Chronicles of Quixotic - Chapter 17
??????????Zara walked upstairs to the third floor. She had only seen the King’s chambers and decided to investigate further. The first door she opened was into a sort of gymnasium. Several men were lifting weights and two different groups were fencing. Fascinated, she entered to observe the fencing. The two men she chose to watch stopped, introduced themselves, bowed to each other, and struck an en guarde stance. The event was beautiful. She had never seen anything like it. She decided right then Merlin would have to teach her to fence. While she watched, a man walked up beside me. He was big, as in a Scottish warrior big. Well over six and half feet, massive shoulders, coal black hair and the broadest smile she had seen in years. His defining clothes reminded her he was the prince named Marshall that Merlin had characterized as ‘the happy one’. He saw her and strolled over. The sword he had in his hand was the biggest thing she’d ever seen.
???????????“Heard Collin at golden sky; you two at it again?”
???????????“Two to zero, my favor,” she answered smiling, and he laughed out loud.
???????????“What are you doing up here? Where’s Merlin,” he questioned, as I turned back to watch the men.
???????????“Merlin is studying with his brother, Saxon, who is one of his tutors, so I made myself scarce for a while. I wanted to see what was on the third floor and got interested in the fencing match.”
???????????“Fencing is all right, but sword play is better. Here take this,” and he handed her his sword.
???????????“Wow, that’s heavy,” she commented, hefting it up and down.
???????????“It’s called a claymore. You hold it like this,” he instructed, centering her hands on the hilt, and then he moved to a position behind her. “Now move this foot forward, drop this shoulder and elbow, and swing the blade over your shoulder like this. You’re a natural,” he said admiringly.
???????????“I like the feel of this, but it’s way too heavy for me to swing around.”
???????????“Probably.” He laughed. “Since it was weighted for me. I’ll have one made special for you, something nice. Then I’ll teach you how to use it. Sound good?” he asked.
???????????“Sure,” she answered excitedly, and a cold chill ran down her spine. “I’d better be going now. Thanks for the brief lesson,” she said, and walked out, pulling the door closed behind her.?
???????????“Zara.” That same baritone voice vibrated around her. “I told you not to trust anyone.”
???????????“I didn’t trust him, I talked to him. He, who happens to be my Uncle Marshall, offered to have a sword made for me; that’s all.”
???????????“If you want a sword, I will get you one,” The Entity offered.
???????????“Maybe later,” she sighed. “Jeez, I was only trying to be friendly.”
???????????“Understood, just don’t be too friendly and don’t accept presents from anyone other than Merlin,” the Entity insisted.
???????????“Fine,” she grumbled. “Are you Tiburon’s Cabal?”
???????????“Yes,” the Entity answered sounding immensely proud.
“Well Tiburon’s Cabal, excuse me, I was exploring. That is what you want me to do, correct?”
???????????“Correct,” the Entity agreed. “Proceed.” And she was alone again.
???????????Next, she located what looked like a doctor’s office directly across from the gym. Good place for it, she thought, considering all the swordplay in the other chamber. She checked out the medicine and instruments, nothing extraordinary, but still top of the line. There were five beds along the far wall with folding partitions collapsed between each. A desk and two locked cabinets set against the opposite wall. The back section appeared to be a sterile area with operating tables and surgical equipment. Nice set up. She wondered if anyone knew how to use these instruments and equipment. She would have to remember to ask Merlin.
???????????After that, she traipsed back downstairs stopping to listen at their chamber door for a second. They were discussing some heavy stuff, so she continued to the first floor, slipping into the great hall. That place was huge. She knew where the doorways to the north wall led: the kitchens. She wondered where the doorway on the west wall went. The stairs leading up had to go to the musician’s loft, which was obvious, but where did down go?
???????????“So, check it out.” She chuckled bravely.
???????????She inched open the door and slipped through, easing it closed. Major dark, she thought and waited for a minute to let her eyes adjust. Stairs wound around a great column leading down. she peered around the column as far as she could see, and the stairs continued downward.
???????????“How dangerous can it be,” she consoled herself out loud. Taking a deep breath, she started down, rims later, she was still peeking around corners and inching downstairs.
???????????When she finally reached the bottom, she knew she was below the castle, in the dungeons. Not a guard in sight, good. She located several lanterns and shook each until she found one nearly full and lit it, then started down the dark passage. The smell was terrible and the further in she went it was worse.
