Chronic Fabulists
As you likely guessed, my early morning was taken up with removing last night's snow at various locations, and fortunately we didn't get as much as expected. It now appears we have another storm moving our way which is gonna possibly deliver another two or more inches. So much for being on the down-hill slide of winter. Just think, on March the ninth we'll be turning our clocks forward, and then on the twenty-first, we'll be officially entering the season of Spring once more.
After my shoveling was completed and my hands fully thawed-out, I grabbed a small file and headed out to a financial institution located out on the far west end of our City, and closed out an account I had with them for well over a decade. Considering these near-daily changes that are taking place in our Federal and State governments, I felt it to be a wise move to begin liquidating and consolidating, which in the end, will make things more streamlined and manageable.
I just about blew a gasket when discovering a certain un-named lender switched loan programs on a buyer of one of my sold listings without alerting me, which is likely going to create a few more bumps in that transaction. Of course I placed a call to that loan originator, asking why such a switch was made without alerting me. Well, as we all know, there are those who can come up with the weakest of excuses. I then called the seller, just to let him know what was going on. Fortunately everything on the seller's end is moving forward as planned, so if there's a future hold-up, it'll be on that lender and buyer. You can be sure I'm not the happiest of campers over that change having been made without prior notification.
There was a planned lunch with my out-of-town relatives at a local restaurant, but when we arrived, they happened to be closed, so we ended up at the Happy Donkey which is located in the courtyard of our Mall. My gosh! We were the only customers they had until another couple arrived about fifteen minutes later, who left about the same time we did, and likely because they we sick of listening to a heated debate I was having with one of my relatives.
Before I headed out for lunch, I promised myself that I wouldn't get sucked into any subject relating to what's been happening since our new POTUS was elected, but for whatever reason, something was said to me that tripped my trigger. After a good twenty minutes of heated debate, we finally realized neither one was going to back down, but at least we put down our 'swords' and admitted we still loved each other.
Over these many years, I've been pretty good at keeping my personal opinions regarding religion and politics to myself, but I find it even a more difficult pill to swallow when in conversation with blood relatives. After today, I now fully understand how divided families can become when they're on opposite sides of a political fence. My stern reminder was to make sure to fact-check any and all questionable news because there are troops of chronic fabulists who're disseminating very harmful lies which get eaten up by the subscribers of those various news feeds. The age of information is turning a very many into idiot minions.
My last little duty of the day, was to attend one of our City's Planning and Zoning Commission meetings which took place on the 2nd Floor of City Hall. Truth be told, I dare say it's been well over a decade since I attended one of them, and the only reason for me being there, was to be a proverbial mouse in the corner, simply to watch the whole process of getting that property I have sold that's located at 2708 - 19th St. SW, zoning changed from Z2 to Z3 which if fully approved by our City Council, will allow the buyer of that property to build a showroom on it for his business.
While listening to the comments made by several of those property owners who live about a block away, I was once again reminded how easily older people can get some of the most remarkable ideas in their heads, along with today's ever-present circling clouds of conspiracy. My goodness! To think there are people wanting that worn-out residence and rickety garage to remain as it's been for the last three decades or more, which had me shaking my head in disbelief. Oh well, there was a unanimous vote of approval by the Commission, which will then send it to our City Council for three consecutive sessions before the zoning change is approved. Wow! Talk about government red tape.
Tonight's One-liner is: As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
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