[CIC-See What I See] Leveraging Innovative Technology for Improved Efficiency Concerted Efforts Opens New Horizon 【香港建造新視野】創新科技提升效率 同心協力再展新篇

[CIC-See What I See] Leveraging Innovative Technology for Improved Efficiency Concerted Efforts Opens New Horizon 【香港建造新視野】創新科技提升效率 同心協力再展新篇

The Construction Industry Council (CIC) has been encouraging the industry to enhance productivity and site safety by applying new technologies such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), the Internet of Things (IoT) and Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), and to this end has provided master classes on relevant subjects to nurture industry executives. Recently, the CIC invited Donal CHOI, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of ChinaChem Group, to share his views on how technologies such as MiC can improve construction efficiency and benefit society as a whole.

Challenges and Opportunities Faced by the Construction Industry

With multiple large-scale infrastructure projects in the pipeline for the coming decade, Hong Kong’s construction industry is set for a new golden era – one that will bring its own set of challenges.

CHOI remarked, “New infrastructure projects and developments will boost construction volume to HK$30 billion annually for the next decade. However, this expansion comes with multiple challenges for the industry.” First among them is the ageing workforce, exacerbated by the fact that young people do not understand the industry and hence are not interested in joining, which further affects productivity and efficiency. Moreover, number of construction occupational accidents reaches double digits annually. This underlines the necessity of facing up to construction site safety problems in order to attract more new blood to the industry.

The industry is also looking to eliminate the impact of environmental pollution caused by construction processes. According to a survey, building activities account for around 70% of the total carbon emissions in Hong Kong. The waste and noise created by construction processes also affect lives in nearby communities and the natural environment. With the expansion of construction volume, the industry is also facing the issue of quality control, such as craftsmanship defects caused by workers. The industry must ensure construction quality and quantity to meet market requirements and set standards.

In recent years, construction processes have also been disrupted by climate change, driving up the costs. Effective monitoring of project progress and expenditure has thus become an important issue.

Innovative Technologies Pave A New Way

On many of these foreseeable challenges, CIC has already worked closely with the industry to promote new technologies and embrace future opportunities. “Some of these technologies could potentially lessen or even eliminate the difficulties we are facing,” said CHOI.

Primarily, in the age of e-economy, digitalisation has become vitally important for all industries. The construction industry has gradually realised the power of digital transformation with the application of new technologies such as the Common Data Environment (CDE). As for BIM, in the long run, it will not only benefit the construction industry, but also help property owners and management companies to improve operating efficiency and reduce day-to-day operational and maintenance costs.

Furthermore, by leveraging digital tools such BIM and CDE, the industry can apply to government departments for project approvals more conveniently and ensure that applications meet specified criteria, thereby reducing approval time and costs.

The Internet of Things and Blockchain can help the industry to collect real-time data and information on relevant projects, reducing time and manpower spent on such repetitive processes while improving data safety and reliability. In fact, BIM can also be applied to other construction cycle processes such as e-tendering. In the future, BIM could even enhance the efficiency and reduce the cost of sourcing by helping the industry source materials, facilities and services globally. Currently, e-submission and automation are not used extensively in the industry. If the industry can make better use of these technologies, work efficiency, quality, quantity and accuracy can be further improved.

The industry is already using new technology to reduce carbon emissions at the construction stage. For example, some companies have cut carbon emissions by using battery energy storage systems for emergency power generation, as well as big data to enhance real-time monitoring and analysis.

The Many Advantages of MiC

MiC is bringing multiple benefits to the construction industry. Since MiC moves part of the construction process to factories, reduces construction processes on-site. On-site work can be done at the same time while modules are prefabricated in factories allowing construction time 30% faster than traditional methods. Also, on-site demand for labour can be reduced by 70%, on-site noise can be reduced by up to 75%, and construction waste and pollutants can be reduced by around 68%.

MiC enables construction components to be prefabricated and assembled remotely, in a factory with a controlled environment safe from the effects of weather. This alone improves construction site safety and lowers costs.

Affected by various factors including production quantity, the cost of MiC construction could be higher than traditional methods, but in the long run, it can potentially reduce on-site construction time and cost while improving quality. ChinaChem is working with Urban Renewal Authority on the Tokin Street re-development project at Cheungshawan – the first private sector project to adopt MiC. ChinaChem will also utilise MiC for another project at Tung Chung comprising five 46-storey towers with a total of 2,000 residential units.

However, CHOI expressed that some challenges still remain for MiC in Hong Kong. If the government provided policy support to diminish the construction cost of using MiC – such as by increasing the gross floor area exemption and height limits – there could be a greater industry incentive to adopt the technology.