???????????Several times she heard faint moans as she passed a branch tunnel and cautiously held up the lantern but couldn’t see much and hurried on. She had passed five openings before she came to one with a door close to the main tunnel. Also, it had the keys to the door hanging on a peg in plain sight.
???????????“That’s dumb, why lock a door, and leave the key laying around,” she muttered. “If they’re that foolish, then I might as well see what’s behind door number six.” She took the key from the hook, unlocked the door, and pushed. The door didn’t budge, so she pushed again. Nothing!
???????????“I know I unlocked the blasted thing,” she grumbled, and gathered all the strength she had in her and shoved. It opened just enough for her to skinny through, creaking closed on its own just as she got inside.
???????????The entire chamber was bathed in a glow emitting from the floor. Just the place she had been looking for, Acacia’s Entity; Zuleika, its design etched across the stone floor. It was a shining, shimmering mass of curved lines inscribed in the stone floor. The chamber was five hundred yards long and probably two fifty hundred yards in diameter. The Design covered nearly every inch of the floor. She could feel the electrifying power this Entity possessed.?
???????????As she walked along the edges, she began to get a lightheaded, queasy feeling, so she sat down at the far end of the chamber, placed her back against the cold stone, and crossed her legs. As she studied the power flow, she realized it was getting stronger, or maybe excited. She took out her harmonica and started playing a soft tune. In rims, the intense shimmering began to slow down and start pulsing to the rhythm.
???????????“So, you like this,” she said, pleased with herself. “I wonder if you can converse.” Remembering Argos and the Morse code, she tapped the harmonica on the floor.
???????????“Hello Zuleika
.” She tapped out. Nothing, but immediately the shimmering began to increase, and her queasy feeling returned. So, she started playing again, stopped, and tapped out. “Hello Zuleika.” Again, same response--increased activity and sickness. She leaned back and continued to play, as much for herself as for this awesome creation. Sometime later, she got a tingly ‘someone walked over your grave’ feeling and jumped to her feet knowing someone was trying to contact her through my Kryztol. “Yes?” ?
???????????“Where are you,” Merlin asked, in a more pleasant tone than mid criterion.
???????????“Around, why,” she answered evasively.
???????????“Oh, I’m through for the riterion.” He yawned. “And thought I could use some prettier company than Saxon. Where are you,” he questioned again, trying to see past her.
???????????“By myself,” she answered, staying as close to the wall as possible so he couldn’t tell where she was. “May I come to you?”
???????????Merlin expended his hand for her to take hold and she was swept through to his location.
???????????“Not mad anymore?” she ventured quietly.
???????????“No because it won’t happen again, right?”
???????????“Right,” she chirped, “cause you’re not going to be putting a spell on me again. Correct,” she answered. two stepping toward the bed chamber door.?
???????????“Wait a rim,” he countered, snagging the sleeve of her jacket. “That’s not what I said.”
???????????“It’s what you meant though.” She giggled, kissing him. “Isn’t it,” and she poked him playfully in the side, and then skipped off to the bed chamber.
???????????“You’re definitely feeling better.” He laughed. “Where would you like to go?”
???????????“The Harbor District,” she replied happily.
???????????“Where,” he called from the sitting chamber.
???????????“I want to go see the ships and walk along the docks. Then maybe nuri meal,” she announced loud enough for him to hear.
???????????“Shhh, I’m right here.” He chuckled, appearing in the doorway. “How about we eat at Pirates Point, they have the best seafood in town,” he suggested, pulling her to him for a kiss. “I missed you turiterion. What have you been up to?”
???????????“Get dressed and I’ll tell you on the way to town. Hurry up!” she urged. Merlin put on his shoes, fastened his cloak about his neck, and buckled on a huge sword, not as big as Marshall’s but still an impressive looking weapon.
???????????“I didn’t know you had a sword. Marshall showed me how to hold his,” she said, as they walked out the door hand in hand. It felt good to feel good again, and she reached up, giving Merlin a quick kiss on the cheek. “I love you,” she whispered cheerfully.
???????????He returned her kiss and slid his arm around her waist as they continued down the Esplanade toward town. “Mine is a sword, Marshall’s is a claymore.” he corrected. “Okay, fill me in on your riterion. Marshall showed you how to hold a claymore.”
