Chronicles of Quixotic - Chapter 22 (final chapter)

Chronicles of Quixotic - Chapter 22 (final chapter)


???????????Merlin was beating his fist against the wall when Zuriel appeared in the room.

???????????“Nice little battle with your future Queen,” Zuriel commented, taking hold of Merlin’s fists.

???????????“She had no business being here!” Merlin exploded. “She could have been hurt! She should have told me what she was doing!” He jerked his hands free, covering his eyes. Behind his lids, all he could see was Zara lost in a phase shift after inadvertently collapsing a holopass, him searching endlessly for her.

Changing the subject, Zuriel asked, “Why haven’t you shown her your Quixotican forms?”

???????????“I was afraid she would be frightened or repulsed,” he moaned. “What’s the use, she is gone now.”

???????????“Do you have so little faith in your future Queen as to think she would not have loved you any way you came to her? You must not have loved her as much as you thought,” Zuriel surmised and changed the subject again. “Straighten yourself and we will begin your studies. It will take your mind off of someone so inconsequential.”

???????????“She had no business being here!” Merlin shouted helplessly at Master Zuriel.

???????????“She does have business here,” Zuriel responded sharply to Merlin’s sudden outburst. “She is to gain knowledge of Zyburg, the same as Zuleika. I have already explained this to you. She has on her own, risked her life within the Dungeons of Acacia and the Caverns of Quixotic. Both Entities must learn to trust her and above all desire to protect her. Yes, she could have been hurt; no, she could not tell you what she was doing. She barely knows herself and is blindly feeling her way. She knew you would have tried to stop her. She would not have disobeyed you, Merlin. Now she must continue, alone.”

???????????A disappointed expression slowly crossed Master Zuriel’s inhuman features and with a heavy sigh, he turned and silently left the room.

???????????Merlin knew what he needed to do.?He was not losing Zara again. He went to his dresser.?There he removed a small box hidden under his clothes. He reached within his mind to touch the Bizou, requesting it to take him to Earth.

???????????“Merlin,” Argos interrupted his concentration. “I took Zara to your chambers in Acacia,” and shimmering brightly, Argos dropped over Merlin to deposit him beside the bed.

???????????Zara was laying face down across the bed, sobbing.

???????????Merlin eased down beside her, twisting her hair gently into a ponytail. Gathering up her shoulders, he turned her over and clutched her to his chest. “I’m sorry, baby. Please, I’m sorry for what I said. It’s not your fault, it’s me.”

???????????“You don’t love me anymore!” she wailed, pushing him away. “You don’t want me!”

???????????“I love you,” he exclaimed. “Please...believe me,” he pleaded his eyes glassy with tears. “I was afraid.”

???????????“What are you talking about,” she hiccupped, trying to catch her breath.

???????????“Please stop crying. I need to show you something,” he persisted, trying to kiss her, only to be pushed away. “Zara, I haven’t told you everything about myself, please... would you listen?”

???????????“No, leave me alone!” she cried, shoving out of his arms.

???????????Merlin stepped to the center of the bed chamber.

???????????“Zara Jayne, look at me!” he demanded. As she halfheartedly obeyed, slowly, right before her eyes, his features began to change. Merlin shape shifted into a seven-foot-tall demonic form with shiny green scales covering his entire body. His clawed hands and feet were webbed together, two bright green eyes glowed at her, and he had fangs.

???????????“Look at me!” he roared. Slack jawed, she sat staring.?

???????????He was amazing. His head nearly touched the ceiling, he had huge green muscles, massive claws, and his eyes were like bright emeralds glistening in the sun.

???????????He paced at the foot of the bed, waiting for her reaction. Devastated by her silence his clawed hands wrapped around the bedpost. “Please, I’m sorry I never let you know about this before,” he lisped remorsefully. “At first it wasn’t important, then I didn’t want to, and finally, I was afraid of losing you if I did.”

???????????Angry with him for keeping such a secret, she sat watching him squirm and worry.

???????????His massive shoulders sagged pathetically. She hated him. With a tsking sound he sighed, “I guess I am the one who better get back to where I belong.” And he raised a great claw to reveal his Bizou.

