The CIA Triad in Cybersecurity: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability

The CIA Triad in Cybersecurity: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability

The digital economy is on rapid growth, and so are digital crime and?cyber attack vectors. Projections show that damages from cyber attacks will reach $10.5 trillion?by 2025. Compared to 2015, a stunning 300% increase.

What we see happening is that the #cybercriminals are always quick to innovate and move on to new ways. This means organizations and?#cybersecurity providers?in general must be continuously assessing their?defenses and risk levels?in order to put up strong protection against #cyberattacks.

A smart model that leading companies are using to do this right is known as the #CIA triad or triangle if you like.

Let's explore what it entails -