???????????“Claymore – Sword. Whatever, it was awesome.” Merlin raised an amused brow but let her rattle on. “His claymore – sword was too heavy for me to hold up for long. He’s going to have one made special for me. Neat huh! I watched a fencing match, too. Then I went into the infirmary, or I guess that’s what it was. Does anyone know how to use all that equipment?”
???????????“Sure, all the Royal Family has extensive medical training. The late King Tiburon insisted on such matters. Another thing he insisted on was training in the military and serving in Acacia’s armed forces.”
???????????“Have you gone through this training too?”
???????????“I was Captain of the fifth squadron of Quixotic’s Borderland Task Force-battle tactician. ?I’ve had some schooling in the medical field and when I served in her Navy I learned to sail.”
???????????“I didn’t know that. Could we go sailing,” she asked, and then had a great inspiration. “I know, let’s have Ty’nan and Aby’gayl come, we could spend the riterion together.”
???????????“That would be fun,” he agreed. “Ty and I were in the Navy together and have done a lot of sailing. You and Aby' make some plans, convince Ty, and I’ll work my schedule around for you. Okay?”
???????????As they walked along the docks, several people acknowledged Merlin and bowed respectfully, knowing he was of the Royal Family. They browsed through several shops and Merlin bought her a small ivory music box that played “The Power of Love” when opened. They finally arrived on Harbor Road and headed west down Ocean Way to the bar, Pirates Point. There weren’t many shops down this way, mostly bars and flophouses, thank goodness since both of them were getting hungry.
???????????“You know, it didn’t look so bad down here the other riterion. I really must not have been paying much attention,” she said, slipping her hand into Merlin’s.
???????????“You were clear down in here,” he exclaimed, stopping, and pulling her around to face him.
???????????“I told you I got lost,” she yelped defensively.
???????????“Never... again!” he ordered, pointing his finger at her. She looked at him and stuck out her lower lip. “You’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’,” he said shaking his head, “Come on,” he urged, continuing on their way. They hadn’t gone far when she saw Grandpa coming toward them, walking with a lady. She started to slip her hand out of Merlin’s, but he tightened his grip.
???????????“Whoa,” he said, “you don’t know if things are all right yet; anyway, I want to talk to him first.” When Grandpa got within half a block of them, he stopped and held out his arms to her. She turned a pleading look to Merlin. Reluctantly, he let her go and she dashed into her grandfather’s arms.
???????????“Grandpa, I’ve missed you so much,” she cried, as they hugged.
???????????“I’ve missed you too, girl.” He laughed, kissing her cheek. Merlin caught up to them and Grandpa let her go. “Young man, I owe you an apology. I jumped to conclusions before I knew the facts and took it out on you. I’m sorry,” he said, and extended his hand to Merlin.
???????????“Apology accepted, sir,” Merlin responded astutely, and shook his hand, “I’ve missed our talks. How have you been?” Eugene appeared fine, but something in his manner kept Merlin on alert.
???????????“Better now. Oh kids, I would like you to meet my new lady friend, Bessie. Bessie, this is my granddaughter, Zara, and her boyfriend, Merlin,” Grandpa introduced. “Where are you kids headed?”
???????????“Nuri meal,” Zara said. “Want to come with us?”
???????????“No, we just finished. We went to Pirate’s Point for the catch of the riterion.”
???????????“That’s where we’re headed, too. Merlin says it’s the best place in town.”
???????????“It is delicious,” Bessie admitted. “We always eat way too much. Come Eugene, let them go before it gets too late,” she said, urging him down the lane.
???????????“Come over to the house soon,” Grandpa insisted. “We have some catching up to do. Merlin, tell your father to stop by again. Okay Bessie, let’s be off.”
???????????As they strolled down the lane Zara beamed. “See, everything’s fine. I want to go visit them, please.”
???????????“We’ll see,” Merlin sighed, putting her off, a definite note of suspicion in his voice. Shaking his head to rid himself of the niggling in the back of his mind, he grasped her hand. “We’d better get to the restaurant. I shouldn’t have brought you down here so close to twylyt. It’s going to be nyt before we’re finished,” he added, looking across the sea at the darkening sky. ?
???????????They got to the bar within a few rims. Merlin located a table and got her seated, then went to the counter to order their meal. They talked about his lessons that riterion over a bottle of imported beer while they waited.
