Chronicles of Quixotic - Chapter 3
Chapter 3
They had been unpacking boxes for hours. Aby'gayl and Zara had gone to the kitchen to prepare lunch. Merle and Ty were hanging pictures. They had finished the one box and opened the next.
???????????What they came across then made them both step back and wonder. The first item out of the box was a recording in chart form delineating a line of ancestors. It was old and on an unusual piece of cloth.
???????????The combination of names written in a spindly hand on the primitive material captured their attention: Medea, Fallon, Serena... Zara. Beneath each name was a birth date. Under some were dates of death. The dates, though, were not in years but in what both men recognized as Zlpha Cykle, the time reference used on their home worlds. The time spans indicated on the genealogy would amount to centuries in Earth years. Naturally, some of the fateful dates were missing, but the fact that omitted death dates for Fallon, Eugene, and Johnson stood out conspicuously.
???????????“What’s Zara’s grandfather’s name,” Ty asked.
???????????“Eugene.” Merle exhaled sharply. “Man! This is wild. I need to get back to Acacia and talk to Dad.”
???????????Merle reached into the box and moved some of the things around. An ornately carved wooden box caught his eye. The lid was engraved with the delicate lines of a unicorn, over a rose in bloom. He flipped the top open to find a Kryztol Bizou resting inside. He grabbed Ty’nan’s arm his voice hoarse with shock, “Look it’s a Bizou with several Kryztols!” Touching one of the Kryztols to the center of the Bizou, a holographic image wavered before them. “I’ve never seen that place,” Merle confided quietly. “There’s also an inscriptor in here.”
???????????“Quick, put it back,” Ty said. “The girls are coming.”
???????????Merle respectfully replaced the wooden box, laid the strange, printed fabric over everything, and quickly closed the packing box.
????????????When Aby’gayl and Zara entered carrying trays of sandwiches and tall, frosty drinks, Zara’s eyes were riveted to the box in Merle’s hands.
????????????“We don’t have to unpack this one. It goes into grandpa’s room,” she said, taking it from him, relieved to see it wasn’t open.
Zara didn’t know, maybe it was her sixth sense kicking in, although the rest of the day went smoothly enough, she still couldn’t shake a feeling of apprehension. She put it down to all the moving excitement, and preparing for tomorrow, and getting grandpa and Frankie moved in. The evening ended with sore muscles but a great sense of accomplishment, and they thanked Ty and Aby’ repeatedly as they waved good-bye. She didn’t want to go back to Merle’s apartment and leave the house now that all the furniture was in, so Merle reluctantly agreed, and he and Zara spent the night. Zara thought she heard every creak and rattle that old house could make. Protectively, Merle walked through the house one last time before they both collapsed. Snuggling into the warmth of his body, she was instantly asleep.
After she went to sleep, Merle, unknown to her an accomplished magician, recited an incantation to enhance her sound slumber for a couple of hours. He needed to find what else that box contained and how it affected those of his family. With Zara soundly sleeping across the hall, he sat in her grandfather’s dimly lit room and spread the contents of the box on the floor.
???????????“Where did all this come from,” he pondered aloud, picking up the ordinate ring. These artifacts don’t belong on Earth, he thought, they belong on Acacia. More specifically, they belong to the Royal Family on Acacia.
???????????Well, only one way to find out, he decided he had to touch the two Bizou’s together. He knew this would probably give him a shock. Removing his own ring, in hopes of a lesser jolt, he laid his and the newly discovered Bizou on the bed and cautiously touched the Kryztols together. When the power jumped between the gems, he staggered back a step as a hologram of Eugene flashed into view before him.
???????????Merle stood there perplexed. Inscribed in the Bizou’s Kryztol were Eugene’s thoughts.
???????????“What’s going on,” he mumbled to himself. Bumping the bed with his foot, he jarred the Kryztols apart and the image vanished.
???????????Noting there were major and minor Kryztols, he wondered where the magic filament was that held them in place for carrying. Unable to locate the Kryztoline, he simply slipped several loose Kryztols into his pants pocket.
???????????Placing the Bizou back into the box, he then reviewed and copied the genealogy. Completing this he pulled his own Kryztoline from his pocket and removed his father’s Kryztol.
???????????Touching Fallon’s Kryztol to the top of his Bizou, he focused his thoughts. Fallon’s image began to waver before him.
???????????“Yes,” Fallon responded to the contact.
???????????“Father how are you,” he addressed.
???????????“Quite well; what can I do for you,” Fallon asked politely.
???????????“I need to see you right away. Is now, okay?”
???????????“Not exactly, your mother and I are having a discussion,” he replied, shooting a stern look over his shoulder. “How about in the criterion, your time; are you are still secure on Earth?”
???????????“Yes,” he answered frowning. “Pryrit will be fine.” Merle released the contact, replacing the gem on the Kryztoline and then selecting Ty’s he repeated the process.
???????????“Ty’nan... its Merlin,” Merle spoke softly.
???????????“Do you know what time it is,” Ty yawned.
???????????“I know. I’m sorry. I need a favor,” he relayed through the connection. Ty sat up in bed to listen. “I got hold of Fallon. I’m to meet him tomorrow morning. I need an excuse to go out of town. Can you help?”
???????????“No problem. I’ll call your cell in the morning,” Ty replied, yawning again, “anything else?”
???????????“No thanks.” Merle removed the Kryztol from the back of his Bizou terminating the holographic image.
About six o’clock the next morning Zara awoke to the sound of Merle’s cell ringing. It was Ty. Merle was going to have to go out of town.
???????????“Just business,” he said, in response to her quizzical look. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a couple of days. Gotta hurry, Ty is picking me up in fifteen minutes.”
???????????He kissed her quick, threw off the covers, and jumped in the shower. By the time she had the coffee brewing, Ty was out front, and Merle was kissing her good-bye. “I’ll see you in a couple of days, be good.”
???????????She had too much to do today to dwell on why Merle suddenly had to go out of town. He said it was business and that he would be back, so she pushed all conscious thoughts of him to the back of her mind and went to work straightening her new little home.
???????????Later that morning Zara went to grandpa’s storage unit and picked up his convertible. Then she drove directly to the YMCA. Grandpa, Frankie, and Zara spent the rest of the morning arranging and rearranging. Those old men were happier than she’d had seen them in months. They finished pretty much by one o’clock and decided to take a ride in the old convertible. Once they got out of the town traffic and on to some deserted country lanes, she let Grandpa drive. He was thrilled to be behind the wheel again. They visited the cemetery and left a bouquet of fresh flowers for their family and Frankie’s family too. They drove along the coast and wound up at the ballpark for Zara’s four o’clock game. She played and they watched and gabbed. They had a wonderful day.
Meanwhile, Ty parked his car at his apartment. Merle detached Fallon’s Kryztol from his Kryztoline and placed it against the underside of his Bizou. As soon as the contact from Merle became clear, Fallon placed Merle’s Kryztol to his own Bizou, in the same manner, stabilizing a traversable portal to Acacia. Merle and Ty stepped through.
???????????Ty quickly exchanged pleasantries with Fallon, and then excused himself.
???????????“I need to meet Aby'gayl in Majidah. You know King stuff and all. From there I will head back to the apartment. Good to see you again, Sir.” Ty touched a major Kryztol to his Bizou and concentrated. Ty being endowed by the Zuleika, the governing entity of Acacia, was crowned ruler of the minor sovereign Majidah and had the ability to teleport to the holographic image before him. Moments later, in an array of bright beams, he disappeared from their view to arrive standing in his bed quarters in the Palace at Majidah.?
???????????Merlin and Fallon embraced, stood back, and looked at each other.
???????????“Father, it has been a while. How are things with you?”
???????????“Getting back too normal. I almost feel like a true Prince of Acacia again.”
???????????“How are the amendments to the Treaty coming? How is mother?”
???????????“The negotiations are moving slowly. As for your mother, well she is able to sit as long as she has a cushion.” Merlin gave him a curious look. “She had a bit of a run in with me pryrit. Criterion she told me she’s not speaking to me unless politics dictate. She knows I will only tolerate that for so long before I upend her over my knee again, but we will work it out. Enough of this, I’m sure you are here for other reasons.”
???????????Merle reached in his pocket and unfolded the paper he had drawn on. Fallon examined the list of names. He looked at his son.
??????????????????????????????????????????????Acacia’s Lineage
?????????????????????Fallon ---------- Serena?(wife1)?????
????????????????????????????????????????????????Pierce-----------Lillian (wife)
?????Margaret-------Edith--------Eugene ??????????????????Johnson----Jane
?????(wife 2)?????????(wife 1) ???????
?????????????Dylan -------------- Chase---------Cherilyn
???????????“Yes, those listed are my descendants if that’s what you’re wondering. What did you copy this from?”
???????????“The genealogy was inscribed on a piece of cloth belonging to a friend’s grandfather. There’s something else you need to see.” He reached into his pocket to bring out the handful of Kryztols he had taken. Fallon looked them over closely.
????????????“I would say these are Eugene’s. He’s probably the one who has been completing the genealogy. Is he the one you met?”
???????????“Yes. I wondered why he looked so hard and long at me the first time we met. I also felt he looked like someone I knew or had met before. It’s that strong family resemblance. Where would you like to begin catching me up?” he asked looking at his father.
???????????“I would really like to see Eugene and fill everyone in at the same time. He has been to Acacia, but Zlpha Cykles ago. Do you think that it would be possible for me to see him?” Fallon asked.
???????????Merle thought for a moment, referencing Acacia’s time. “Not at this rion. I would prefer to wait until his granddaughter is at work. I don’t know how much she knows.”
???????????They looked over the names on the list again. Merle unconsciously smiled as he ran his finger over the name Zara.
???????????“Is she pretty?” Fallon asked, noticing his son’s expression.
????????????“Mmm,” Merle sighed, only half listening to the question.
???????????“Do you like her?”
???????????“She’s stunning. ?She has mesmerizing hazel eyes ringed in a glacier blue; she’s stubborn and headstrong, graceful, gentle, and talented. And by the Gods she smart, so very smart, too smart for her own good at times.” Merle stuttered at that thought, startled back from his memorable vision. “We’re related. Look at the ages; they’re not really that far apart,” he moaned, and looked at his father, exasperated.
???????????“Merlin, there are generations between the two of you, even though the ages are close. Remember, the time flow on Earth is quite different from Acacia’s or Quixotic. You are my direct descendent, she is my descendent five times removed.” Fallon put his hand on his son’s shoulder. “The line is clean,” he assured Merlin, who sighed in relief.
???????????“At least it does explain her unusual strength and the charms on her necklace,” Merlin thought aloud.
???????????“Charms,” Fallon questioned.
???????????“Yes, a golden unicorn and silver rose,” Merlin told him.
???????????Fallon walked over to the window and looked out over the courtyard. Where to begin and still be brief? Merlin sat on the edge of the bed in his father’s room to listen.
???????????“You need to know I loved Serena more than life itself,” Fallon began. “She was five foot six, slim, long silky brown hair, and she possessed the most expressive hazel eyes I had ever seen. Her mind was absolutely fascinating; her thinking was incredible. But that inquisitive mind also got her into trouble with me more than I care to remember; and a very tender bottom.” He chuckled at the memory. “The night Pierce was born I gave her the silver rose charm. The golden unicorn was her twenty-fifth anniversary present.
????????????“I wasn’t around a lot when Pierce was small. I was a military man and Serena understood that. They traveled with me whenever possible. I always felt Serena knew I was from another world. She never questioned my continued youthful appearance, unusual strength, or my inclination to set punishable parameters. The latter much to her dismay many, many times. She did notice the same dominant qualities in Pierce by the time he was in his late twenties.
???????????“Unfortunately, Pierce and I never really got along. I suppose it was because of my prolonged absences. He married and had twin sons, Eugene and Johnson. Eugene was a lot like his mother--smart, feisty, full of life. Johnson was more skeptical. He questioned everything. He was always planning and plotting. Looking back, he and his father acted like true Acacians. ?
???????????“Tiburon called me back to Acacia. The enemy captured me while the Realm was under siege by Cazimir. I ended up imprisoned for Zlpha Cykles. By the time I engineered my escape, and managed to return to Earth, Serena had been dead for some time. I eventually did find Pierce. I brought him and the twins to Acacia, expecting them to live here. Pierce would not. I never talked much about the twins to the rest of my brothers and sisters, since Pierce did not want them involved in the power struggle going on between our worlds. When Eugene was small, he used to beg me to bring him to the Palace. He would sit at Zay'doc’s feet for rions drawing and listening to tales. I would let him take books home from the library. I think he read every book we had at the time. ?
???????????“Shortly before the Kozme’ battle I introduced him to the Zuleika’s Design, and he chose to traverse it immediately. I then gave him a Kryztol Bizou a small Kryztoline and instructed him in their use. The only Kryztols on the line I gave him were three major Kryztols, Pierce’s, Zay’doc’s, and mine. There were three minor Kryztols as well--my room in Acacia Palace, the Esplanade, and the west garden. He had little schooling in the art of mental hologram imagining, but I’m sure he knew how. Pierce did feel an allegiance to Acacia and came to fight in the Kozme’ battle; he died bravely and is buried in Acacia. Johnson blamed me for his father’s death. I haven’t seen or heard from the boys since the funeral.”?
???????????Merlin sat a moment trying to grasp all his father had just told him.?
???????????Finally, Merlin said, “We still have a few rions before we can contact Eugene. Do you want to bring him here to your chambers?”
???????????“No, I think we should go to him. He loved Acacia very much, he might not want to return to earth,” Fallon replied solemnly.
???????????“I have a few errands to attend to while I am here, and I need to inscribe a Kryztol for Eugene’s house so we can make contact. If you will excuse me, I will be back here in a couple of rions.”
???????????“Do you plan on seeing Valerian while you are here?” Fallon asked.
???????????“Not exactly, I was hoping to make this visit as quiet and uneventful as possible.”
???????????“Let me rephrase that--Merlin, you are going to see Valerian while you are here.”
???????????“Yes, Father. First, I need to stop by my chambers, and then I will go see Valerian.”
???????????Merlin left and walked up the hall to his chambers. Changing clothes into something more suitable for an audience with the King, Merlin headed upstairs to the third floor of the Palace.
????????????Or’ Lena answered the door looking more radiant than usual. She was petite from the top of her head down to her tiny feet; she had reddish brown hair, a clear creamy complexion with unusual palomino eyes, her features serene and gentle.
???????????“Merlin, so nice to have you come by Valerian will be out in a rimt.”
???????????“Your Majesty,” Valerian addressed Merlin, as he stepped into the room.
????????????“Your Majesty,” Merlin replied in kind. “Well, now that’s out of the way. How are you, Uncle?”
???????????“Missing you lately at the conferences,” Valerian answered smiling.
???????????“I am not yet officially High King you know, although I’m sure I will hear my fair share of the negotiations before they are settled. It’s just that the powers in Quixotic and Acacia feel I am safer tucked away on Earth until my training begins. So, it would be greatly appreciated if you didn’t mention anything to them about seeing me here.”????????
???????????“Why are you here,” Valerian asked, indicating Merlin should take a seat.
???????????“I came to speak privately with my father. He insisted I inform you of my presence although, my stay is intended to be very brief.”
???????????“Is it anything I should be concerned with?”
???????????“I do not believe so. It is of a purely personal nature,” Merlin stated.
???????????“If the situation changes, you will speak up, correct?”
???????????“I am sure father will bring our discussion to your attention should the need arise,” Merlin assured him. “The palace is looking better than the last time I was here.”
???????????“Some sort of regenerating construction spells. Zay'doc put a hex on the castle Zlpha Cykles ago in case intruders ever made it this far, or as what did transpire the Entities again began warring with each either. I noticed your chambers received an addition,” Valerian remarked.
???????????“Yes, there is now an archway from my bed chamber into Slayde’s old chambers. I see though, that the doorway into his bed chamber is a solid wall. Does that mean that the enlarged chambers will remain this way?”
???????????“If you like,” Valerian answered. “I see no real problem. Fraya has already asked that his bed chamber open into her own chambers, enlarging them in the same fashion. Say, have you heard the news,” Valerian continued, “Or’Lena is pregnant! She’s due in the time of flowers and planting.”
???????????“No, I hadn’t heard. Congratulations!” Merlin said heartily, for he was fond of Or'Lena. He continued, “I really need to get back to my chambers. Father and I are to meet again, and I have some preparations to make. Are there any matters we need to discuss?”
???????????Valerian’s brow furrowed in thought. “Have you heard from your guardian, Argos, lately?”
???????????Merlin grimaced. Argos was a sentient entity created by the two warring worlds to keep track of him sequestered away on Earth. The entities had created special Krystol’s for Merlin’s easy access and the need for the entities to guard their ward.
?“No, that’s one of the items on my list while I’m here. Why?”
???????????“Just curious, I could have sworn I felt its presence recently in the large conference room during one of our more crucial debates over the treaty. Were you ever able to find a way to shut it down, or at least regain control of it, like I asked?”
???????????“Not exactly, I haven’t really been in contact with Argos since the last time we spoke. He’s been off gathering data and investigating on his own.”
???????????“Have you informed the Counsels of the mishap?” Valerian inquired, raising a questioning brow.
???????????“Well...” Merlin hedged, cringing.
???????????“Merlin,” Valerian exclaimed, his expression intently stern, “I expect you to gain control over this guardian of yours before you are crowned. We can’t have this... this...whatever it is now, darting about, doing whatever it is he does all over the Universe.”
???????????“Yes Uncle, I will take care of it.”
???????????As Merlin walked down the stairs to his chambers, he was thumbing over his Kryztoline, finally deciding on Argos’. Once inside, he touched it to the Bizou and began to concentrate. After several unsuccessful attempts to make contact, he reattached the Kryztol to the line, and detached Ty’s. Immediately, the mental tingling began, and the hologram of Ty wavered in front of him. Within econs, he could clearly see Ty standing in the kitchen of the Alcazar at Majidah with a sandwich and a glass of milk.
Ty, feeling the mental stimulation, put his hand up, gesturing to wait. He swallowed and said, “Yes?”
???????????“Ty’nan, its Merlin. How are things in Majidah?”
???????????“Running smoothly, you know how it is when I leave mother in charge. Ghita keeps everyone on their toes.”
???????????“Don’t even mention mothers and being in charge in the same breath. I haven’t seen mine and hope she doesn’t find out I’m here.”
???????????“I am a little concerned that no one has seen or heard from Baron since we left Quixotic,” Ty stated. “Ghita even visited the Milieu Citadel to see if he was hanging around there. Nothing,” Ty added, finishing the last of his sandwich. “Have you and your father concluded your business?”
???????????“Not completely. We are to meet in a rion. He wishes to speak with Zara’s grandfather in person, but I wanted to be sure she would be at work when we did.”
???????????“Interesting, I would like to be there for that meeting. Say, have you seen Janis since you and she broke up?”
???????????“No why?”
???????????“How about at the ballpark, see her or any new players on her team?”
???????????“Come to think of it, I did see her about two cykles ago. She was talking to this big girl I’d never seen before. Janis left before the game was over. Why?”
???????????“Something Aby’gayl said, probably nothing.”
???????????“Come on Ty’nan, give me more than that! What’s going on?”
???????????“Aby’ just brought out the fact that we haven’t seen Baron, and we haven’t seen Janis. Seem strange? It could be nothing or it could be real trouble. I have some trusted guards out looking for Baron now.”
???????????“Keep me posted. I’ll be leaving for Dad’s quarters in a few rims. Do you plan on joining us?”
???????????“No, I need to see Aby'gayl before I leave. I’ll try to catch up with you before you leave Acacia.” With that, Merlin separated the Kryztols and reattached Ty’s to his Kryztoline.
???????????Merlin snapped off Argos’ Kryztol and gave it another try. Nothing! Replacing the gem, he put the finishing touches on the Kryztol he was inscribing of Zara’s bedroom in Alameda, dropped it in his hand, and headed up the hall to Fallon’s chambers.
????????????Once there, Merlin placed the new Kryztol against the inside of his Bizou, touching the Kryztols together and concentrating; he began remembering the scene. The room began to take on depth and color: light beige walls, queen size bed against the wall, walnut dresser to the left. He saw the chair his clothes neatly draped over it. Moving forward slowly, Merlin stepped into the room, Fallon followed close behind. The door to the room was open; Eugene had been sitting in the living room when the phenomenon had started. He knew immediately what was happening and waited patiently as the two men stepped through.
???????????“Grandfather,” Eugene exclaimed.
???????????Fallon and Eugene embraced, shook hands, and embraced again.
???????????“I secretly went to Acacia several times looking for you after the Kozme’ battle, Grandfather. The noblemen I spoke with told me no one had seen you in years,” Eugene stated, showing them a place to sit.
???????????“It is a long, dreary story,” Fallon replied, taking a seat near the front window. “Remind me one day and I’ll share it with you. I understand you married and had a son, now grandchildren,” Fallon remarked, with a broad grin.
???????????Eugene looked at him quizzically, and then looked at Merlin. Merlin withdrew the copy of the genealogy he made and the few Kryztols he had taken.
???????????“So, it was you in the box,” he said to Merlin. “I thought a few things had been moved. The first time I saw you I wondered. I was afraid to say anything. The way you acted indicated you knew nothing of your heritage. So, who are you?”
???????????“He is my son, Merlin,” Fallon interceded. “As soon as he found the articles, he came to me. His suspicions were aroused when he saw Serena’s charms on Zara’s necklace and witnessed her unusual strength.”
???????????Eugene’s eyes narrowed as he rose in one fluid motion and moved menacingly toward Merlin. “Is that the reason you have been seeing my granddaughter, just to find answers to your suspicions?”
???????????Merlin leaped from his own chair. “No sir,” he blurted out, trying to get a chair between him and Eugene.
???????????“Sit down, Eugene,” Fallon ordered. “The boy is hopelessly stuck on the girl. Leave him alone.”
???????????“I’ll not have her hurt,” Eugene stated bluntly, looking directly at Merlin.
???????????Fallon regarded Eugene, wondering where to start. “Catch me up on all that has happened in your life, starting with the Kozme’ battle.”
???????????Eugene picked up his pipe and tobacco, and gathering his composure, he returned to his seat. Fallon leaned back and lit his own uniquely carved pipe as Eugene began.
???????????“Shortly after father’s funeral in Acacia, Johnson and I had a falling out. Mostly, it concerned you and Acacia. Johnson didn’t want Jane to know anything about Acacia. He left in anger for parts unknown to me to protect her from what he considered to be a dangerous heritage. Jane died about fifty years ago, and that was the last time I saw him.
???????????I have occasionally heard from him, but the conversations are brief and to the point. I always wondered, was he ever inscribed by the Zuleika,” Eugene asked, drawing deeply on his pipe.?
???????????“Yes, with the help of Collin,” Fallon replied. “He and Johnson always did seem to get along. If he has ever contacted anyone, I would imagine it would be Collin,” he said, as he thought back over the years.
???????????“Then he is probably off on another world in another universe, living happily ever after,” Eugene remarked, giving a careless wave of his hand.
???????????Thinking about where he left off, Eugene continued. “You remember Edith, my wife? Sadly, she died. I was alone for a long time, but many years later, I married a wonderful girl named Margaret. She was a perfect fit for me, accepting of my demand for submission in our daily life and such. I had begun to think we were never going to have any children when she became pregnant with William, only one pregnancy, mind you. We were beyond delighted with him.
???????????“William was a fine son. We realized early on that he had an unquenchable wanderlust, and his dominant nature was evident. We never mentioned Acacia to him. Margaret was afraid he would leave. To satisfy his wanderlust and need to control, he served in the military most of his life. He dearly loved the battles, and his brilliant strategic mind served him well on several occasions.
????????????“He married while he was overseas, a truly wonderful girl named Nancy. She was one smart lady. Her IQ was in the high two hundred ranges. She and William were very much in love. ?
???????????“Zara was born late in their life, and we almost lost both Nancy and the child in the delivery, but both survived. After that, Nancy could have no more children. Zara was their pride and joy. She had beauty and strength from our side of the family, and it was immediately evident that her IQ would exceed even her mother’s. By the age of nine months, she was talking. At twelve months she could read, and by eighteen months she was calculating basic math equations.”
???????????“Wait a minute,” Merlin interrupted. “Zara has a sister. She called on her birthday.”
???????????“The sister was adopted, sort of a mid-life crisis resolution for William and Nancy. Zara by then had already left home. Some of her father’s wanderlust, I suppose. William had always known she was a special gift. He worried that one day his beautiful daughter would suddenly be gone. Zara and her sister became remarkably close, partly because Nancy was nearing seventy by then. It crushed her sister when Zara got married. They didn’t speak for years. The problem wasn’t resolved until Zara’s husband died, leaving her to raise their two sons alone. By then her sister had married and started her own family. I think her sister realized how badly she had treated Zara. They are closer now, but it never has been the same between them.
???????????“William and Nancy settled down here in California to be near Margaret and me. I had finally convinced Margaret to let me show Acacia to William when he and Nancy were killed in an auto accident about sixteen months ago. Margaret never got over losing William. She passed away a few months ago.” Pausing in his story as he tamped his pipe, Eugene stood and paced the room. Finally, he looked over at Merlin and finished his story. ?
???????????“Zara’s smart, real smart. She knows she is different. She also knows I am not happy living here. I miss Acacia. Before Margaret died, we had decided to move to Acacia and live out our lives. I was just not sure when to leave. Margaret was still visiting the graves daily. Zara would call every day to see how she was doing. We were very concerned. One day Margaret went to the cemetery late in the afternoon. She fell asleep beside William’s headstone, when Zara found her, she was dead.
???????????“That’s when I took Zara to the Esplanade and showed her the city of Acacia. I told her one-day I would leave, and that was where I would be going to live the rest of my life. I told her how much I loved her. I tried to explain how much I loved that beautiful city, and that I felt I had to return there to fulfill my destiny. She has never questioned me about what she learned that day. I love Zara dearly, and I haven’t had the heart to leave her, or I would be in Acacia at this moment. And that catches us up to now,” he sighed, looking forlorn. The room was quiet for a moment as his listeners absorbed the remarkable story.
????????????“Whenever you are ready, contact me, and I will bring you home, Eugene,” Fallon offered sincerely. “Merlin, the day is getting late. When will Zara be home?”
???????????“She said she would not be home until early morning,” Eugene interjected, “something about inputting data. You know, less user activity.” With the mention of time, all three realized it had become dark.
???????????“I regret not being able to see her, but I must return to Acacia. We are in the midst of negotiations and my presence is required,” Fallon said, as he stood and stretched. His long, muscular arms nearly touched the ceiling. “Merlin, are you coming back to Acacia?”
???????????“No, father. I need to get to the office tonight to help with the work. Anyway, I would like to talk with Eugene a while longer,” he replied.
???????????“Very well, Eugene it was good to see you again. Stay in touch now that you know I’m around.” Withdrawing his line of Kryztols, Fallon detached a minor gem for the library in Acacia. “Merlin, have you been given the capability to teleport others to their destinations?” Fallon inquired.
???????????“Yes sir, before I was stashed away here on Earth. Touch the Kryztol to my Bizou so I can see the image.” Viewing the hologram, Merlin concentrated, letting his mind touch the Bizou lightly with his request. A twinkling spray of reds and greens bathed the room as Fallon transported to the library in another world called Acacia.
???????????“You wanted to talk, Merlin,” Eugene asked, with a slight sneer, still unsure of Merlin’s intentions toward his granddaughter.?
???????????“Call me Merle. It’s in keeping with me being incognito while I’m on Earth,” Merlin insisted. “First, I need to call Zara and tell her I’m home, if you don’t mind,” and looked around him for the phone. Eugene pointed to the kitchen wall. Merlin quickly started dialing UDE’s number. It rang twice before he heard Zara’s voice.
???????????“Hi, thought I’d call and let you know I’m back from my business trip,” Merle said, his clear deep voice reaching through the phone lines to caress her ear.
???????????“Merle! Oh, I missed you, I’m so glad you’re home,” she cried excitedly. “How was your trip?”
???????????“It was good. I got everything done. I will be in to help you in a couple of hours. Have you eaten? Never mind, I know you,” he laughed richly. “I’ll bring some hamburgers with me. See you in a little while.” Merle hung up and thought do I really have anything else I want to discuss with Eugene? It’s more interesting to find out about her on my own.
???????????“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t tell you much anyway,” Eugene replied to Merle’s thoughts. “It is more fun to find out on your own,” and Merle’s eyes widened in surprise.
???????????“Yes, sometimes I can read your thoughts. Generally, only if we are pretty much thinking the same things. I will let you in on a little secret, Zara can’t read your mind, but she can tell when someone is trying to delve into hers. It’s that damned brain of hers. She will block it instantly, too.” He smiled wryly. “She also has this, what she calls a sixth sense. I like you Merle, just so you know, but if you hurt her…,” Eugene warned, and then added with a slight smile, “Good luck with her, and have fun.”
???????????Since his car was still at Ty’s, Merle caught a cab home. He showered, shaved, changed clothes, and caught a cab to the office in record time. Stopping to grab some burgers and fries, he thought about Zara’s eating habits. He knew she didn’t intentionally not eat. Eating was just not a priority to her. That was something he planned on changing and sooner rather than later.
Zara had three terminals going when Merle walked in. He was amazed and observed as she went from one terminal to the next, sat down and typed for several minutes, pressed enter, and moved on to the next terminal. Merle wondered about his guardian Argos lost in the web of computer technology. Merle had placed Argos’ mentally inscribed Kryztol on an optical scanner as an experiment. Argos, curious as he was, entered the computer. Experiencing a world of intelligence similar to his own. Argos now refused to return to the Kryztol. ?
???????????Had Zara ever encountered him through linking systems, Merle wondered. Argos was often out just exploring. Learning new skills, communicating with everything that encountered him. Argos’ own curiosity could get him to stop and interact.
???????????Merle had been trying to regain some control over Argos since that fateful day. He would have to remember to question the guardian the next time he appeared. Occasionally, Argos magically displayed his newfound, colorful image as a visible form similar to a holograph, which he had recently acquired; spinning, sparkling, enlarging, and shrinking as the mood suited him. As she reached to boot up the fourth terminal it brought him out of his musing, and he spoke up.
???????????“Leave some work for me, will you?” He was right behind her, spinning her around into his waiting arms.
???????????“I missed you,” she whispered, enjoying the feel of his arms around her.
???????????Lifting her chin, he pressed his lips tenderly to hers, his tongue invading her mouth as she opened for him. The kiss lasted until they were both breathless. “I missed you, too.”
???????????They kissed and talked nonsense for several minutes before he led her to the table where he had dropped the McDonald’s he’d brought. Lifting her head with a finger under her chin he said, “We’ve talked about you not eating, haven’t we? When was the last time you ate?”
???????????Grudgingly she sighed. “I had a donut and coffee this morning when I got to work.”
???????????“And” he prompted.
???????????“And that’s all.” She sighed.
???????????“Zara, that was nearly twelve hours ago!” He exclaimed. She wrinkled her nose and gave a little shrug. He shook his head and laughed quietly. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you. Come, sit, and eat.” They each grabbed a chair and ate in silence for several minutes.
???????????“I talked with Mr. Miller this morning about his proposal,” she told him in between fries. “He agreed with most of my offer. I can go on salary. You and Ty can help when you’re available as part of the bid price. One of his terms was that he is going to hire one more person on salary to assist me full time.”
???????????“Did you accept his terms?”
???????????Zara nodded, swallowed her food, and answered, “Yes. I really need to be on salary. I did ask him if I could be involved in the hiring selection since the new person would be working directly with me.”
???????????“What’d he say?” Merle prodded, not exactly liking the idea of another person working with what he considered his.
???????????“He agreed, but informed me he would make the final choice,” she replied, wrinkling her nose. “Oh, before I forget. Sunday night there was a man at Danny’s who was asking about Ty.”
???????????Merle’s face went pale. “What did he look like?” he asked seriously.
???????????“Blonde, about as tall as you, maybe a little taller, broad shouldered, arms as big around as my waist, and dazzling blue eyes.” Then she began to tease, “Cute little dimple in his chin…”
???????????“What did he want to know,” Merle interrupted sharply.
???????????“First, he asked if I knew someone named Ty’nan,” she answered, with a slight scowl at his testiness. “When I didn’t, he seemed surprised. When I finished my set-on stage he came back over and told me that Ty’nan was his full name and that he was probably going by T’. ?I told him I did know a Ty but wasn’t sure it was the same person. Then he proceeded to describe Ty. He wanted to know where he lived, if I had seen him lately, or if I could get in touch with him.”
???????????“What did you tell him.” Merle pressured, trying to keep the edge out of his voice.
???????????“I told him I didn’t make a habit of giving out my friends’ addresses. I mentioned I would be seeing him in the next few days, and I would be happy to give him a message.”
????????????“Did he give you a message?”
???????????“No, he seemed really mad. He said he had other ways of getting the information he needed, that I definitely wouldn’t like, and stormed out the back way.” She waited a second, hoping what she had said would sink into Merle’s thoughts. He seemed oblivious to her fears. “I was a little worried about leaving the club alone,” she hedged, giving him a quizzical look, “so I had Danny wait for me and we left together.”
???????????“Good girl, I don’t ever want you outside the back of the club after hours,” he said absentmindedly, preoccupied with his own thoughts. He leaned over and kissed her then excused himself, “I’ll be back in a minute I have to use the bathroom.”
???????????As soon as he was out of her sight, he snapped Ty’s Kryztol loose. Ty responded immediately. “Yes Merle, where are you?”
???????????“Back at UDE, Baron was here Sunday night. He was questioning Zara about you. I don’t like it,” he whispered loudly. “What do you think he’s up to? When will you be back here?”
???????????“What day is it?” Ty inquired, checking his time converter.
???????????“Monday night.”
???????????“I want to be there by Wednesday. Aby’gayl said the final softball game is then. I hope to talk to Janis. Did you know the games between Zara and Janis’ teams?”
???????????“What? Zara never mentioned that. She told me the game was on Wednesday. It starts at six o’clock. Why don’t you meet me at Zara’s house at six thirty? She doesn’t expect me at the game until late anyway.” Merle planned hurriedly around schedules.
???????????Zara was just finishing up on the phone to her grandpa when Merle came back. She needed Grandpa to boot up her computer at the house. She had found something interesting and wanted to download to her personal system so she could investigate later, alone. ?
???????????They finished up the night around twelve thirty. ?
???????????“I’m exhausted.” Merle sighed. “Between the business trip and staring at this monitor half the night, I’m beginning to see double.”
???????????Reluctantly, she took him by Ty’s to pick up his car, fussing that he shouldn’t be driving when he was so tired.
???????????“Then follow me home,” he begged, kissing the edges of her ear. “That way you’re sure I make it safely.”
???????????“No,” she answered, trying to sound stern. “You need to get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”
???????????When his ‘hurt little boy’ look didn’t work he did admit he was pretty wrung out. Kissing her wantonly, he propositioned her one more time. ?
???????????“I will see you tomorrow,” She repeated, shaking a finger at him. Grasping her hand in both of his, he kissed her finger.
???????????“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he mimicked teasingly, and turning over the motor of the car, he pulled away from the curb. ?????????
She hated to refuse, but she could see he was tired and besides, she did want to get home to her computer.