Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)- Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report 2023 To 2033
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease characterized by obstructed airflow from the lungs, making breathing difficult. The disease is primarily caused by cigarette smoking, although environmental exposure to smoke and particulate matter can also contribute to its development and progression. The disease manifests as two main types: emphysema and chronic bronchitis, with most patients exhibiting both conditions to varying degrees.
Emphysema is characterized by damage to the alveoli in the lungs, leading to less elastic air sacs and trapped air in the lungs. Chronic bronchitis, on the other hand, involves inflammation of the airways (bronchial tubes), resulting in increased mucus production and coughing. COPD progresses through four stages, ranging from mild to very severe.
The pathophysiology of COPD involves a characteristic pattern of inflammation, with increased numbers of neutrophils in the airway lumen and increased numbers of macrophages,? B lymphocytes, and T lymphocytes. This inflammatory response involves innate and adaptive immune responses linked through the activation of dendritic cells.
COPD patients often present with coexistent diseases that cannot be explained solely by common risk factors or aging. These comorbidities, which include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, anemia, depression, anxiety, heart failure, and GERD, have a higher frequency than in the general population and can have severe consequences, including impact on mortality, HR-QOL, and exacerbations.
Diagnosis of COPD requires a detailed medical history and spirometry, which is the most reproducible and objective measurement of airflow limitations. A post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC < 0.70 confirms the presence of persistent airflow limitation and, thus, COPD in patients with appropriate symptoms and significant exposures to noxious stimuli.
Currently, there is no cure for COPD; however, treatment can help slow the progression of the condition and control the symptoms. Treatment options include smoking cessation, inhalers, tablets, pulmonary rehabilitation, and, in severe cases, surgery or a lung transplant. Inhalers are usually the first line of treatment, with different types available, including short-acting bronchodilator inhalers, long-acting bronchodilator inhalers, and steroid inhalers. If symptoms are not controlled with inhalers, additional treatments such as Theophylline tablets, Mucolytics, Steroid tablets, and Antibiotics may be recommended.
Surgical options, suitable only for a small number of people with severe COPD, include bullectomy, lung volume reduction surgery, and lung transplant. Despite these treatment options, a significant need exists in COPD for truly disease-modifying pharmacotherapies; the only available disease-modifying strategy is smoking cessation. Most patients are diagnosed at a late stage of the disease when significant lung damage has already occurred; these patients require drugs that can halt further life-threatening declines in lung function and repair damaged lung tissue.
?The broad opportunity areas in COPD include,
Closing statement: Successfully targeting these opportunities would help drug marketers to capture substantial patient share in COPD and achieve commercial success.
Thelansis report on COPD provides in-depth insights into the disease and patient segments, along with the areas of unmet need and drug development pipeline. The report answers key questions such as,
KOL Perspectives:
“In COPD, low-risk patients, the only treatment we recommend is bronchodilators however, the high-risk patients will be prescribed different drugs in addition to bronchodilators depending on their level of risk and complexity”. Italy-based - Pulmonologist
“For better control of symptoms, in COPD patients, anti-cholinergic LAMA is the most favoured option, and among this, inhaled preparation of tiotropium or umeclidinium is the one usually prescribed because they provide good control over the symptoms and improves pulmonary function.” Spain-based – Pulmonologist
About Thelansis
Thelansis specializes in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical business research and consulting Company, published reports across the therapeutic area, including both rare / ultra-rare and mainstream indications. Over the period, we have built a strong repository of 6,000+ bio-pharma reports covering epidemiology studies and market forecasting, as well as opportunity assessment based on the KOL interviews and conference coverage. Competitive intelligence and conference coverage throughout the phases of asset development executed by a team with a mix of Scientific and Business backgrounds. As an organization, the major focus is to provide real-world data evidence and market insight to pharmaceutical companies for their decision-making.
Offerings in the orphan indications: Syndicated reports/offerings for the major markets, epidemiology, customized market research including KOL interviews, PMR surveys, pipeline research, conference coverage, market forecast models, and consulting.
The developers and marketers of drugs in orphan indications can engage Thelansis for customized market research. They can gain possible solutions for ensuring considerable market penetration for their respective therapies.
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