???????????“I have to go to Quixotic by Golden Sky. I’ll be gone through the next twylyt,” he told her. “I want to get you a Kryztoline from Valerian before I leave. I’ll buy you a case for them while I’m in Quixotic. I have a special one in mind.” He smiled, kissing her hand.
???????????“Where’s your Bizou,” he asked, noticing her naked finger.
???????????“I changed jewelry.” She showed him her other hand and earrings. “It’s on the dresser.”
???????????“You put it back on as soon as we get home,” he scolded. “I thought you couldn’t get it off?”
???????????“Soapy water,” she answered, with a puzzled frown as she wiggled her hand out of his grip. “Don’t squeeze so tight.”
???????????“Put it back on and leave it on, understood,” he insisted, giving her that ‘do-it’ look. She wrinkled her nose at him and nodded.
???????????When Nuri meal arrived, they ate, talked, and ate some more. It really was incredibly good. They were finishing up with some fruit pie when Janis and another man walked into the bar. What, how could Janis be in Acacia? Zara nodded toward them, and Merlin looked around; Janis saw them immediately. ?
???????????“Merlin, how good to see you.” She gushed, kissing his cheek. “Zara, how interesting to see you here. Did Merlin finally give in and show you around our little world?” She smirked, resting her hand on Zara’s shoulder. Zara wanted to pull away; she made her sick to her stomach.
???????????“So nice to see you too, Janis,” she answered politely. “Who’s your friend?”
???????????“This is Oswald. We met on Karma, which is a good distance from Acacia. Oswald, this is Merlin of the Houses of Quixotic and his little play-pretty, Zara,” she announced, her hand still resting on Zara’s shoulder.
???????????Karma? Another world? This is all becoming very confusing.
???????????“Please to meet you... both,” Oswald said, as Merlin came to his feet. Taking Oswald’s hand in a firm shake, Merlin did not notice Janis mumbled softly and let her hand slip off Zara’s shoulder.
???????????Merlin came around to the back of her chair, openly glaring at Janis. “Zara, are you ready? We need to get back. It was nice seeing you again, Janis,” he commented dryly, and taking her elbow escorted her to the door. “I wonder what that was all about,” he muttered.
???????????It was full Nuri moon before they made it out of the Harbor District, and it’s definitely the sort of place one should avoid after dark. A man followed them for quite a way, but Merlin pulled his sword and let Zara wave it around. The man took the hint and exited at the next road they came to in the opposite direction. By the time they made it back to the palace, she was feeling slightly under the weather. Figuring it was from the dark, strong beer, she tried to put it out of her mind. They had been having a wonderful nyt, and she wasn’t about to let this ruin it. As they entered the chambers, Merlin took her hand, leading her to the bed chamber.
Turning to face her, he drew her close; first kissing her fingers, and then moving her hair aside, he kissed her shoulder and neck, whispering his love for her. Finally, his slow, intimate kisses reached her lips, his mouth covering hers with fiery possession. Her body came alive, all heat and languid pleasure. Her nipples hardened as he masterfully reached behind her, unclipping her bra, his lips never leaving hers. Freeing her from her bra, his hands slipped inside gliding over her smooth breast.?
???????????“So soft,” he cooed in her ear. Trailing his lips to her tight buds, he suckled, sending a delicious sensation between her thighs, leaving slickness in its wake. Once he had divested her of her clothes, he stepped away to admire her slender form: small round breasts, gently curved hips, and lean legs.
???????????“You are so beautiful,” he breathed.
???????????She watched as he quickly undressed, unable to look away. She loved his muscled chest and long, strong legs. A sprinkling of dark hair covered his chest leading into a straight line to his thick, hard need.
Sweeping her into his arms, he carried her to the bed. He covered her body, nudging her thighs apart where he settled. Merlin groaned, his forehead falling to hers, and he captured her lips again for a kiss that left them both breathless. He growled, dragging his lips from hers to travel down her neck and over her breast. His mouth was hot velvet, driving her to the brink of madness. She writhed beneath him, arching her back, and then writhing some more when that move brought increased contact with his hardness to her sex.
Instinctively she spread her thighs wide, bending her knees upward to hug his hips. He reached his fingers between their bodies and her hips bucked as his thumb brushed over the sensitive nub there.
“You’re always so wet for me,” he groaned, his finger sliding inside her.
