Chronograph for Accuracy
Tip of the Day - Consistency in all aspects of reloading produces the best accuracy. One tool that can be invaluable in developing a handload is a chronograph. If you don't have a long distance range to do a ladder test it is hard to determine velocity deviation at 100 yards. You can shoot good groups but a small change in powder charge weigh can take the load from a good group to a great group. With a chronograph you can determine velocity spread as you change powder charge weight and refine the load to the charge weight that produces the least amount of deviation in velocity. This doesn't always hold true as I have have loads with excessive velocity spread shoot super groups at 100 yards. Most of the time lowest velocity spreads produce better groups and this will really show up at longer distances. I found that even using a lower cost chronograph has saved me a lot of time and money in load developement. Keeping notes on velocity deviation with each powder charge weight for reference has been invaluable in quickly determining the best charge weight. The chronograph has actually paid for itself in the reduction of reloading supply costs.
Good Shooting,
Savage Rifle Marksman