The Chronic Life Diet Book
Margaret Aranda, MD, PhD
Author, Guidebook to Low Back Pain: Diagnosis and Treatment at Author, Vice Chair, Invisible Disabilities Association, Private Practice, Aranda MD Enterprises and Author, No More Tears... and more!
Your health is your wealth.
If you aren't spending money on your health, chances are that you are spending it on your future or current disease(s). An astounding 10,000 Baby Boomers turn age 65 per day. The 85 and older crowd is the fastest-growing population, such that by 2030, almost 20% of the population will be in this group.
Seventy percent of the US is overweight and it's not so hard to lose it. If you focus on hedonistic value, you eat what makes you feel good - it attracts you because you know that the day can start and end with you feeling fantastic! Because you did something for yourself all day long, and you did it starting with today!
Stay tuned, Follow us on Twitter, and try a couple of organic recipes!!
Don't have Twitter yet? Go ahead and do it now. You'll be glad you did as we walk you through life choices that make you better From the Inside Out and One Spoon at a Time.
#1 Action Point: To start on a diet, be practical. You'll sleep better at night without stunting your own growth hormone production by eating sugar at bedtime. As you get ready to Eat From the Inside Out, take a look at what kind of food you have at home. Note processed meat, boxed cereal, pasta, bread, popcorn, alcohol, cigarettes, cake, soda, candy, and ice cream - don't buy it and bring it home. Go out for a scoop of ice cream, instead.
#2: Don't Stuff Yourself: There will come a day when you can turn your nose up at habits that cause inflammation because IT's YOUR CHOICE! Notice how good you feel when you eat healthy food! Make yourself an Egg White Omelette. Watch how you feel afterward: not hungry, not stuffed! Way to go!
#3 Don't Get Hungry: Instead of starving yourself to pig out, snack a few times a day. Grab an organic apple and a handful of almonds!
Never go without food in your car or at work, or you set yourself up for self-sabotage and failure. If going home and eating after work is your weakest point, identify it and do something about it: have sex, go for a walk, talk on the phone with an old friend, or read that book. And yes, having sex counts as a workout.
#4 Stay Educated: Turn to trusted sources to understand what aging does to your body. Of course, we write our own articles on aging for men and women.
#5 Do Something FREE: For a FREE eating program that hundreds and thousands of patients have done, go to ;)!
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