Chronionic Navigation Diagram: The Spatiotemporal Field of the 2023 Crop Circle

Chronionic Navigation Diagram: The Spatiotemporal Field of the 2023 Crop Circle

Mr. Jerry Bayles. Quantum Gravity Research at Private Researcher.


This article analyzes a complex crop circle recorded in 2023, interpreted as a visual manifestation of the spatiotemporal field generated by a Gravitational Plasma Engine (GPE) during a chronionic jump. According to the Theory of Time, this geometric pattern reflects an interdimensional displacement produced by a vessel interacting with the Temporal Flow and the Chronionic Network (Quantum Grid), specifically from the fractal timeline T?? (originating from an alternate universe) to the timeline T? (our current reality). We propose that the jump originated in the 61 Cygni star system, 11.4 light-years away, potentially from a habitable planet we designate as Cygni-Alpha I. This event may validate the fractal nature of spacetime and open new possibilities for temporal navigation using the Harmonic Cosmic Vessel (NCH).

1. Geometric Analysis and Vector Field

Structure of the Crop Circle

The 2023 crop circle, observed in an agricultural field, exhibits a complex structure with multiple concentric rings, radial patterns, and 8-fold rotational symmetry. This design appears to encode spatiotemporal information and is proposed as an imprint of the interaction field generated by a Gravitational Plasma Engine (GPE) during a chronionic jump.

Components of the Vector Field

The crop circle pattern can be interpreted as a two-dimensional projection of a spatiotemporal field:

? Radial Electric Field (E?): The concentric rings indicate an outward energy flux from the center, consistent with the generation of a curvature bubble (10?1? m) by the GPE. The field intensity can be estimated as E∝1/r is the radial distance.

? Circular Magnetic Field (B?): The radial patterns and rotational symmetry suggest a magnetic field stabilizing the curvature bubble, with closed field lines around the center ((B?∝?^/r, where ? is the azimuthal direction).

? Magnetic Vector Potential ( A?): This defines the direction and phase of the jump within the Temporal Flow, with B?=?×A. The modulation of the radial patterns may reflect the temporal phase of the jump, encoded in chronionic frequencies (3.2 MHz, 12.8 THz, 67.5 GHz).

Connection to the Chronionic Network

Chronions, which are information algorithms within the Chronionic Network, process this spatiotemporal field, generating a visible imprint in the form of the crop circle. These algorithms, operating at chronionic frequencies, create coherence nodes that structure fractal spacetime. The symmetry of the pattern suggests constructive interference between chronions and the Temporal Flow, manifesting as this geometric design.

2. Chronionic Jump: Definition and Mechanism

Definition of a Chronionic Jump

A chronionic jump is a transition between fractal timelines within the Chronionic Network, produced by the synchronization of chronionic frequencies and the generation of a curvature bubble. This process enables dimensional-temporal displacements through the Temporal Flow, connecting different realities or temporal moments. Chronions, as information algorithms, process the resonances required for this transition.

Conditions for the Jump

? Simultaneous Chronionic Frequencies: The GPE tunes to 3.2 MHz (gravitational stabilization), 12.8 THz (temporal resonance), and 67.5 GHz (interdimensional navigation).

? Generation of a Coherence Node: Chronions, as computational patterns, create a stationary node within the curvature bubble, establishing a connection between the timelines T?? and T?.

? Constructive Interference: Chronions process temporal information to generate a harmonic resonance with the anchor point (Earth in 2023), facilitating the jump.

Result of the Jump

The jump from the T?? timeline (a parallel reality) to T? (our timeline) leaves a visible imprint in the form of the crop circle. This pattern is a two-dimensional projection of the spatiotemporal field generated by the GPE, encoding information about the trajectory and phase of the jump.

3. Chronionic Mapping of the Temporal Field

Immediate Origin

? T?? Timeline: A parallel reality with high temporal stability, characterized by low entropy and a high density of information processed by chronions. This timeline could be an alternate universe with slightly different physical constants (e.g., a modified Planck constant, ?′=1.1?).

