Cinco de Cornhole - Good at the game
An a-"Maise"ing Holiday

Cinco de Cornhole - Good at the game

I'd like to thank Ray Walz for asking for an opinion on grain prices. This post connects a prior post from a year ago where I expressed concern about food insecurity as a function of weather and markets. I also tie into the present rise in commodities after suggesting a re-visioning of the holiday. Those enjoying the bull market and holiday may not be quite ready to hear. As a new friend said, "Who doesn't like tequila?" Yeah... don't think about it. Swipe left.

For those still with me, let's get to it.

Introducing a thought, who can tell me what this inscription is from?

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

Answer: That’s right, it’s from the Statue of Liberty, a gift from our friends in France, whose defeat at the Battle of Puebla in 1862 we celebrate today with tequila and carousing.

Recontextualizing: Lift your "lamp" on history.

I'm celebrating today, but not for the same reasons. Do the French celebrate Cinco de Mayo? Do I care that they lost a singular battle where they had superior forces in a foreign land after they helped the 13 colonies win the fight for independence? No. In those days there were different super powers. No offense to the mainstays in the East. French defeat is a trope.

Now that we've established that we're working I give you some sand bags so you can play... a question, a quotes, and articles to give you a line of sight.

Here comes the first toss. “Seen Corn futures pricing action lately?”

"Right now, we're in a demand bull market that is continually having world supply problems," says Tommy Grisafi of Advance Trading, of Tuesday’s price action. "It's probably the most dynamic market I've ever traded in my life while trying to help people manage risk." Accessed 5/5/2021

So what am I talking about? This from a year ago: “Would a lower than expected average temperature affect crop yields? Has the updated data been modeled into the calculations for supply planning and forecasts? Might be shortages or food commodity price increases when combined with inflation from QE and stimulus. If you don't control your food supply, or would find it difficult to afford food if prices increased, then be cautious about how you manage through the uncertainty. Also, what happens if trading of futures reinforces a negative cycle?“ Anyway, here we are. 

This will be new information to several of you since the prior release was in-network only.

Here’s the full article:

Honest opinion? It is a bad idea to mix finances and food in a country where folks have a lot of guns when there is a large amount of inequality already present. /stare

So, on this out-sized celebration of a holiday that even the Mexican people don’t lend great significance to, some among them being the actual progeny of the underdog winners of THAT battle, let’s remember something else. That WE, the USA, do not NEED to CREATE MORE POOR AND HUNGRY. They're already yearning to breathe free.

I'm not making general statements about free markets and capitalism here. I am saying let's remember what happened in 2007/8. If we let a bunch of hedge funds and foreign actors control+crash commodities while the WEATHER is making it difficult for farmers to grow crops, then when it comes time for hindsight and blame there will be some clear indications that somewhere along the way decisions could have been made to mitigate the damage and by whom. See how the 4th is with me, you do?

Time is also making a point to bring this to people's attention:

Who am I to talk? Well, I can say I know something about this, having worked as a salesperson, which sometimes functioned like a broker, of enterprise meetings with supplier companies in the food and beverage, manufacturing, petrochemical, mining and manufacturing industries. Also, my name is Dagan. Like DGN. So I'm privy to know certain things. I’ve been following the “path” for a while now, as I seek to outdo the legend. It winds this way and that. Some cultures and people associate my name with “grain”, and erhmm… “and the god Dagan was the legendary inventor of the plow.” - Accessed 5/5/2021. I know, right? Big responsibility!

Some folks try to claim it.


[Cultivator Of] Natural Abundance


From the noun ??? (dagan), grain, from the verb ??? (daga), to multiply or increase.

It's not necessarily the 1st meaning ever set forth, but we're living in an era of inclusivity now aren't we? Dig deep. Tie the assets to smart contracts around producers and distributors within shipping proximity and let them buy it with tokens.

Just doing my thing ladies and gentlemen. Living the dream. Happy Cinco. May it mean more to you today than a place to piss.

The above references an opinion and is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.


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