypto + UBI | 10K+ Connections/Followers
Let's talk about a fun subject that no one likes - resumes. I think everyone can agree, like so many systems these days, they're antiquated and broken. Being in recruitment for over a decade now, I can say I've looked at thousands, probably tens of thousands of resumes. Few resumes truly stand out - from content to layout. Many follow the same bland formula and the problem is always that a resume can't cover everything you've, but at the same time needs to be succinct.
I'm not sure why people aren't more excited about "web3." They should be!
What I'm proposing in this next iteration is that your CV is actually your work history biography that you carry with you from the moment you're legally working. It contains where you worked, for how long, your job title, and is initially fed with the roles and responsibilities from the job posting that you were hired from. [insert metadata into your profile here for quicker keyword searching and matching] As your role grows, as performance reviews are done, anything and everything will be recorded back against your profile.
But where I think things can get really interested is with blockchain and web3. Everyone you're working with becomes a validation point of what you do, from their viewpoint, simply by their interactions with you. Bonus, anything that you've done outside of the scope of your work that wasn't on the original job description gets added to your profile, and again, immediately validated by those at the company. [insert AI dApp here, as no one's going to want to do any data entry, but the system needs to learn from everyone and what they do - created a presentation and sent it off, boss read it, done - work authenticated. months/years later, even results of work could be updated to your profile as contributed to X with ROI]
Great, you've got all this private, secure information that follows you through your career. Now what? Time for interviews, right? Well, sort of, because those are going to change, too! "Looking" for a new job. [insert previously said AI dAPP] Change your status and get matched up immediately - a company, X, is looking for someone with your skills. Company X has a posting, and is immediately alerted of this candidate that meets the criteria of the job. Our AI platform has you covered! No more looking for jobs, no more looking for candidates, AI will match what the company's posted against what you've got tracked against your profile. No more looking for unicorns!
Time for Interviews 3.0 - put on your AR/VR goggles, and hop on a true virtual meeting, equipped with sensors that are picking up your body position, mannerisms, facial expressions, etc. (Cause hey, we're in the future, so why not make this as realistic as possible.) I may be looking at an avatar, but I can tell when you're smiling. No worries, we can do traditional video meetings too! [insert awesome AI dApp w/ real-time resume contextualization, and insert premium features for contextualized metadata for fraud prevention]
Wait, what's that you ask?! Resume contextualization? Of course, through your career you've been tagged with all this valuable data that makes you a perfect fit for the job. But Company X that's interviewing you also needs to be able to sniff out any bad actors, so they need some superpowers to ensure they're not speaking to someone pretending to be you just to get the job. So, while chatting, the interviewer can be prompted with AI-generated suggestions of questions to ask to verify the candidate authenticity. [Remember, premium subscription is required for these features! Gotta think about monetization, right?!]
Now, back to the resume contextualization - obviously, while the candidate is talking, no more sifting through a resume, your screen is being prompted on the left navigation (or the screen location of your choosing), the chronological context to what the candidate is saying. So now you, the interviewer is simply following along, paying attention to what you're saying instead of trying to sort through your resume to match things up. E.g. the tell me about a time when you did X, all of a sudden becomes a validate what you did here, and let's just have a conversation about it because I want to talk to you and gauge yet another key variable that's not on your resume but crucial to the alignment of a true match.
But wait, there's more! LOL All kidding aside, I do believe there's a better way. My storyline above isn't out of the realm of possibility, and perhaps one day it'll be a reality that we do away with resumes because it really doesn't make sense for me to be spending the time to write up a document, or having someone else spending their time to subjectively interpret what I'm writing. This is definitely something AI can take away from the hiring process. Resume screening and sourcing are two of the most time consuming aspects of the hiring cycle. And if you add the additional administration work of data entry/collection through the interview process, it's just adding to the "wasted hours." [insert premium feature for candidates - Career Path 3.0 - e.g. you've done X for so long, mastered these skills, here's some AI generated suggestions on where you can go next and companies that are hiring for profiles like yours.]
We can be better people!
Global Tech Recruiter / TA | Tech | AI | web3 | Crypto + UBI | 10K+ Connections/Followers
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