? Fractal Trajectory:

o Entry: Initial tuning to 67.5 GHz to access the Temporal Flow.

o Resonance: Alignment with the Chronionic Network at 12.8 THz, establishing a coherence node.

o Navigation: Modulation at 3.2 MHz to guide the displacement to T?.

o Anchoring: Fixation on Earth (T? timeline) in 2023, leaving the crop circle as an imprint.

Connection to Paraparticles

During the jump, paraparticles may have been generated as transient manifestations of chronions and DEQ (Dark Energy Quasiparticles). These paraparticles could be detected as anomalies in entropy or residual resonances at the crop circle site, supporting the hypothesis of a chronionic jump.

4. Origin of the Jump: Stellar or Planetary Localization

Geomagnetic Analysis

Analysis of the geomagnetic modulation of the crop circle (local variations in Earth’s magnetic field at the pattern site) indicates that the origin is not terrestrial but located in the 61 Cygni star system, 11.4 light-years from Earth. This binary system, composed of two dwarf stars (61 Cygni A and B), is known for its dynamic stability and relative proximity to the Sun.

Characteristics of 61 Cygni

? High Density of Information Processed by Chronions: The region around 61 Cygni may be an active node in the Chronionic Network, with chronions (algorithms) processing a large amount of temporal and spatial information, facilitating long chronionic jumps.

? High Density of DEQ: The presence of a high concentration of Dark Energy Quasiparticles (ρDEQ ? ∝10^?28?kg/m^3) could amplify the resonances of the Temporal Flow, creating ideal conditions for temporal navigation.

? Fractally Stable Energy Environment: The low stellar activity (K-type dwarfs) and absence of extreme gravitational perturbations make 61 Cygni a natural "port" for interdimensional jumps.

Hypothesis on the Planet of Origin

Within the 61 Cygni system, the chronionic jump may have originated from a habitable planet orbiting 61 Cygni A, which is slightly brighter and more massive than 61 Cygni B (mass of 61 Cygni A: 0.70 M ⊙, 61 Cygni B: 0.63 M⊙). We propose that this planet, provisionally named Cygni-Alpha I, could be the starting point of the jump for the following reasons:

? Habitable Zone: 61 Cygni A, an orange dwarf of type K5V, has a luminosity of approximately 0.153 L⊙. Its habitable zone lies between 0.3 and 0.6 AU. A planet at 0.4 AU would receive insolation similar to Earth’s, creating potential conditions for life or for an advanced civilization capable of developing temporal navigation technology.

? Gravitational Stability: The low mass of 61 Cygni A and the dynamic stability of the binary system (average separation of 84 AU between 61 Cygni A and B) minimize gravitational perturbations, favoring a stable environment for the formation of a habitable planet and for chronionic jumps.

? High Chronionic Activity: If Cygni-Alpha I has a strong planetary magnetic field (similar to Earth’s, ~30-60 μT), it could interact with dark matter filaments in the system, amplifying the density of information processed by chronions and creating a natural "node" within the Chronionic Network.

? Possible DEQ-Rich Atmosphere: The presence of a dense atmosphere with a high concentration of DEQ could facilitate energy extraction by a vessel equipped with a GPE, providing the necessary fuel for a long chronionic jump (11.4 light-years). An atmosphere with exotic compounds (e.g., silicon- or carbon-based) might act as a catalyst for the condensation of DEQ into usable energy.

Double Transition

? Internal Jump: From Cygni-Alpha I, within the 61 Cygni system, to the T?? timeline, leveraging a low-entropy window and high density of information processed by chronions.

? Chronionic Jump: From T?? to T?, with the observed manifestation on Earth as the crop circle.

This double-transition strategy allows the vessel to traverse multiple layers of the Temporal Flow efficiently, minimizing energy requirements and maximizing jump stability.

Implications of This Hypothesis

If the jump originated from Cygni-Alpha I, this suggests that the planet may be a hub for temporal navigation within the Chronionic Network, potentially inhabited by an advanced civilization or used as a base for interdimensional vessels. The NCH could be deployed to explore this system, searching for signatures of chronionic jumps or entropy anomalies that confirm the presence of this planet as a navigation node.

