-Steven Paas,?Ministers and Elders: The Birth of Presbyterianism, Zomba: Kachere, 2007 [African Books Collective, ISBN 978-99908-87-02-0].?
-Idem, ‘The Communion of Saints: Church and Authority among Presbyterian and Separatist English Puritans 1570-1593’. ?Summary in English on p. 385-408 of Doctoral Thesis in Dutch: De Gemeenschap der Heiligen: Kerk en gezag bij Presbyteriaanse en Separatistische Engelse Puriteinen 1570-1593, Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 1996 [430 pages; ISBN 9789-023-91182-1]
Click here for a free download:? Paas.pdf?
-Idem,?A Conflict on Authority in the Early African Church: Augustine and the Donatists, Zomba: Kachere, 2005/ first 2000 [African Books Collective, ISBN: 99908.76.07.X]?
-Idem,?A Conflict on the Church and the Sacraments: How Rome and the Reformation Differed at Regensburg in 1541, Zomba: Kachere, 2006 [African Books Collective, ISBN 99908-76-64-9/ 99908-76-60-6?
-Idem,?Thomas Aquinas on Church and Office, Zomba: Kachere, 2007 [ISBN: 978-99908-87-01-3].
-Idem,?‘African Christianity is on the Global Map’,??Review of: Isabel Apawo Phiri and Dietrich Werner (chief editors),?Anthology of African Christianity,?1240 pages, Oxford: Regnum Books, 2016,?in:?The Ecumenical Review, April 2019.; See:?
Idem, Christianity in Eurafrica: A History of the Church in Europe and Africa,?Washington DC: New Academia Publishing (NAP), February 2017; Wellington (South Africa): Christian Literature Fund (CLF), March 2016.
-Idem, ‘Obstacles’, chapter 9 of: Challenging Western Christians and Their Neighbours: Be Participants in the Mission of Jesus, At Home and Abroad, Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2020. [Dutch version: hoofdstuk 9, 'Belemmeringen', in: Westerse christenen met hun buren onderweg: Deelnemers aan de missie van Jezus, dichtbij en veraf, Boekencentrum-Boekscout, 2020.]
See too:
-Jan Martijn Abrahamse en Wout Huizing (red.), Van onderen! Op zoek naar een ambtstheologie voor een priesterschap van gelovigen, Baptistica Reeks, 2014. Download:
-Jurie van Wyk, The Historical Development of the Offices according to the Presbyterian Tradition of Scotland, Zomba: Kachere, 2000
?-Willie S. D. Zeze, Christ, the Head of the Church?: Authority, leadership and organizational structure within the CCAP Nkhoma Synod.?Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University, 2012??Free download: