Chronicles Of Quixotic - Chapter 9
?????????Argos arrived immediately when Merlin summoned him. He was preparing to shrink himself to ring size when Zara asked, “Did you find your object?”
???????????“It was not there, what is your next theory?”
???????????Walking over to the desk, she picked up the letter opener and started tapping in Morse Code. “Tiburon’s Cabal absorbed it.”
???????????“That is what I suspect also.” Argos tapped back. “How do you know about Tiburon’s Cabal?”
???????????“I don’t know. There’s this image in my mind; wavering, fluctuating.” She tapped in answer.
???????????“What is this tapping? Zara, did you give him an answer?” Merlin questioned, looking from her to the swirling light in the corner.
???????????“It’s Morse Code, Merlin, a way to communicate without the keyboard. You know how she is about asking me certain questions,” Argos enlightened.
???????????Slightly aggravated with her, he questioned Argos. “Well, what was the answer?”
???????????“I do not feel I should elaborate on the topic until we are quite sure,” Argos responded.
???????????“Damn it you two, I want a straight answer. Now!” Merlin shouted.
???????????“Tiburon’s Cabal absorbed the Planet,” they said in unison.
???????????“How did you know that?” he demanded, looking directly at Zara; she shrugged her shoulders.
???????????“That’s not an answer!” Merlin exclaimed, pointing a finger at her.
???????????“Stop yelling at me,” she snapped angrily. “I don’t know!”
???????????“I’m not yelling,” he growled between clenched teeth, then turned his attention to Argos. “Well?”
???????????“She probably doesn’t know, at least from the data I have been able to gather about her,” Argos responded. “Zara, do you have a theory as to your knowledge of Tiburon’s Cabal and what’s been happening since your arrival in Acacia,” Argos’ calm treble voice queried.
???????????She started tapping on the desk rapidly. “No, but I don’t think I’m supposed to be here.”
???????????“Give me that thing,” Merlin ordered sharply, snatching the letter opener out of her hand. “Now repeat the answer, out loud, from the start!”
???????????Shoving her hands in my pockets she stood mutely staring at the floor.
???????????“Zara, I agree, but do you know why,” Argos finally interceded.
???????????“If Merlin gives you back the letter opener, will you talk to me,” Argos asked.
???????????“No,” she muttered crossly, then turned, and stomped from the sitting chamber. ?
???????????“Next time, Merlin, will you wait until she finishes her thoughts? It seems the more she thinks about what’s happening, the clearer it is becoming to her.”
???????????“Argos, what is happening?” Merlin demanded.
???????????“Zara was equal distances away from all three powers, Zuleika, Zyburg and Tiburon’s Cabal, while she was on Earth. When she came to Acacia, she upset that balance. Why that mattered I have no idea. I believe Tiburon’s Cabal absorbed an outlying planet to compensate for the imbalance. I’m unclear why he did that. You remember this criterion when I asked her what her birthday was.”
???????????“Yes, she didn’t answer.”
???????????“She answered it was in the year of the Kozme’ Battle. Probably at the exact time that Tiburon was attempting his restructuring of the systems. Some of this she knows it’s in her mind’s eye if she will look. She’s just afraid.”
???????????“Is she in danger?” Merlin questioned; his anger instantly extinguished.
???????????“Not right now. Zyburg and Zuleika do not realize she is the source of the disruption. Tiburon’s Cabal knows what is causing the disturbance and is searching for a way to correct it, without sending her back to Earth. I’m not sure she completely understands all that’s involved, although she realizes she is the cause of the disruption. I think you need to talk to her before you leave for Quixotic.”
???????????“Do you know what she is going to tell me?” ?
???????????“Probably, but my information is mostly theory. She won’t be able to explain everything; she doesn’t know some of it herself. So, don’t force her,” Argos advised. “And Merlin, try not to make her cry this time.”
???????????Merlin stopped in the doorway of the bed chamber. Zara was furiously pacing the chamber angrily muttering under her breath. His discreet cough alerted her to his presence, and she spun around to face him. Crossing her arms, she braced her feet apart and glared defiantly at him. In three long strides, he was in front of her, his right index finger and thumb tilting her chin up forcing her Nordic rimmed eyes to meet his.
???????????“Your defiant stance, the same as your foot stomping, will get your bottom smacked,” he warned and waited for his statement to sink in. “We need to talk,” he said when she dropped her arms to her sides.
???????????“I know,” she grumbled, pushing his hand from her face. Crossing the chamber, she flopped across the bed, sighing deeply.
“First, I’m sorry I got upset with you,” he apologized. “Forgive me?”
???????????“Yeah, it was our fault anyway. I’m sorry for talking around you,” she forgave, apologizing also. “What did Argos tell you about me?”