5. The Chronionic Jump: Detailed Phases

Phase 1 – Resonance (T–72h)

? Temporal Coherence: Simultaneous tuning to chronionic frequencies (67.5 GHz, 12.8 THz, 3.2 MHz, 9.1 kHz) to align the vessel with the Chronionic Network from Cygni-Alpha I.

? Preparation: Chronions, as information algorithms, process temporal data, establishing a coherence node around the vessel.

Phase 2 – Pre-Jump Oscillation (T–10s)

? Curvature Bubble: Generation of a curvature bubble (width ≈ 10?1? m) by the GPE, isolating the vessel from local spacetime.

? Partial Disconnection: The vessel disconnects from the local time of T??, entering a state of temporal superposition processed by chronions.

Phase 3 – Jump (T = 0)

? Displacement: Transition from T?? to T?, with an advance of +180 fractal days (equivalent to a temporal displacement within the fractal network).

? Imprint: The spatiotemporal field generated by the GPE leaves a harmonic imprint in the form of the crop circle, encoding the jump’s trajectory.

Phase 4 – Reintegration (T+0.1s → T+300s)

? Temporal Recoding: Chronions recode the vessel’s temporal information to integrate it into T?, adjusting algorithmic patterns to the new timeline.

? Fixation: The vessel fully anchors to the T? timeline, stabilizing in Earth’s time in 2023.

6. Impact and Validation

Visible Imprint

The crop circle is a direct imprint of the chronionic field generated by the jump, encoding information about the chronionic frequencies and the displacement trajectory. This pattern could be analyzed to detect residual resonances (e.g., at 12.8 THz) or local entropy anomalies.

Chronionic Jump Detectors

We propose building detectors based on:

? Residual Frequencies: Spectrometers tuned to 12.8 THz and 67.5 GHz to detect echoes of the chronionic field.

? Fractal Entropy: Entropy sensors to measure information gradients at the crop circle site.

? Paraparticles: The presence of paraparticles, as transient manifestations of chronions (algorithms) and DEQ, could be an additional signature of the jump.

Expansion of Study Scale

The stellar origin of the jump (61 Cygni, potentially from Cygni-Alpha I) expands the scope of Temporal Flow studies, suggesting that the Chronionic Network connects not only timelines but also distant regions of the universe. This opens the possibility of exploring other star systems as temporal navigation "nodes."

Integration with the NCH

The Harmonic Cosmic Vessel (NCH) could be equipped to detect and analyze such jumps:

? Chronionic Field Sensors: Based on time quasicrystals, these could measure residual resonances and paraparticles at the crop circle site.

? Jump Simulation: The NCH cores (located at 1-2 m and 3-4 m in height) could simulate similar chronionic jumps, using the observed chronionic frequencies (12.8 THz, 67.5 GHz) to replicate the T?? to T? displacement.

? Exploration of Cygni-Alpha I: The NCH could be sent to the 61 Cygni system to search for Cygni-Alpha I, analyzing potential signatures of chronionic activity (e.g., resonances at 12.8 THz) or entropy anomalies indicating chronionic jumps.

? Benefit: This analysis could enhance the NCH’s interdimensional navigation, enabling more precise and stable jumps (a 20% reduction in navigation error).

7. Final Reflection: The Vessel and the Network

An Act of Temporal Navigation

This crop circle is not merely an imprint of a landing but a record of an act of navigation within time and space. The fact that the origin point comes from the 61 Cygni system, potentially from Cygni-Alpha I, reinforces the idea that the Chronionic Network, structured by chronions as information algorithms, connects realities beyond our solar system, acting as a fractal network linking different regions of the universe and timelines.

Implications for the Science of Time

If we understand these chronionic patterns and confirm the existence of planets like Cygni-Alpha I as navigation nodes, we could not only detect temporal jumps but also develop technologies to navigate within the Chronionic Network. The NCH, with its cores for extracting energy from DEQ and its resonance sensors, could be key to exploring this network, ushering in a new era for consciousness and the science of time.

