Itunu Peter
There’s this kid in church who throws tantrum at everyone, at everything yet his mum would abate him, if he wants anything he doesn’t care who the person his he won’t stop crying, sometimes rolling on the floor till the person gives in, it so frustrating that most church members don’t want to have anything to do with the boy even at such a tender age, no matter the what you tell his mother she’d say he’s just a kid.
?Last Sunday after service I was sitting down at a corner of the church going watching some clips on Tiktok, I was so engrossed with what I was watching till I see someone slapping my legs, it was just a faint slap so I don’t think much of it probably sometime was on my leg, but it was persistent, I looked side way I saw this kid with a teary look, removed the air pod, and motioned to him what’s wrong, he pointed at my phone, I left out a gentle smile and said no. He walked away crying to his mum, his mum tried cleaning his tears but all to no avail, the cry grew more louder occupying the church.
?His mum looked at me with a pleading look, I looked away if anything happens to my phone you go pay? To avoid wahala I left where I was and keep my phone in my pocket atleast if he doesn’t see my phone I’ll be safe, his mum gave him her phone he rejected. The moment I stood up I noticed someone tapping me from behind, I turned lo and behold it was a new comer, he said- brother haba nah, you’re a man and one dat you sef go born pikin, the least you could do for the boy is putting him on your lap for some minute while you both watch together, I looked at him with a thousand savage response in my head, I don’t don’t to be rude so I told him gently, brother man, you sef na man you be if you cared so much lap am.
?Few minute after I was standing outside the church, I suddenly heard people shouting, but there was a voice that sound very unfamiliar though a man voice, instantly recognized the woman voice, I wanted to be going home but I wanted to see what was going on so I went back, only to discover it was the first timer and the kid mum shouted at each other, I got to find out that the boy broke the man iphone 15 pro max screen, the man was on the woman fixing the price but the woman insisted not paying for any damages as she wanted the one.
?The argument was so intense, i gazed at the man, the looked back at me with regret I wish I had listened to you oo, the church member had to step in, when the man wanted to involve the soldier because he just came for a vacation, that when the woman calm down, they asked for the amount it’d cost to fix the phone, thank goodness we had an engineer who fixes phone in church, he gave out two price one for 420K while the original for 500K, the man said he wanted the latter as he just get the phone few days ago, the woman reluctantly said he can only afford 300K, the man said he’d help me 100K well the good Samaritans in the woman contributed the rest and gave the engineer to get it fix. The next thing I heard with a serious beating the woman gave the kid, with hot tear coming out from him. That was when yoruba adage made sense “To omo re kole fun o ni isimi”..