???????????“He told me the date you gave him as your birth was the Kozme’ Battle and that you have something to do with Tiburon’s Cabal. Would you explain what’s going on and what you two were theorizing?” he asked. Stretching out beside her on the bed, he reached to draw her nearer. She quickly repositioned herself to sit Indian fashion at the foot of the bed, just out of his grasp. “Can I at least have a kiss,” he asked.
????????????With a refusing shake of her head, she closed her eyes concentrating, focusing on suppressed memories before she began. “At the exact time King Tiburon placed his first step inside the Emeraude Krustallos, I was conceived in my mother’s womb. With the combined efforts of Zay'doc of Acacia, Creator of Zuleika, and Zuriel, Master of Zyburg in the Houses of Quixotic, the Design King Tiburon would create, along with Acacia’s and Quixotic’s Designs would be inscribed in me with each exacting step. ?
???????????“King Tiburon had decided Fallon and his heirs would rule in Acacia. His desires in this matter would not be thwarted just because Fallon refused. Both Zay'doc and Zuriel knew changes needed to be made if both poles were to continue to exist. They had decided to unite Acacia and Quixotic at that time through me.” She massaged her temples. “This gives me a headache.”
???????????Merlin spoke an incantation and the pain was gone. Still angry with him, she shot him a withering glare. “Thanks, but next time a couple of aspirin will do,” she snapped.
???????????“Fine,” he growled, gesturing with his left hand.
???????????“Ow!” she yelped. “You could have given me the aspirin first.”
????????????Opening his hand, he produced two aspirin. Getting up, she got a drink and came back to the bed. As he reached for her again, she backed away.
???????????“Why,” he asked not understanding. She shrugged and her eyes began to get watery. “Okay...Okay, I won’t touch you. Just sit down wherever and finish the story,” he grumbled, leaning back on his elbows.
???????????“I can’t pull together much else. I’m not even sure if what I told you is correct. All these thoughts keep flashing in my mind. Like I do know the tugging you and Valerian feel is from Zyburg looking for the Emeraude Krustallos, not Zuleika. What Lord Canon is feeling is pulling from Zyburg also,” she said, watching herself as her fingers worried a thread into a knot. Forcing herself to look into Merlin’s eyes, she continued, “It should stop soon; Tiburon’s Cabal is trying to compensate for my whereabouts. Zuleika feels the Krustallos present but doesn’t know from where yet and Zyburg feels the change but as a loss to itself. ?
???????????“I think I’m some sort of counterweight. I’m afraid that my life has been manipulated by these men Zay'doc and Zuriel. I don’t understand how that could be. I don’t know if they killed my parents so I would go to California. I don’t know if they meant for me to meet you, now that I know you are to be High King in Quixotic. I don’t know if they planned on me falling in love with you. I don’t know if I’m supposed to be in Acacia. I don’t know....” she broke down, her hands trembling as her eyes brimmed with tears. ?
???????????Merlin wasn’t going to sit watching any longer. He reached out and caught her arm, dragging her to him. She fought to get free, trying to protect her own emotions.
???????????“Stop it!” Merlin whispered harshly, hugging her as he laid us both down on the bed. “I’ll take care of everything, baby. I’ll talk to Zuriel when I get to Quixotic. He’s my uncle several greats removed I will get the rest of the story from him.”
???????????“He’s your uncle? Merlin, there’s so much I don’t know or understand,” she cried. “I only began to know about these things in the past year, and most of it in the past week. Do you really love me,” she sobbed, turning away, and burying her face in the pillow?
???????????“Yes! I love you,” he exclaimed, lifting her back into his arms. “Is that what you’re worried about,” he asked, raising her head to look into her eyes, “that I wouldn’t love you if you told me about yourself? Sweetheart, I grew up being manipulated by these so-called Powers; these men as you put it. We’re in this together.” Holding her close, his warm hands massaged her back as he lightly kissed her neck and shoulders.
???????????“How long before you have to leave,” she asked as his caressing began to work its magic.
???????????“I should have left a rion ago,” he answered with a frown. “An hour ago, by your time frame.”
???????????Kissing her, he swung his feet to the floor. “I inscribed two Kryztols of you. I want you to give this one to Valerian after I leave. If anything, unusual happens, come back to these chambers, and stay put. I’ll talk with you later.” With a gentle squeeze, he kissed her again. “I love you.”
???????????“I love you. Be careful sweetheart.” She fussed over him, listening as he summoned Argos to shrink to ring size. She watched from the doorway as he commanded the Bizou to take him to Lord Canon of Albayne.
Zara peeked out the window it was still dark and probably no one was up making breakfast yet; she was starving. Well, it was time to take the grand tour and find the kitchen at the same time. Dropping the extra Kryztol in her pocket in case she saw Valerian, she departed their chambers. Turning left at the first hallway, she headed south. She passed several chambers she assumed were chambers like Merlin’s. The hall ended and she turned right, coming to large double doors, which she entered.