???????????“Merlin, I fell in love with what’s inside,” she spoke softly. “I love all of You.”

???????????He stood breathing heavily for several econs, his glistening emerald eyes locked on her. Suddenly, speaking four words quietly and opening his great clawed hand, he lisped, “Zara, will you marry me?” There resting in his huge, wonderfully green palm was a heart shaped, one carat diamond ring.

???????????She started crying all over again, this time from joy, nodding. His demon form tenderly embraced her. “Shhh, it’s okay,” his demon voice soothed. “I love you.”

???????????“I love you... I love you.” She kept repeating, tears wetting his great scaly chest. She didn’t know how long he held her until the crying stopped and she began to relax.

???????????“Merlin,” she sniffed pushing away from him slightly.

???????????“Yes, sweetheart?”

???????????“You won’t change into a spider or creepy bug, will you,” she questioned, making an awful face. “I really am deathly afraid of spiders.”

???????????“I generally stick to a couple of specific forms and a spider isn’t one of them.” He chuckled through his fangs.?????????

???????????“Can we fool around with you looking like that,” she asked, wrinkling her nose, and looking around for the proper parts.

???????????“We can find out another time,” he replied, rolling his emerald eyes upward as he began to resume his human form, his arms wrapped around her while the shape shifting took place. The change complete, his mouth covered mine hungrily. “Go with me right now to Earth and marry me, please.”

???????????She looked into his pleading now hazel eyes and willingly agreed.

???????????“Wait!” She stopped him and slipped the Emeraude Krustallos from around her neck.

???????????“What are you doing?”

???????????“I need to leave this in the cavern for Zyburg. I promised he wouldn’t be cold again,” she explained. “It’s only been a few rims since I left. He doesn’t know I’m gone.”

???????????“What do you mean - cold? What are you talking about?” Merlin questioned, staring at her baffled. “Did Tiburon’s Cabal say you could take the Emeraude off?”

???????????“No, TC didn’t say I could take it off, but Zyburg will know I’m gone,” she clarified. “If I don’t leave the Emeraude when we go, he will locate me and transport me back.”

???????????“Then we stay,” he stated empathetically, and took the Emeraude to slip it back over her head.

???????????“No, I want to go,” she argued, reaching for the chain. His hand blocked hers instantly, pushing them away from the Emeraude.

???????????“Stop it!” he said sharply. “I won’t allow this.” And he dropped the chain over her head. “We’ll wait.”

???????????“Noooo,” she fussed, burying her face in Merlin’s chest as she started to cry.

???????????“Zara.” The chambers vibrated with her name.

???????????“What,” She sobbed.

???????????“Is the Emeraude affecting you again?” TC’s baritone voice rang through the chamber.

???????????“No Why, is something wrong?” she sniffed, her question muffled by Merlin’s shirt.

???????????“Zyburg is moving outside the cavern. You have started crying three times in a rion and Zuleika is shifting barriers as it feels Zyburg stir.”

???????????“Zyburg realizes I have left Quixotic and is starting to look for me. I want to go with Merlin,” she whined.

???????????“I will send the Unicorn to Zyburg,” TC replied.

???????????“No! She is too fragile leave her with Zuleika. TC, I only want a rion, please,” she pleaded. “Can’t I just leave the Emeraude in the cavern?”

???????????“NO!!” He boomed shaking the chamber, and she started crying again. “Be still!” he roared at her. Cringing in Merlin’s arms, she kept crying. “Merlin, does she always do this?” TC questioned loudly.

???????????“That’s about all for the past couple of rions,” Merlin replied, kissing the top of her head.

???????????“Okay, Zara. I’ll keep Zyburg busy looking for you--One rion; I hope. Merlin,” TC warned, “If she disappears, he found her.” And TC left to play hide-and-seek with Zyburg.

???????????“You got your way again,” Merlin said, shaking his head at her. “Come on, we have to hurry.”

???????????Taking both her hands in his, he commanded the Bizou to send them to the garage in Alameda. While Merlin was getting the bike, Zara stepped away to concentrate, allowing her thoughts to enter her Bizou. As the Bizou began to glow, she turned it to the inside of her palm and cupped it in her hands. Her request was simple and in moments, the glowing ceased. In her hand was a wide golden band. Quixotic’s Dragon graced the outside and engraved inside was my never-ending love. She slipped it in her pocket, grabbed the helmets, and walked out, pulling the doors closed behind her.

???????????As they rode, they talked foolishness to each other with an “I love you” thrown into every sentence. At the door of the courthouse Merlin stopped and turned to face her.

???????????“Are you sure about this,” he asked, searching her eyes. “There are still lots of obstacles ahead of us.”

???????????“If you will have me, then I’m sure,” she answered seriously.

???????????He smiled and without even thinking about it took her hand and led her inside. After making their request, they were directed to a small, quiet room by a Clerk of the Court. She immediately started discussing the ceremony. When she asked about a ring, Merlin said he had one and Zara told her that she did, also. Merlin looked at her in surprise. The clerk got the ceremony underway quickly following all the normal rituals, including:

???????????“Do you Merlin Thaddeus Bazyli take Zara Jane Haakon to be your lawful wedded wife?”

???????????“I do,” Merlin answered, slipping a thin gold band on her finger, resting it against her newly acquired diamond ring.

???????????“Do you Zara Jane Haakon take Merlin Thaddeus Bazyli to be your lawful wedded husband?”

???????????“I do,” she answered and slipped the ring she had created onto his finger. He lightly traced the etching of the dragon and then gazed into her clear hazel eyes.

???????????“How? When?” he whispered in awe.

???????????“You may kiss the bride,” the clerk concluded, bringing him back to earth. He drew her into a renewed embrace, delivering a kiss that sent spirals of ecstasy surging through her veins.

???????????Back at the counter, reaching into his pocket, Merlin magically changed several adic coins into dollars so he could pay the clerk. They signed on the dotted lines, said their thank yous, and walked arm in arm out the doors. Just as they reached the bike, Zara felt the force of Zyburg sweep passed her.

???????????“Merlin, wait,” she cried, a look of panic in her eyes. “Quick, give me something to tap with, your pocketknife or something like that.” He handed her his pocketknife, giving her a puzzled look. “I love you,” she breathed, quickly kissing him as the ground began to shake and a deafening roar began to encircle them.

???????????“I am right here.” She clicked Morse code on the side of the helmet.

???????????“You are not here.” Zyburg pounded correcting me.

???????????“Do you feel me? Are you cold?” She tapped quickly and switched on the radio in the helmet.

???????????“I feel you. There was cold. Where are you?”

???????????“I am here with you.” She tapped.

???????????“You are not HERE!” Zyburg banged out the last word. “Come HERE!”

???????????“Sweetheart, he’s going to take me,” she cried. “Come to the cavern.” Her voice echoed, as she was spirited away.

???????????Merlin stared at the spot where Zara had been standing. Leaning against the motorcycle, he unconsciously fingered his wedding band. He looked at his finger and slipped the ring off. Seeing the engraving, he held the ring up in the sunlight to read the inscription, my never-ending love.

???????????Reality Check--This really is happening.

???????????Merlin threw his leg over the bike as he revved the motor. Tightening his chinstrap, he raced for the little house in Alameda. There he deposited the bike in the garage, covered it, and locked the doors.

???????????Rimts later, he sparkled into Zyburg’s cavern. Zara was huddled in the far corner, soaking wet and shivering. As he moved toward her, Zyburg erected a barrier, stopping him.

???????????“Zara,” Merlin called, pounding on the invisible barrier, indicating he could come no further.

???????????“I will not leave.” She tapped weakly with the pocketknife she still had in her hand. “Please, let him through.” And the barrier vanished. Her teeth were chattering, and she was shaking uncontrollably by the time Merlin reached her.

???????????“What happened,” he exclaimed, wrapping his cloak around her.

???????????“He was m... mad and I ss... smarted off tt... to him,” she answered, teeth chattering out the words. “I th... think he has ss... some of my grandpa in him.”

???????????“Are you okay otherwise?” he questioned holding her close to his body, trying to get her warm. “You can’t stay down here, you’ll be sick.”

???????????“He woo… won’t listen to me right n... now. He woo... won’t let m... me go,” and she started shaking violently. Merlin lifted her in his arms and started for the door.

???????????“Bam... Bammm... Bammmm....” The room shook, and a low rumbling sound began to grow. Merlin stopped, shapeshifted into Quixotican royalty, and then turned to face the center of Zyburg’s design.

???????????“I am Merlin—soon to be High King in the Houses of Quixotic and all surrounding realms,” his deep, demon voice roared over the escalating noise.

???????????Instant silence.

???????????“She is hurt. You will let us pass,” Merlin commanded imperiously and continued toward the door.

???????????“I did not mean to hurt you.” Zyburg tapped as they reached the cavern entrance.

???????????“I know.” Zara tapped rapidly on the wall as they left the cavern. Shape shifting as he walked, Merlin quickly carried her to his sleeping area and started stripping off her wet clothes, leaving them in a soggy heap on the floor.

???????????“Wrap this around you,” he ordered, grabbing the blanket off his bed. “You are not going back down there! This is ridiculous,” he raged at her while he rubbed her arms and legs. “You could have been killed. You’re definitely going to end up sick. What did you say to him anyway?”

???????????“I ca… called him a… mmmm... male chauvinist,” she chattered, “and tt… tried to hit him like I did TC.”

???????????“In other words, you got what you deserved,” he fumed, wrapping another blanket around her. “I need to get you some warm clothes and then get something hot into you.”

???????????“I l... l... love you,” she said, snuggling up and wrapping him in her blankets. “Kiiiisss me, h...usss… band.”

???????????“Mmmm....that’s right--Mrs. Merlin Bazyli,” he mumbled, as she planted a tantalizing kiss on his lips. While totally preoccupied, she slipped her hands under his shirt. “Quit!” he snapped. “Your hands are freezing!” And he pushed her away.

???????????“I know.” She giggled. “I was tt… trying to warm them up.” A sudden chill shook her whole body.

???????????“Get in the bed,” he ordered, giving her his mean look as he pulled back the rest of the covers.

???????????“You too, pretty please,” she begged, untucking his shirt the rest of the way. “It’ll help wa… warm me up faster.”

???????????“You’re probably right,” he agreed, as his eyes flickered with desire. Immediately aroused, he quickly shed his clothing and slid under the covers with her. “Ooooh! You’re cold,” he moaned.

???????????Merlin’s mouth descended on hers, gently at first, but becoming more passionate. Then his clothes began to come off: t-shirt, shoes and socks, pants. Merlin was down to his boxers, his mouth on her lips, neck, and shoulders. He began reacquainting himself with the texture and taste of her soft skin, licking her damp cleavage, his hands clued to her ice-cold ass. She parted her legs and he slid in between them, still clad in his briefs.

???????????She was stroking his body with her thighs, moving up and down on his hips. He had a magnificent chest, broad, muscular, and smooth, and she ran her hands over it, toying with his nipples. He was built like a god with his height and broad shoulders. Her hands on his chest seemed to push him over the edge.

???????????“By the Gods you’re beautiful,” he whispered, kissing the top of her right breast. His mouth moved down toward the nipple. “You taste like vanilla sugar.”

???????????Returning his mouth to her swollen lips, he walked her backward until she tumbled back on the bed. Stripping off his boxers, he took a moment to look at her. The tip of her tongue darted out, teasing him, and he lost what was left of his self-control. Kissing his way up her silky skin he captured her mouth at the same time as he thrust into her now heated body, and they made love for the first time as man and wife.

Warm and satiated, she quickly fell asleep, exhausted from all the excitement, and crying.

While Zara slept, Merlin conjured up some fresh clothes for her, notified his mother he was bringing a guest to criterion meal, and as a precaution, he encircled her with a protection spell.?

When he woke her a rion later, he had already showered, shaved, and was getting dressed. At her quizzical look, he showed her that Quixotic, a little more advanced than Acacia, had pressured water, making showers possible, at least for most of the upper class.?After she took a hot shower, she was buttoning her blouse when she finally mentioned that she was hungry.

???????????“We’re having criterion meal with my mother,” he announced.


???????????“You have wanted to meet her, haven’t you?”

???????????“Now?” she exclaimed.

???????????“Within the rion.” He laughed, giving her a peck on the cheek.?“Finish getting dressed.”?


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