church growth coaching services
BGW | MOMENTUM...a proven growth strategy
Do you have a God-sized vision to impact the lives within your community? The BGW MOMENTUM program can help your ministry break through growth barriers, attract younger families and sustain a vibrant and healthy church. Our pastor consultants have come alongside churches and other non-profits nationwide and guided them through a proven process to become stronger and healthier in attendance, finances, and infrastructure. Regardless of whether you're a historic church in the center of town or a new non-denominational church plant, this powerful growth strategy will bring vibrancy back to your church.
Is your church in decline?
Whether the result of a church split, leadership failure, economic/job shift in the community, demographic shift, location or facility limitations – any declining church can be turned around with strong leadership and intense focus. Positioning Your Church founder and author, Pastor Terry L. Bates, literally "wrote the book" on this very topic. He has personally led two turnaround churches and he has coached many others through a turnaround process customized for their specific ministry through the Positioning Your Church Ministry Action Plan (MAP).
Has your church plateaued?
An estimated 65% of all churches are plateaued, meaning they have less than a 3% increase in attendance each year. Unless something is done to stimulate a higher growth and retention rate, these churches typically become declining churches in as little as three to five years of being plateaued. Beginning with a Church Health Assessment and the development of a Church Health Team, a strategy and process is laid out that allows churches to achieve greater Church Health. By providing a customized Ministry Action Plan, Churches with stagnant growth rates can restart a healthy growth cycle.
Your church is growing…now what?
We've found that a large number of growing churches lack the necessary infrastructure to sustain continued growth. Churches that do not modify their ministry infrastructure will find themselves in a cyclical pattern of peaking and then shrinking back to a size that can be accommodated by the current church organizational structure. This is also referred to as hitting a “growth barrier.” For these churches, a customized Ministry MAP (Ministry Action Plan) is provided that will establish the necessary infrastructure for continued and sustainable growth.