The Church and Power Index Must Read!!!

The Church and Power Index Must Read!!!

Is the degree of inequality that exists, and that is accepted between people with and without power. Every organization has a hierarchical leadership structure. Typically the higher a person is in the structure the more influence (power) that are allowed to exert on others beneath them. From megachurches to small churches there is a range of power exerted on others. In smaller churches [ 200 or less] power is typically unevenly distributed where the senior leaders have influence that inhibits the rate of decision-making. The same can apply to mega-churches but it is more difficult due to the vastness of the ministry. In megachurches, the usual issue you will see is a lack of connection between the executives and workers on the lower levels. For the church, Power Distance is vital because it can inhibit or accelerate the growth of the ministry.

Entities with a High-power index [HPI] produced individuals who understand their place. Which is not bad by itself. System and order are necessary. However, HPI produces individuals who have few desires to grow up the ranks. They will become trained to conform versus taking the reins of leadership. They can become disinterested in the overall vision and success of the church. They will become Lukewarm in their attitude. Eventually, they will fade out of the scene and join another institution and few people will notice unless the church is under 100 people. However, PDI environments are necessary for churches of new converts. Sheep are dumb by nature. It takes time to train them up to be deliverable lambs. The leaders have to take account of their sheep. The sheep blood is on the shepherds’ hands until they reach full maturity. A word of caution trying to be a facilitator when your index is HPI will confuse the sheep. If God is moving your ministry into more of a hands-off ministry. Do not be taken aback by the backlash from your sheep. They are not used to this level of freedom. In the leader's mind, he may think it will be an easy transition, but that is not the case. They are used to the protection, not freedom. So, they will need to be taught or given space for trial and error to learn how to lead themselves as much as others.

Entities with a Lower Power Index [ LPI] present an environment that displays rates of adaptability and carefulness. On the opposite spectrum of [HPI], this can lead higher willingness to challenge leadership. It can lead to rebellion when power is unequally dispersed. The mindset of the members is no one is acting why not me? Or the people want and need a king let that be me. LPI churches can quickly turn into chaos without a formal vision that all people can become grounded in.? If the leaders or leadership can become great problem solvers and generate task that does not take away independence LPI can be productive for success. Individuals in the LPI Index want to receive the recognition of their due without the micro-managing restraints. In this index, the Leader will need to be a facilitator of sorts to effectively manage his people.? The challenge with this power finding the balance between authority and freedom. The leader cannot let things burn because they don’t want to be confrontational. If the ship is sinking, they will thank you for the water raft to save them. You will not have to punish them. Their failure is enough punishment enough.

Millennial Nugget: The remnant who will join your ministries will be subjected to either index. They can be successful in either one if the expectations are set correctly. For HPI the remnant will need to be shepherded correctly to grow with proper foundation.? The challenge for the leaders is knowing how to move into a facilitator mentor role. Only God can give you the exact timing to make that switch. However, I can tell you that the remaining training seasons are being accelerated. It will not take years for their development sometimes it will be months. I will encourage you to depend more on Kairos' timing with their training and not Chronos.?

For a ministry that is more of an LPI do not fall for the remnant gifts. Since they can do what is asked it can create a tendency to be laid back with them. Let them take the reins without proper inspection. DON’T OMITT THE INSPECTION PROCESS. It may be hard for you due to your layback nature, but it is necessary. The anointing over your ministry fits a certain prototype and they need to be molded into the fit if it is God's will to be so. Lastly, I would encourage you to learn about this remnant heart for God. It will help you not be clouded by their age, but to see the spirit of Christ in them.

If you haven't grab your copy of the Millenial War Manual or text me at 443-766-4959 : MILLENNIAL WAR MANUAL: HOW TO TRAIN THE REMNANT OF GOD TO SURVIVE, THRIVE AND OVERCOME EVERY OPPOSITION IN THEIR LIVES eBook : Hunter , Rykeem : Kindle Store


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