????????????She was standing in an enormous dining chamber. At the West End was a small stage with a piano along with some string and woodwind instruments. She plunked a couple of keys on the piano and frowned: slightly out of tune. She could fix that later.
???????????Going out a side door, she entered a different hallway; chambers on one side, another set of large double doors on the other.
???????????It was the library, books everywhere. Zara was in heaven, music and books all at her disposal in one place. She wandered down the aisles reading titles. She discovered a book on Zalakan grammar and while leafing through it her stomach reminded her of her mission. Tucking the book under her arm, she headed out the door, and turned north toward the stairs.
???????????She had already, briefly been on the third floor and hadn’t seen anything resembling a kitchen, except in the King’s quarters, so up was out of the question. Starting down the stairs, she noticed another small hallway to the northwest. She thought, a quick look wouldn’t hurt, and she headed that way. The hall ended at a narrow staircase going down. Okay let’s see where you go, she told herself. At the base of the stairs, she peeked around the wall’s edge and saw huge fireplaces. She found the kitchen!
???????????She had never seen a kitchen so big. One wall was ovens heated by enormous fireplaces: each one banked from the previous night. There were shelves and hooks lining two walls holding pots and pans, flour, sugar, and other such staples. Extending the length of the east wall was an unusual looking marble slab that appeared to be covered in frost. Walking over to it, she could see a lever embedded in the center and it was ice covering the wall, not frost. Lifting the lever, a massive door moved inward revealing a magnificent walk-in icebox. Her stomach complained again and so decided her next move. Since she was standing in the ice locker, she located eggs and milk. Next, she spied a loaf of yesterday’s bread sitting on a long table against the west wall and sliced herself several pieces. She removed a long griddle and a type of coffeepot from the shelf, laying them on the top of the hottest oven. She found coffee beans on one of the shelves and mashed them into a coarse granule. Coffee and French toast - that was the menu.
???????????She was singing and opening cupboards looking for a plate and coffee cup when she sensed someone nearby. Without turning around, she offered, “Coffee?”
???????????“Yes, please,” a mellow male voice, replied.
???????????“Breakfast?” she asked.
???????????“Yes, if you don’t mind,” he answered. “We do have cooks.”
???????????“Really,” she replied, and started to hum the song she had been singing.
???????????“Are you always so chipper in the criterion?”
???????????“Generally.” Her cheeks dimpled uncontrollably as she turned to hand him a cup of coffee. He resembled one of the images Merlin had shown her the day before. He was dressed in well-creased, black cotton trousers and a black silk shirt with gray pin stripes: a very solemn looking fellow with a huge, jewel-handled sword hung at his side.
???????????“Thank you.”
???????????“Sit,” she bid, indicating the table with the bread and she turned back to the stove.
???????????“Have you been here long?” he asked.
???????????“Nope,” she replied, bringing two plates of French toast to the table. Returning to the stove, she picked up the syrup and her coffee.
???????????“You the girl with Merlin; your name Zara?”
???????????“Yep,” she claimed, starting to eat.
???????????“You ever say more than one word at a time?” he asked and paused, frowning, fork in mid-air.
???????????“Yes, habitually,” she answered grinning. With that he smiled and began eating. They ate in silence for several rims when she finally asked. “Could you tell me how to get to the City of Acacia?”
???????????“Go down the southern slope until you get to the Esplanade. Take a westerly direction following the harbor to arrive in the heart of the city.”
???????????“Thanks.” And she began gathering up their dishes.
???????????“Where exactly are you headed? Maybe I could give you better directions,” he offered.
???????????“I will know the place when I see it, more coffee?”
“No thanks, I best get going.” Placing his napkin on the table, he stood to leave. “Good luck.”
???????????“Thank you, Sebastian.”
???????????She finished cleaning up and headed out the door into the main hall by the staircase. Valerian was just coming down as she rounded the corner.
???????????“Zara, I was looking for you. Is Merlin gone?”
???????????“Yes Sir,” she answered, reaching into her pocket. “He wanted you to have this.” She handed him the Kryztol of herself.
???????????“Thank you, this will make my life a little easier. What are your plans for turiterion?”
???????????“I’m going to see my grandfather, if turiterion means today.”
???????????“It does. Do you know the way,” he asked, “and have you eaten since you arrived?” ?
???????????“I just finished making breakfast for Sebastian and myself. He told me the general direction to take to reach the city.”
???????????“Your grandfather is living near the Myakka Forest on the southwest side of the city. The name of the street is Mopar. You fixed criterion meal for Sebastian,” he said with a significant lifting of his brow.
???????????“I was fixing breakfast for myself, and he happened by, so I made enough for both of us. You call it criterion meal?”
???????????“Yes, and we do have cooks for that sort of thing,” he informed politely.
???????????“I know, Sebastian told me, but I was hungry and perfectly capable of cooking for myself. I should be back early, see you later,” she called as she headed out the front doors.