CI/CD pipeline for deployment to Kubernetes cluster

CI/CD pipeline for deployment to Kubernetes cluster

Learning new tools is challenging. The learning becomes even more challenging when the tools are to be used together in the workflows and hence require the perfect setup. One such challenge could be in setting up a CI/CD pipeline for a web application. This article is a walk through on setting up a CI/CD pipeline for a simple NodeJs application on a Kubernetes cluster. Some experience and basic knowledge about Docker, Kubernetes and Jenkins is required for a smooth understanding and follow along.

CI/CD and it's benefits

CI/CD i.e. Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment pipelines help in speeding up the development of applications, testing of code and deployment operations on web servers by automating the whole process. A lot of companies such as Amazon, Netflix etc. use such a workflow to send out bug fixes, patches and new features quickly and frequently.


GitHub - For source control.

Jenkins - To orchestrate the whole pipeline.

Docker & Docker Hub - To build application Image and store the Image.

Kubernetes - For deploying and managing the web servers.

AWS - Infrastructure to deploy on a public web server along with a loadbalancer.

Walk through


Save all the application related files on a public GitHub repository. All the other necessary files such as the Dockerfile to build the docker image, pods.yaml to deploy pods, services.yaml to create a loadbalancer should be present here.

Contents of the Dockerfile which I used -

FROM node:carbon
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]

Contents of the pods.yaml file which I used -

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nodeapp
    app: nodeapp
    - name: nodeapp
      image: shishirkhandelwal/nodeappcicd:tagVersion
	    - containerPort: 8080

Contents of the services.yml file which I used -

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: nodeapp
    app: nodeapp
  - protocol: TCP
       port : 80
       targetPort : 8080
    type : LoadBalancer


Approach is to use Jenkins Pipeline to create a workflow. To do so, Docker Hub credentials are added. Credentials to SSH into Kubernetes cluster master node are also added. The credentials were added on the Jenkins global credentials section. We will first build our application and then push the Image to Docker Hub (That is why, Jenkins needs the docker hub credentials) After this, we deploy the new Image from the docker hub to the Kubernetes cluster. Deployments to Kubernetes clusters are carried out through the cluster's master node. So we will SSH into the master node and deploy the application from there using the kubectl apply commands. (That is why, Jenkins needs the master node SSH credentials)

The tricky part

What makes the task a bit difficult is to create a way so that Kubernetes always deploys the newest image from the docker hub. ( This is the part where I spent most of my time stuck while trying to create the pipeline) Try to think of a solution!


After alot of hit and trials through tutorials on various blogs. I finally understood what can be done! The way to go about the problem is to somehow dynamically create new tags of the docker image when pushing to docker hub. And change the pods.yml file's Container Image section with the updated image tag. In this way, when we run Kubectl apply command - the latest image will be pulled and deployed. This is what makes the pipeline truly automated.

A script to change the contents of the pods.yml with the new image tags.


sed "s/tagVersion/$1/g" pods.yml > node-app-pod.yml

Creating a new tag dynamically

Whenever we do a new commit on a GitHub repository - A unique commit ID gets associated to the repository. This commit ID can be referenced inside Jenkins and be used as a tag for our Docker Image!

The Jenkins pipeline code

	pipeline {
	    agent any
	        DOCKER_TAG = getDockerTag()
	        stage('Build Docker Image'){
	                sh "docker build . -t shishirkhandelwal/nodeappcicd:${DOCKER_TAG}"
	        stage('Dockerhub push'){
	                withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'docker-hub', variable: 'DockerHubPwd')]) {
	                    sh "docker login -u shishirkhandelwal -p ${DockerHubPwd}"
	                    sh "docker push shishirkhandelwal/nodeappcicd:${DOCKER_TAG}"
	        stage('Deploy to kubernetes'){
	                sh "chmod +x"
	                sh "./ ${DOCKER_TAG}"
	                sshagent(['kubernetes-master']) {
	                    sh "scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no services.yml node-app-pod.yml [email protected]:/home/ec2-user/"
	                            sh "ssh [email protected] kubectl apply -f ."
	                            sh "ssh [email protected] kubectl create -f ."

	def getDockerTag(){
	    def tag  = sh script: 'git rev-parse HEAD', returnStdout: true
	    return tag

The getDockerTag function retrieves and returns the commit id. The tag is used as a environment variable so that it can be accessed from any stage inside the Jenkins pipeline.

That concludes the walk through for creating a CI/CD pipeline.

Ahlem Marzouk

Big Data Developper | Data Consultant || Certified PL-300: Power BI: Data Analyst Associate

3 年

Good Job

Ratik Puri

Placement Coordinator | MBA(BA) IIFT Delhi ‘25 | Ex-Optum (UHG) | Pianist

4 年

Nicely written!



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