Her entire body was alive with enchanting pleasure, she was drowning in it. A delicious pressure was building, radiating from her core. Knowing her climax was near, he moved back over her and thrust into her wet depths. An explosion of fiery sensations burst throughout her body, her nails dragging over his shoulders as he thrust again and again. His paced quickened until he too cried out, his head thrown back as he gave into great shudders rocking his entire body. Collapsing beside her and tugging her against him they spent the rest of the nyt entwined in their love.
???????????Merlin got up early to leave for Quixotic. Zara still felt queasy, so faked being sleepy and stayed in bed. He showered, shaved, and dressed, then kissed her goodbye, telling her he would see her sometime the following riterion.
???????????Zara didn’t remember much about the rest of the riterion, only that she was sick! She never got out of bed except to throw up. She couldn’t sleep, her head hurt too badly. First, she was hot, then cold, then hot. Then, she’d throw up again. By the following criterion, she didn’t feel any better, but the throwing up had stopped. All that riterion she lay there. First, with the pillow wrapped around her head, hoping the pounding would stop. Then, she would huddle with a chill, three blankets on her trying to stay warm. In rims, she would again have the covers kicked off, burning up and her head buzzing like there were a million bees inside it.
???????????Merlin returned to Acacia by mid dym tevis of the second riterion. He had contacted Valerian, arriving in his chambers so they could talk.
???????????“Have you talked to Zara since you left?” Valerian asked as soon as Merlin appeared.
???????????“No, I told her about when I expected to return. She wants me to quit ‘babysitting’ her so much,” he said, with a disgusted look. “Why?”
???????????“No one has seen her. She hasn’t been at meals or raiding the kitchen, according to Maxwell. She hasn’t been away visiting; I can tell she’s still in Acacia.”
???????????“Maybe she went to see her grandfather,” Merlin suggested.
???????????“No, I checked. He hasn’t seen her since the other twylyt with you.”
???????????“Did you try her Kryztol?”
???????????“Nothing,” Valerian answered exasperated, “no response at all. Maybe you should go check the chambers and let me know if everything is all right.” Merlin agreed and went downstairs to their chambers. When he opened the door, he noted his protective spell for the chambers was still in place. As he walked into the bed chamber, he saw Zara buried under a mound of blankets and a pillow squeezed around her head.
???????????“Are you okay?” he asked, easing the pillow out of her hands.
???????????“I feel terrible, leave me alone,” she moaned. “Let me die in silence.”
Cautiously sitting on the edge of the bed, he reviewed the past couple of riterions. Immediately he suspected Janis had something to do with how Zara felt. Gently easing to his feet, he stood beside the bed and slipped his mind through Zylla, touching Zyburg. Slowly he scanned the chamber.
???????????“Do you have your Bizou on,” he questioned, walking around the bed.
???????????“No,” she moaned, “and don’t talk so loud, my head hurts.” And she pulled the pillow back over her head. Finally, he spotted the spell over her. Janis must have placed the spell on her while Merlin was busy shaking hands with Oswald. It took Merlin about five rims to unravel the ends of the spell and work an incantation to remove it. He then went to the dresser, snatched the ring out of the music box, stormed over to Zara, and grabbed the pillow out of her hands.
???????????“Hey!” she cried out, turning over to look into the fiery eyes of a very angry man.
???????????“Put it on and keep it on!” he barked, wrapping her fingers around the exquisite ring, and then slamming the door as he stormed out.
???????????“Men!” she muttered, slipping the ring on, and collapsing back under the covers. A rion or so later, she could actually move her head without thinking it would fall off, and gingerly walked to the sitting chamber door. Merlin was asleep on the sofa with one book open on his chest and two more on the floor. She marked his place in the one, got a quilt to cover him up, and went back to bed herself. Sometime during the nyt, he came to bed. Her back was to him as he eased up against her. She inched back a little closer. He felt her forehead as he kissed her shoulder.
???????????“You’re not as hot. Feeling any better?” he whispered.
???????????“Yes dear. How about you,” she asked, looking over her shoulder into his warm hazel eyes.
???????????“Better,” he sighed, kissing her gently. “All this studying and jumping back and forth to Quixotic is making me a little irritable. Sorry I snapped at you.” He eased her tight against him. “But if you take the Bizou off again, I will paddle you.”
???????????“Yes sir,” she agreed softly, and kissed his hand. Held securely in his arms they slept, dressed on top of the covers the rest of the nyt.