Chronic Shock
I was once treating a middle-aged man for persistent runny nose. He has to keep tissues with him always!
Whatever medicines that I had been giving based on the symptoms of that runny-ness and its associated symptoms; my medicines were only palliating at the best, but never effecting a cure.
Then one day, he shared an article published in a news paper. That was a narration about how the memories of that article's author were keep haunting.The memories were from when that author was 4 years old; his drunken dad in inebriated condition used to abuse the author's mother in nights.
The poor kid laying in the adjacent room could follow through that harassment of his mom by that senseless dad(through sounds as well as peeping), as part of his everyday night bed-time-pass, and then passing into sleep thus traumatized every night!My patient told me that.. he too witnessed such kind of daily affair, in his early childhood w.r.t. his own parents.
As he thought this happened during his nascent years; and also not-so-good thing to share with others, esp. involving his biological parents; he skipped narrating this to me during my case-taking.
Shocked on learning this chronic mental shock of my patient, I prescribed Staphysagria 1M immediately to give him the ever-elusive cure thus far.
My observation in this case and several other cases is that , physical disorder could be anything, like here runny nose, or phlegm, cough, back pains, PCOD etc., but if there is underlying shock as root cause, Staph can lead us to permanent cure.