Cigar Sense Inc. brings data insights to cigar companies' planning
Press Release
Carson City, Nevada - Cigar Sense Inc. is expanding its offering of market intelligence services for premium cigar marketers. The company has developed unique capabilities to address the need for data-driven decision making through an innovative approach combining sensory, consumer and competitor analysis.
In addition to detailed sensory analyses of cigars and of their competitor cigars, Cigar Sense now offers a wide range of additional consumer insights.
Attention to consumer needs and desires is key to build customer loyalty. Yet, most companies in the industry rely mostly on past sales data and their gut instinct when making strategic decisions. Past sales data is good to identify performance gaps, but not to understand how they can be resolved. Only predictive data can do that based, for example, on:
- what matters to consumers, their likes/dislikes and attitudes
- their perception of a brand or of specific cigars
- how specific cigars fit consumer preferences across the different geographical regions
- the identification of competitors’ cigars, where sensory characteristics play a key role
- how consumers might respond to a change in price, size, or in nicotine strength and other sensory attributes
Oettinger Davidoff’s Head of Product Development and Strategic Innovation, Sam Reuter, said: “We have benefited from Cigar Sense’s key global consumer insights and are now integrating them in our strategic decision making process. I strongly recommend Cigar Sense for any consumer research in the cigar industry.”
Given the economic character of Cigar Sense’s research, smaller companies also greatly benefit from such insights. According to Bombay Tobak’s founder Mel Shah “Price is a very important factor when deciding upon introducing a new line. With the help from Cigar Sense, much of the guess work was ruled out and we were dealing with actual facts. Based on my experience, I would definitely recommend Cigar Sense services to any cigar manufacturer and will use them myself for our future projects.”
“Competition in the premium cigar industry is fierce and consumers increasingly evolve. They want to experience and know more. We believe that access to relevant data insights can be a true game changer for the industry and provide huge benefits to both marketers and consumers.” Franca Comparetto, Cigar Sense creator and co-founder comments. Co-founder David Wells adds: “We can help manufacturers and distributors with a variety of difficult challenges, from ‘why isn’t this SKU selling better’ to ‘which blend should we lead with when entering a new market’. Our process and data resources are unique in the industry, which is why some have called us the ‘Nielsen’ of premium cigars.”
About Cigar Sense
Cigar Sense Inc. is an online service launched in 2015 to help premium cigar lovers find the best cigars that suit their unique tastes. Cigar Sense counts members in over 70 countries and routinely achieved 90%+ satisfaction from members on personalized matching of cigars to their unique personal profiles. In the second half of 2018, following a constant global growth, the company successfully tested its innovative services for marketers to help them understand how and where they can best connect with their potential end customers based on the latter’s preferences. By integrating sensory, consumer and competitive data, Cigar Sense provides a wide range of market intelligence.
If you would like more information about Cigar Sense’s data services, please email [email protected].
Jefe de Operaciones
5 年Daniel Barrios