THE “CHURCH”; A PATHWAY FOR THE IMPOSITION OF POVERTY & CONTROL? (Is the “church” designed to keep us poor so that we can remain easy to control...?)
Ayah W. Abine
Productivity & Business Leadership Consultant, mMBA, CMC, CSC, CCRC, CHRP, CPMA, CPMPMaximizing Personal & Corporate Potential to increase productivity & profitability for sustainability.
"While some churches are doing so much to improve things in the world today, I can’t pretend not to have questions thumping the walls of my mind. From experiential evidence, practice and research, it is worth questioning whether something as good as the church is not being used against the same people it was designed to serve and save. Is the church being used to enslave us? ” - Coach TIL
Before saying any other thing, in first place, I wish to appreciate and encourage those “churches” who are doing great work, helping God’s people to find and discover the truth & freedom Christ came to bring. That truth and freedom that makes the gospel to be good news, without which I firmly believe it isn’t good news.
Secondly, I wish to request that anyone reading this should keep an open mind, especially as we are not looking at “church” as a building, but rather as God’s “ecclesiae” who are supposed to decide on how the governments of the world should operate in order to bring God’s Will to the earth as it is in heaven.
This is pretty interesting stuff, come with me...
Third, I am not here to make any judgements but just to open a discussion with the intention of opening our minds towards the discovery of truth which is the only thing that sets free. Kindly see my questions as the concerns of someone who thinks that the “church” can and should do a lot more to help its people.
That said, it is vital for us to see the “church” as our thing which means we have a collective responsibility to see that it works because it the leaders there take us astray as it happened several times in Israel, we all will bear the consequences. We therefore need to be capable of taking a stand and addressing the brutal truths.
You need to stay with me on this...
I must say that sometimes, I fear that funds in the “church” simply disappear with little or no real explanations for the disappearances. I am wondering whether the money is just taken and kept away from the people who actually provide the money. Is money taken and stacked somewhere to make it unavailable to us?
When I consider that the “church” pays no real taxes, I wonder whether their hospitals, schools and other such services are too expensive nowadays… Are they? I am in a fixed sometimes when I see that there is almost never a free meal with the “church” as almost everything requires some fee… Is that?
I see many of our “churches” who do very little to empower the people who identify with them, and I am not referring to “empty spiritual power” but real life practical empowerment that permits people to be able to actually really serve God… Will an empty stomach with no hope of the future really be able to serve God?
This is very critical, please follow...
I see a “church” which appears not to see the role of personal development, helping people to discover their PURPOSE (God’s Will for them). I see a “church” with very poor salaries, high hospital bills and school fees among others, is that the idea? Am I just dreaming, should it be so? I just have so many questions.
Bottom-line therefore is...
Someone has to initiate this reflection which comes with consequences of course, however, it still remains the only thing that matters, i.e. truth. Christ died for it, we should too right? Should we choose flattery over objectivity in order not to hurt the majority? Does that establish a basis for veracity or falsity?
You’re Marvellous, You’re Amazing!
Magnanimously Yours!
Ayah W. Abine
Productivity & Business Leadership
Speaker, Author, Trainer, Coach, Consultant
Talk to Coach TIL:
"You can create your life. - Coach TIL"