Cinderblocks3 - The Little Conference that Could...Change Healthcare as We Know It
Cinderblocks3 Partnership with Patients, hosted by Regina Holliday, is an art & medical conference held in Granstville, MD 5/19-21/2016
Top 10 reasons to attend "the" healthcare event of the year,?#?Cinderblocks3?
10. I'll be there speaking about User Experience (UX) in healthcare. Casey Quinlan & I will be doing some kind of skit & I guarantee you'll laugh or cry or maybe both.
9. Dave deBronkart (aka ePatient Dave) will be there & will present. And maybe he'll share some tips on getting into shape by running.
8. Several chances to get out of your comfort zone - Attendees arriving on 5/18 can apply to do an Ignite-type speech at Pecha Kucha night held at a local place (see Carly Medosch's presentation from last year
7. You attended HIMSS16 and wonder if all healthcare events are that insane - they're not. Well, there is fire dancing, however...
6. It's inexpensive & most meals are included and the coffee flows freely all day long
5. You will learn new things, meet great new people and expand your network
(pictured above: Casey Quinlan (her Walking Gallery jacket , me, Dave DeBronkart, Carley Medosch, Sunnie Southern, Regina Holliday)
4. All things Granstiville including "Art in the Park" at Cassellman Bridge on 5/20
3. #TheWalkingGallery of Healthcare members will gather as a group. You can share your story, learn about other members and find out how you can join too!
2. Folks wonder what ePatients care about - how better to learn than hanging out with top ePatients who exude passion for changing healthcare
1. Graceland has Elvis & Grantsville, MD has Regina Holliday - you will be in her presence for 3 days!
I can't call this a "retreat" because Regina Holliday reminded me that we always charge forward, we never retreat:)
Read more about the Cinderblocks3 Partnership with Patients event and let me know if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.
What's the Walking Gallery? Watch this video.