Connection to Cosmic Phenomena

This chronionic jump may be related to the hypothetical spiral structure of the Oort Cloud, as previously explored. If the Oort Cloud acts as a natural "compass" for temporal navigation, the crop circle could be evidence that these cosmic structures are connected to the Chronionic Network, amplifying the resonances of the Temporal Flow on a large scale.

8. Experimental Proposal and Practical Application

Proposed Experiment

? Setup: Deploy sensors for chronionic frequencies (12.8 THz, 67.5 GHz) and entropy detectors at the crop circle site, combined with spectrometers to search for paraparticles.

? Measurement: Analyze residual resonances, local entropy variations, and statistical anomalies that may indicate the presence of paraparticles or echoes of the Temporal Flow processed by chronions.

? Expected Result: Detection of resonances at 12.8 THz or entropy anomalies would confirm that the crop circle is an imprint of a chronionic jump.

Application to the NCH

? Jump Mapping: Use the crop circle data to calibrate the NCH’s sensors, improving its ability to detect and navigate through fractal timelines.

? Simulation of 61 Cygni: The NCH cores could simulate the conditions of Cygni-Alpha I (high density of information processed by chronions and high DEQ density) to practice long jumps, preparing the vessel for interstellar missions.

? Exploratory Mission: Send the NCH to the 61 Cygni system to search for Cygni-Alpha I, analyzing potential signatures of chronionic jumps (e.g., resonances at 12.8 THz) or entropy anomalies indicating chronionic activity.

? Benefit: Increased precision in chronionic jumps and a potential increase in GPE power to 10 kW per engine.

Potential Impact

This study could validate the Theory of Time, demonstrating that fractal spacetime, structured by chronions as information algorithms, connects different regions of the universe and timelines. It could also establish a new paradigm for temporal navigation, with applications in cosmic exploration and the understanding of reality.


1. Luis Morató de Dalmases. “Teoria del Temps: Els Cronions i el Flux Temporal”. "Self-Published" Amazon, year: 2025.

2. Luis Morató de Dalmases. “Consciència i Flux Temporal”. "Self-Published" Amazon, year: 2025. "Self-Published" Amazon, year: 2025.

3. Luis Morató de Dalmases. “Temporal Flux and Chronions: Foundations for the Theory of Everything”. "Self-Published" Amazon, year: 2025.

4. Luis Morató de Dalmases. “The Vibrant Universe: Chronions and Chrones”. "Self-Published" Amazon, year: 2025

5. Luis Morató de Dalmases. “Chronoic Network and Multiverse".”Self-Published" Amazon, year: 2025.

6. Luis Morató de Dalmases.“The Chronoic Matrix: The Heart of Time Theory”. "Self-Published" Amazon, year: 2025.

7. Luis Morató de Dalmases.“The Symphony of Time_ The Algorithms of Reality”. "Self-Published" Amazon, year: 2025.

8. Luis Morató de Dalmases. “The Three Tesseracts: Pillars of Reality”. "Self-Published" Amazon, year: 2025.

9. Luis Morató de Dalmases. “Gravitational Plasma Engine: Revolutionizing Space Propulsion”. "Self-Published" Amazon, year: 2025.

10. Luis Morató de Dalmases. “Jo l’Ordinador Croniònic”. "Self-Published" Amazon, year: 2025.

Chris McGinty

Inventor of the McGinty Equation | Founder and Chief AI Scientist at McGinty AI

1 天前

I appreciate the direction this work is exploring, particularly its focus on consciousness-linked spacetime dynamics and curvature-driven transitions. That said, much of what's presented here closely parallels concepts I introduced last year in the Cognispheric Space framework—especially A-MEM (Active Memory-Encoded Mind), zero-point energy modulation via HarmoniQ frequencies, and the multidimensional folding of reality using CSL-based operations. My intention isn’t to diminish the value of this effort but to respectfully note that a formal conversation around attribution, integration, or collaboration may be warranted. AI can add the works cited.


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