The government has accepted the CIC’s and industry’s suggestion to study the feasibility of reserving land in the Northern Metropolis for MiC modular production and storage, and to promote cooperation within the Greater Bay Area to improve the MiC supply chain. “MiC is an option to improve our housing quality, protect our environment and ensure that we have a competitive city and a high quality of life. However, in the end, innovative technologies can only handle part of the challenges,” CHOI stressed. “Apart from using those technologies on construction processes, a change of mindset is also required to move us forward and make Hong Kong a more liveable city.”

Supporting the Industry to Seize Opportunities

The CIC will continue to promote the industry’s implementation and extensive use of innovative technologies. For instance, the CIC will continue to provide training to on-site workers and management staff to improve their understanding of the operational and management processes of new technologies such as MiC. By helping workers to develop, the industry will be better able to embrace the opportunities created by new tech.

At the same time, CIC will also work with partners in the Greater Bay Area on the application of new technologies and MiC to open up these new opportunities.

As Thomas HO, Chairman of CIC, emphasised: “Construction is an art of collaboration and connection; we cannot build alone, but we do it together with our partners.”







新科技 新出路


首先,踏入電子經濟的時代,數碼化已是各行各業未來的重要方向。但隨著綜合數碼共用平台(CDE)等科技獲得更廣泛應用,建造業亦正逐漸實現數碼轉型。至於另一項創新技術 — 建築信息模擬(BIM),長遠而言,不單對建造行業有利,還可幫助物業的業主和管理公司「終身」改善營運效率、降低日常運作及維修成本。此外,建造業界利用BIM和CDE等數碼化工具,可更便捷地向政府部門申請批核工程,並確保申請內容符合旣定準則,有助縮短審批時間和降低成本。

至於物聯網(Internet of Things,簡稱IoT)和「區塊鏈」(Blockchain),則可協助建造業收集關於工程的實時數據和資料,從而減省花於這類重複性工序的人手,並可提升資料的安全和可靠性。事實上,BIM亦可應用於建造業其他程序,例如電子招標(e-tendering),日後更可望方便建築界從全球各地採購建材、設備和服務,藉此提升採購效率和降低成本。目前,建造業在使用e-submission(電子呈交)和automation(自動化)這兩方面仍未全面,若業界能更善用這些技術,將可進一步提高建造業的工作效率、質量和準確性。


「組裝合成」建築法 一舉多得


首先,由於部分建築工序移至工廠內進行,減省現場施工工序,工廠生產模組同時可在工地現場進行其他工序,讓MiC建築時間較傳統方式快三成。工地的勞動力需求亦可降低七成,而現場施工產生的噪音則大幅減少75%,至於施工所產生的廢棄物和污染物排放亦減少約68%。 利用MiC的預製建築技術,能夠在工廠化的安全環境下生產和裝配建築組件,令工程減少受到惡劣天氣影響,並且提升建築安全和降低成本。

受到生產數量等因素影響,儘管MiC 技術的建築成本有可能較傳統建築方法高,但長遠而言,採用MiC可減少現場施工的時間、成本和提升質素。華懋集團與市區重建局合作、位於長沙灣東京街的重建項目,便是本港第一個由私人發展商以MiC技術建成的私人住宅項目。該集團在港鐵東涌另一物業發展項目亦會引入 MiC,興建五幢46層高大廈合共約2,000伙單位。

不過,Donald表示,MiC技術在香港的應用仍面對一些挑戰,若政府能透過提供政策支援(例如增加總樓面面積豁免和樓高限制),減輕業界使用 MiC 技術的建築成本,相信能為業界應用 MiC 技術提供更多誘因。


支援業界 把握機遇



正如議會主席何安誠所言: 「建築是一門協作及連繫的藝術,我們不能單打獨鬥,必須與夥伴一同合作。」

Neil McArthur

MMC+Offsite Global Deal Maker, Practical Advisor for ID&C Design, Manufacturing, Supply Chain Partnerships and Delivery. Supporting clients and manufacturers.

1 年

Interesting post by Construction Industry Council about IOT / MIC / BIM / INNOVATION / EFFICIENCY AND SOCIETY. What is really interesting is that all of these are talked about daily in my team here at @NEOM. Change is most definitely not just coming but is happening in this area and given the scale and expectations of construction projects now being managed, the delivery phases cannot be undertaken as it always has been. Industrialised Design and Construction / ID&C is I believe the wrapper for all of these core elements.


